Residential Tower definition
Examples of Residential Tower in a sentence
In April of 2013, the Carlyle DRB approved the original design by FxFowle for the South Residential Tower.
The main focus of the DRB meetings and work sessions in 2016 had been on the significantly modified architectural style of the new proposal for the South Residential Tower, and reconciling that design with guidelines that were written for a markedly different concept.
Related Project No. 5 is the USC Parkside II Residential Tower that was also completed on Subarea 1A of the Project site.
Residential Tower 1, 2, and 3 have 1160 units in total, averaging approximately 390 per building.
The Skirball Residential Tower accommodates about 13% of the medical students housed in the School’s owned portfolio.
Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the South Residential Tower, the Applicant shall submit to DCRA evidence that the Applicant has submitted a signed First Source Employment Agreement to DOES in substantial conformance with the First Source Employment Agreement submitted at Exhibit 26I in Z.C. Case No. 05-38.
Consideration was given to the report introduced by Councillor Wallis, Cabinet Member for Housing, which sought approval to accept a tender for the Services Refurbishment works at Beeversleigh Residential Tower Block, Clifton Lane.
The South Residential Tower and the liner units together provide a total of 368 units (tower: 360 units; low-rise component: 8 units) with approximately 100,000 square feet of parking garage space.
For the current design, sanitary flows from the Building 1 Residential Tower will be discharged through a proposed 10-inch service into an existing 16-inch sewer main in Main Street.
Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the South Residential Tower, the Applicant shall submit to DCRA evidence that the Applicant has made contributions to the following community organizations.