Payment Cláusulas de Ejemplo

Payment. Xxxxxx set up will not be allowed unless they are paid in full.
Payment. 1.5.1 The Resident agrees and confirms that the following payments need to be made prior to the Check-In Date: a. First Monthly Rent
Payment. The Contract Price shall be payable in accordance with the payment schedule set out in the Agreement. All payments shall be made by the Purchaser to TOMRA within the time specified for payment in TOMRA's proper invoice to the bank account nominated by TOMRA.
Payment. Payment will be made according to the following disbursement scheme in local currency and will be disbursed within a maximum period of 30 days, after delivery and acceptance of the expected products. Payment Condition Description Term After the presentation of product 1 to the full satisfaction of UN Women and delivery of the invoice. First payment equivalent to 20% of the total contract 30 days After the presentation of product 2 to the full satisfaction of UN Women and delivery of the invoice. Second payment equivalent to 40% of the total contract 60 days After the presentation of product 3 to the full satisfaction of UN Women and delivery of the invoice. Third payment equivalent to 40% of the total contract 90 days It will be paid 30 days after receiving the products/deliverables to the satisfaction of UN Women, and according to the fulfillment of the expected products. The products must be delivered to the coordination of the project digitally.
Payment. Within twenty (20) business days from the end of each Calendar Quarter, and subject to any applicable adjustments set forth in this Annex “X”, Xxxxx shall pay to the Beneficiary the Royalty attributable to that Calendar Quarter. Such payment shall be a monetary payment, whether in cash, check, bank transfer or any other monetary payment instrument, unless the Beneficiary elects to take the Royalty in kind pursuant to Section 6 of this Annex “B”. In the event that such payment becomes due prior to final settlement with a smelter, refiner or other bona fide first hand purchaser for one or more Mineral plot, then Payor shall pay the Beneficiary a provisional Royalty based upon the preliminary settlement. Payments of the provisional Royalty shall be subject to subsequent adjustment as provided below in Section 4.
Payment. Once the General Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and all the requested data have been accepted, the Clubber must make the payment through: ! The platform ! Zooz is an independent payment platform that facilitates a secure and agile transaction to the Clubber. Any question or incident about said payment system should be addressed directly to Andjoy assumes no responsibility for the proper functioning or use of Zooz made by the Clubber. ! Or any gateway integrated into the Platform, such as credit card or PayPal.
Payment. All invoice payments by Purchaser shall be due within 30 calendar days from invoice date, in immediately available, freely transferable US funds at conTeyor®'s office or to specified accounts in accordance with written instructions from conTeyor® las cuentas que conTeyor® especifique por escrito, o en cualquier otra forma que las partes acuerden por escrito. Si una factura no se paga a la fecha de su vencimiento, la factura estará en incumplimiento y el saldo insoluto devengará intereses moratorios a una tasa del 12% anual hasta su pago total. Además, las Partes acuerdan que, en caso de incumplimiento de pago, todas las demás facturas emitidas al Comprador y los importes pendientes de pago serán inmediatamente exigibles por parte de conTeyor®, incluso si la fecha de vencimiento es posterior. En el caso de cualquier controversia sobre el monto facturado y exigible conforme a los presentes Términos y Condiciones, el Comprador deberá, sin excusa, realizar su pago de acuerdo a lo aquí establecido, en el entendido de que dicho pago no comprenderá renuncia alguna a los derechos o acciones que el Comprador pueda ejercer respecto a dicha cantidad en disputa. Ningún pago mediante letras de cambio, pagarés o cualquier otro tipo de instrumento de crédito será válido a menos de que conTeyor® lo autorice previamente y por escrito. En caso de falta de pago de una letra de cambio o de un instrumento de crédito en su fecha de vencimiento, todos los montos y facturas subsecuentes serán inmediatamente exigibles, incluyendo todas las facturas, notas e instrumentos de crédito, cuya fecha de vencimiento sea posterior. Hasta en tanto el pago haya sido realizado en su totalidad, los Productos vendidos permanecerán en propiedad de conTeyor®. conTeyor® no será responsable de cubrir los daños causados por el incumplimiento o negativa del Comprador a recibir los Productos, sujeto a la falta de pago que se establece en la presente cláusula, o a su negativa de tomar posesión de los Productos a su entrega. Además de lo previsto en este documento y en la Orden de Compra, en caso de incumplimiento por parte del Comprador, conTeyor® se reserva el derecho de ejercitar todos y cada uno de los recursos y acciones a los que tenga derecho, según la legislación aplicable.
Payment. Payments shall be made 60 days after the invoice date, by bank transfer (on 5th and 20th of each month) unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing by the parties.
Payment. The payment of the Rent will be made monthly in advance. The invoice must be issued within the first five days of each month and will be paid before the end of the month in which was issued.
Payment. Any and all considerations, expenses or reimbursements to be paid by America Movil and in favor of Telmex shall be paid at Telmex's address.