INDUSTRIAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. 11.1. Without prejudice to the provisions of section 11.2 below, each party remains sole owner of its information, data, methods, processes, patterns, designs, drawings or know-how, inventions, whether issued or acquired previously or within the execution of the order, whether or not susceptible of a protection by any title to intellectual property (the “IP rights”). 11.1.1 If the Purchaser’s IP rights are required for the performance of the order, Purchaser may grant to the Supplier a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited to the execution of the order, right to use said IP right, without charge, the Supplier forbidding any copy or reproduction nor use for any other purpose than the performance of the order. 11.1.2 Supplier grants to the Purchaser, on any IP rights needed for the use or exploitation of the Products, without any other price than the payment of the price of the Products, a right non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide to use and exploit said IP rights. This right being transmissible to any person of Purchaser’s choice and especially to its subcontractors and/or the assignees of the Products, for the validity period of the IP rights, for design, manufacture and commercialization of its leurs produits. own products purposes.
INDUSTRIAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The names of “IRFTS” and “EASY ROOF”; as same as any, figurative or non figurative marks, and more generally any marks, illustrations, pictures and logotypes appearing on the goods, their packing, either recorded or not, shall be and remain the exclusive property of IRFTS. Any partial or complete reproduction, modification or use of these marks, illustrations, pictures and logotypes, regardless of the reason or of the material thereof, without the prior and written agreement of IRFTS will be strictly forbidden. The same rules will apply to any combination or conjunction of any marks, symbol, logotype and more generally to any distinctive signs intended to design a composite logo. The same rules will apply to any copyrights, designs and patents property of IRFTS. All technical documents given to our Customers remain the exclusive property of IRFTS, the sole holder of industrial and intellectual property rights over these documents. These documents must be returned at IRFTS’ request. Our Customers agree not to use these documents in any way which might endanger the industrial or intellectual property rights of IRFTS. Our Customers also agree not to divulge any information regarding these documents to a third party, without the written agreement of IRFTS. Article 13 –
INDUSTRIAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. It is the Exhibitors’ responsibility to ensure the intellectual and/or industrial protection of the materials or products they exhibit and/or the services they offer, in accordance with current French and/or European and/or international legal and regulatory provisions. Please note: the Organiser specifies that the Show is not included in the list of events exempted from the principle of non-disclosure of inventions set out in the French Intellectual Property Code. Exhibitors must certify that the materials or products they exhibit and/or the services they offer do not infringe any intellectual and/or industrial property rights, personality rights or other private rights belonging to a third party. Exhibitors must hold the Organiser harmless against any action, claim or complaint from any third party in respect of the materials or products they exhibit and/or the services they offer at the Show. They undertake to indemnify the Organiser (i) for any expenses incurred by the latter or (ii) for any sums it may be required to pay to such third parties (including any damages, legal representation fees, legal costs, expert fees, postage and service charges) in application of any court ruling that becomes final, or any settlement, conciliation, mediation or arbitration. If any measures for protection or the establishing of evidence are taken at a third party’s request at any Exhibitor's site (such as seizure), the Exhibitor must inform the Organiser immediately and make every effort to avoid any negative consequences for the Organiser, other Exhibitors and the public.
INDUSTRIAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. 6.1. Intellectual and Industrial Property The studies, plans, models and techniques used in respect of the Contract and the Order, which may entail industrial or intellectual property rights, are the property of WFR. 6.2. Confidentiality 6.2.1. The Supplier undertakes to treat as confidential any and all past, present and/or future technical, commercial and other information and/or data, to which fulfilment of the WFR Order gives it access (“Confidential Information”), and this irrespective of medium, material or immaterial, oral or written, on which the information or data are forwarded or recorded. 6.2.2. It shall keep the Confidential Information secret, applying the same degree of vigilance as that used in respect of the Supplier’s own confidential information and with at least the same due care and attention. Within ninety (90) days of termination or expiry of the Contract, WFR may demand the deletion of the Confidential Information. Deletion is taken to mean the taking of reasonable measures with a view to returning it to its rightful owner or destroying any and all copies, including electronic data. Such destruction must be confirmed in writing. Deletion must take place within thirty (30) days of the request. 6.2.3. Exceptionally, the Supplier may disclose certain items of Confidential Information to its employees and/or Subcontractors, strictly limited to what they reasonably need to know to carry out their services and on the sole proviso that they themselves are bound by obligations of confidentiality of the same kind and the same strictness as those set out in these GC. The Supplier undertakes to assume full and complete responsibility for any breaches for which its employees or Subcontractors may be responsible under the provisions of this article 6. 6.2.4. Any items emanating from WFR, like models, tools, moulds, and drawings, necessary to fulfil the Order, must be assigned exclusively to such use and may not be reproduced or passed on to or used by third parties, for any reason whatsoever, without the express prior written permission of WFR. 6.3. Counterfeits 6.3.1. Any and all similar or identical products or products likely to cause confusion between such products and WFR products, manufactured or marketed by the Supplier without prior written authorisation from WFR, shall be deemed counterfeits.
INDUSTRIAL AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. 11.1. Without prejudice to the provisions of section 11.2 below, each party remains sole owner of its information, data, methods, processes, patterns, designs, drawings or know- how, inventions, whether issued or acquired previously or within the execution of the order, whether or not susceptible of a protection by any title to intellectual property (the “IP rights”). 11.1.1 If the Purchaser’s IP rights are required for the performance of the order, Purchaser may grant to the Supplier a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited to the execution of the order, right to use said IP right, without charge, the Supplier forbidding any copy or reproduction nor use for any other purpose than the performance of the order. 11.1.2 Supplier grants to the Purchaser, on any IP rights needed for the use or exploitation of the Products, without any other price than the payment of the price of the Products, a right non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide to use and exploit said IP rights. This right being transmissible to any person of Purchaser’s choice and especially to its subcontractors and/or the assignees of the Products, for the validity period of the IP rights, for design, manufacture and commercialization of its own products purposes. 11.2 The Supplier transfers, exclusively to the Purchaser, all results, items, data developed from the Purchaser’s specifications, and especially any IP rights resulting from the order’s performance or developed on behalf of the Purchaser. As such, for the results that could be protected by author’s rights, the Supplier transfers to the Purchaser all author’s rights, including the right of representation, reproduction, translation, modification, adaptation, use and distribution, on any media, worldwide and for the duration of the author’s rights. Supplier expressly undertakes to make no other use of these results, items and data otherwise than for the execution of the order. 11.3. Supplier guarantees that the Products to be supplied and any part of them do not infringe any patent, license, industrial patent right, copyright, mask work right or any other industrial and/or intellectual property right of any third party. Supplier guarantees that it has full right to use, produce and sell the Products to be supplied and that Purchaser shall have full right to use and re-sell such Products. According to this warranty, Supplier agrees to hold Purchaser harmless against any claim or action for infringement of a third party industr...


  • Propriété intellectuelle REPRODUCTION DES ŒUVRES Artcurial SAS est propriétaire du droit de reproduction de son catalogue. Toute repro- duction de celui-ci est interdite et consti- tue une contrefaçon à son préjudice. En outre Artcurial SAS dispose d’une déroga- tion lui permettant de reproduire dans son catalogue les œuvres mises en vente, alors même que le droit de reproduction ne serait pas tombé dans le domaine public. Toute reproduction du catalogue de Artcurial SAS peut donc constituer une reproduction illicite d’une œuvre exposant son auteur à des poursuites en contrefaçon par le titulaire des droits sur l’œuvre. La vente d’une œuvre n’emporte pas au profit de son propriétaire le droit de reproduction et de présentation de l’œuvre.

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