PROFESSIONAL ASSIGNMENTS. A. The district will endeavor to give teachers their tentative assignments on the first school day in June, but no later than the last day of school. In the event that changes in such schedule are proposed, all teachers affected shall be notified promptly and consulted. Changes shall only be made when necessary. The secondary administration shall communicate with staff regarding the criteria used in the scheduling process.
B. Any assignments except student teaching assignments consistent with the terms of this Agreement, in addition to the normal teaching schedule during the regular school year, including adult education courses, driver education, extra duties enumerated in Appendix B, and summer school courses, shall not be obligatory but shall be with the consent of the teachers. In making such above-listed assignments, the Board will give first consideration to present employees where their qualifications are equal to those of other candidates. It is understood that these are annual and not continuing assignments and that no tenure in position shall accrue by virtue of previous assignment. Teachers denied a Schedule B assignment will be given the reasons for denial. The reasons for failure to employ a teacher in a Schedule B assignment will be given in writing if requested by the teacher. If teachers are to be evaluated for Schedule B assignments, the form for such evaluation will be discussed with the Association and teacher prior to use. Schedule B contracts for the next school year will be distributed to teachers by June 1.
PROFESSIONAL ASSIGNMENTS. 11.1 The Board will continue the practice of hiring only fully certificated degree teachers. In cases where it is not possible to hire such teachers, then the Board may fill position(s) with a teacher holding temporary certification, and the Association shall be so informed. The Board will continue to seek fully certificated degree teachers for such positions and make replacements as soon as practicable.
11.2 Teachers shall be assigned classes within the limits of their eligibility.
11.3 Teachers will be informed, in writing, of their tentative assignment for the following year one (1) week prior to the completion of the school year. Since these assignments are tentative and changes may of necessity occur, teachers who will be affected by a change in grade assignments in the elementary schools or by changes in subject assignments in the high school and middle school will be notified and consulted by their principal.
11.4 Any consenting teacher temporarily assigned administrative duties shall remain a member of the bargaining unit. Such a teacher shall be designated as "temporary administrator." Building administrators will appoint before the end of the current year a certified staff member from those interested for assignment the next year if such appointment is necessary.
PROFESSIONAL ASSIGNMENTS. A. Teacher clerks or teacher helpers shall not be used as substitute teachers. Student teachers and teacher’s aides, so defined in the School Code, shall not act as substitute teachers except as it may be permitted in the regular course of the teacher’s training program with the approval of the sponsoring college or university.
B. The provisions of Sections A of this Article shall be subject to reasonable exceptions and deviations during the first three weeks of each semester or other enrollment term and thereafter only in the case of emergencies. In the event of such emergencies, the Association will be notified of the deviation or exception and the reasons for the same.
1. All 9 through 12 teachers shall be granted the equivalent of one (1) full day during each semester set by the Administration to be used for updating records, and completing other professional duties.
2. All Young 5’s through 8 teachers shall be granted the equivalent of one-half (1/2) day together with one (1) early release or late start time during the first semester and K through 5 teachers will receive one and one-half (1½) days during the second semester set by the Administration to be used for updating records and completing other professional duties. Kindergarten and developmental kindergarten teachers shall receive an additional one-half day each semester if they are teaching two (2) sections of those classes in each day and the total student enrollment exceeds thirty-seven (37).
PROFESSIONAL ASSIGNMENTS. Insofar as possible, all faculty members in a school or other academic learning environment including, but not limited to, virtual schools, school without walls, and web-based instructional programs shall have equitable loads of classes and other professional duties. Scheduling shall take into consideration such extra, non-compensated duties assigned to unit members. The principal and the faculty in each school shall design a procedure for assigning such duties on an equitable basis.
PROFESSIONAL ASSIGNMENTS. A. A vacancy shall be defined at a position that was caused by the resignation, retirement, transfer, termination or created/modified by the employer.
B. All vacancies described in the above section shall be sent to employees’ school email addresses.
C. The employer in filling ancillary staff positions shall consider: • Highly Qualified based on Michigan Department of Education requirements • Certification/ESEA Qualification • North Central guidelines • Seniority • Prior experience • Other factors as identified in the posting
D. When the vacancy occurs during the school year to avoid undue disruption, the employer may fill the position temporarily. The position shall be posted at the end of the school year. The term “assignment” as used in this paragraph means assignment within the subject matter of instruction in the middle school and senior high school, and grade level in elementary school.
E. It is agreed by the parties that from time to time it is in the best interest or necessary to transfer employees. Transfer is not caused by an opening as described above and it does not require posting. When a need for transfer occurs, the Employer shall request volunteers. If no volunteers are available, then the factors used to fill vacancies shall be used to complete the transfer.
