Quality Assurance Manual definition
Examples of Quality Assurance Manual in a sentence
Successful tenderers will be required to submit Quality Assurance Manual and Safety manual made as per applicable specification for various items of work and get the same approved from Engineer before start of work and the adhere the same during actual execution of work.
It is therefore essential that the Quality Assurance Manual and Plan prepared by the Concessionaire be checked and approved.
The Sampling Strategy and Procedures shall be in accordance with Characterization of Hazardous Waste Sites A Methods Manual: Volume II., Available Sampling Methods, EPA-600/4-84-076, or EPA Region IV Engineering Compliance Branch's Standard Operating Procedure and Quality Assurance Manual (SOP).
Environmental Investigations Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual.
The Independent Engineer shall also review the Safety Report and furnish its comments thereon to the Authority within 30 (thirty) days of receiving such report.4.4. The Independent Engineer shall review the detailed design, construction methodology and the procurement, engineering and construction time schedule sent to it by the Concessionaire and furnish its comments within 30 (thirty) days of receipt thereof.4.5. Quality Assurance Manual and Plan forms the basis of quality of the work.