Project Position definition

Project Position means a position, established by an employ- er, which has a specific goal and end date.
Project Position in which the incumbent is employed for the duration of a project;
Project Position means a position created to accomplish a special one-time need or task and projected to extend from six to 24 months in duration.

Examples of Project Position in a sentence

  • From*To*Company, Project, Position, and Relevant Technical and Management Experience* Others Bidder’s Qualification To establish its qualifications to perform the contract in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, the Bidder shall provide the information requested in the corresponding Information Sheets included hereunder.

  • Name: Proposed Project Position: Number of years experience in the proposed position: Number of years experience in this field of work: Detail Training/Education(Repeat the format below for as many degrees/certificates as are relevant to this proposal.

  • From* To* Company, Project, Position and Relevant Technical and Management Experience* Note: In case of e-submission the Resume of Proposed Personnel shall be submitted on notification by the Employer as per ITB 27.

  • Project Position - positions that are established on a full-time or part-time basis and are utilized to perform a specific function or project with the terms of employment depending on the continuing need or funding for the function being performed.

  • From*To*Company, Project, Position, and Relevant Technical andManagement Experience* Others Bidder’s Qualification To establish its qualifications to perform the contract in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, the Bidder shall provide the information requested in the corresponding Information Sheets included hereunder.

More Definitions of Project Position

Project Position in which the incumbent is employed for the duration of a project. The nature and expected duration of the project and the period of employment shall be specified in the Employee’s letter of appointment.
Project Position means a position, established by an employer, which has a specific goal and end date.415-108-462 Location restricted compensation—Employer policy. [Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050 and 41.40.020. WSR 94-16-086, § 415-108-462, filed 8/1/94, effective 8/1/94.] Repealed by WSR 96-01-046, filed 12/14/95, effective 1/14/96. Statutory Authority: RCW Back pay award or settlement—Definition—Allocated by the department for retirement system purposes. [Stat- utory Authority: RCW 41.40.010(8) and 41.40.020. WSR 87-17-061 (Order DRS 87-08), § 415-108-490,filed 8/19/87.] Repealed by WSR 98-09-059, filed 4/17/98, effective 5/18/98. Statutory Authority: RCW Public employees' retirement board. [Statutory Author- ity: RCW 41.40.120(17). WSR 86-13-023 (Order 86-3),§ 415-108-500, filed 6/10/86.] Decodified by WSR 97-
Project Position means a salaried position established as such in which the incumbent is required for continuous employment for a limited period of normally less than one (1) year except at the Employer’s discretion where it may extend to a maximum period of sixteen (16) months, and to work not less than the periods specified in Sub-clause 1.01(al). If the project is renewed for a second year, the Employee shall be placed into a continuous position. A "Project Position" includes an "Apprenticeship Position" in which the incumbent is initially hired as an apprentice as defined under the Apprenticeship and Training Act.
Project Position means a position created by the City Manager for a limited duration of time and for a specific project, irregular workloads, or emergencies. Project positions are typically funded by grants or other non-continuous funding sources. Project positions may not exceed two years without the approval of the City Council.
Project Position means a position, established by an employer, that has a specific goal and end date.
Project Position means a position, established by an employer, which has a specific goal and end date.
Project Position in which the incumbent is employed for the duration of a project of greater than three (3) months but less than eighteen (18) months. Should the termination of Project Position not occur within 18 months from the commencement date of the appointment, the Employee shall become Permanent Full-time or Permanent Part-time as applicable. Such Employees shall not be rehired to another Temporary appointment within the same Classification, Department and Geographic Location for one (1) year following the date of termination. AMD (iii) “Replacement Position” in which the incumbent is employed to provide temporary relief or over-load duties for an Employee who is on an approved leave in excess of three (3) months but less than eighteen (18) months, to replace an Employee who is on leave due to illness or injury where the Employee has indicated the duration of the leave will be in excess of three (3) months but less than eighteen (18) months.