F. Employees hired with more than five (5) years of experience in another district shall be termed probationary for up to two (2) years but shall not be subject to the requirements of Section 1526 of the School Code. Employees in their first three (3) years of employment shall be subject to the terms of Section 1526, calling for the IDP process, identification of mentor, and professional development requirements as described in parts:
1. A mentor will be assigned by the Administration to the Association member mentee upon entrance of the employee into the system. The mentor insofar as possible shall be a tenured employee in the same building, grade, or discipline as the probationary employee. It shall be the duty of the mentor to assist and counsel the mentee in acclimating to the teaching profession and the school system.
2. As condition of continued employment, each probationary employee subject to the profession development requirements of Section 1526 of the School Code of 1976 (or its successor provision) shall complete those requirements within the time provided by statute. The Board shall not be obligated to compensate the probationary employee for either the time connected with...
PROFESSIONAL ASSIGNMENTS. A Teachers shall be assigned to teaching assignments within the scope of their teaching certificates, and where applicable, meet the highly qualified guidelines of the Michigan Department of Education and the ESEA/NCLB Act of 2001. A teacher, who does not meet the highly qualified guidelines of the Michigan Department of Education and the ESEA/NCLB Act of 2001 for positions that are available, may be assigned to a position that does not require the teacher to meet the highly qualified guidelines of the Michigan Department of Education and the ESEA/NCLB Act of 2001.
PROFESSIONAL ASSIGNMENTS. A. Length of Work Day The length of the member workday shall not exceed 7.5 consecutive hours and shall include a thirty (30) minute duty free lunch period. This shall not preclude additional hours for faculty meetings, special education staffing, parent conferences, open house and curriculum night. Part-time staff members will be expected to be available for parent-teacher conferences.
PROFESSIONAL ASSIGNMENTS. Any assignment in addition to the normal teaching schedule during the regular school year, including driver education, extra duties enumerated in Schedule B and summer course, shall not be obligatory, but shall be with the consent of the teacher. Preference in making such assignments shall be given to those qualified teachers regularly employed by the school district, unless the assignment is currently held by a qualified person other than a teacher regularly employed by the school district. In that event, the administration would not necessarily have to give preference to a teacher regularly employed by the school district but will give all qualified applicants equal consideration. Summer school shall be compensated according to the same hourly rate paid for teaching during preparation time (2005-2006 $26.50 per hour). The rate shall increase $0.25 per hour in each successive year of the agreement. The administration shall have the right to select which faculty members who previously taught in the summer school program and who satisfactorily continued to serve in the summer program in successive years (without interruption) shall have the right to continue in that capacity. Any summer school program that is not operated by the White Cloud Public Schools, or a consortium (excluding grant funded programs per Article III Section N) that includes White Cloud Public Schools, will not be subject to compensation and benefits set forth in this contract.
PROFESSIONAL ASSIGNMENTS. 11.1 Teachers in the Lebanon High School and departmentalized teachers at the Lebanon Middle School shall not be assigned more than four (4) different subject preparations or more than five (5) periods of classroom instruction for any given school day. All teachers in Lebanon Middle School and Lebanon High School shall have one (1) personal planning period per day equal to one (1) class period within the student school day. If a teacher agrees to teach an additional class in lieu of a duty at the high school or personal preparation period at the middle school, that teacher will be compensated at a rate of 1/5 of his/her base salary. All teachers in Grades K- 4 shall have one planning period per day of at least 40 consecutive minutes which will occur during the student day. Teachers at all grade levels shall have a duty-free lunch equal in length to the student lunch period. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the building administrator has the right to assign a teacher to any duty related to the education and/or supervision of students at any time during the teacher work day. Teachers may agree to perform duties before or after the work day in lieu of a duty during the teacher work day.
11.2 The length of the teacher workday shall not exceed 7.5 hours which will be assigned during the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Starting and ending times will be established by the building principal and Superintendent and may vary from building to building so long as the starting time for all teachers in any one building is the same. This shall not preclude the need for additional hours for carrying out faculty and departmental meetings, support for program adoption/changes, parent conferences, pupil placement team meetings, orientation and open house. Administration will provide staff with an anticipated schedule of regular faculty and departmental meetings at the conclusion of each school year. It is understood that such schedules may be changed during the summer or during the school year to meet the needs of the District with reasonable notice to teachers. The Administration will make reasonable effort to keep such extra meetings to a minimum.
11.3 There shall be 1.5 days without students twice during each academic year for parent-teacher conferences conducted by teachers of students in grades K-8. The conference days shall be scheduled on Thursdays and Fridays collaboratively between the Lebanon Education Association and the Administration.
11.4 A. Not...
PROFESSIONAL ASSIGNMENTS. Each non-teaching professional staff employee shall be placed to the extent practicable in a position which will most effectively use the non-teaching professional staff employee's skills, experience, and qualifications while providing for the present and future staff needs of the District.