INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 12.1 The Parties recognize that the Software is and shall remain the exclusive property of the CEA, which reserves all ownership rights on such basis. The license subject matter of this Agreement does not entail the transfer of any intellectual property right over the Software to the Licensee.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. All intellectual property, outputs and results (whether tangible or intangible) that derive from the Micro Project will be the property of the LP and the PPs; the LP and PPs are entitled to establish the property rights deriving from the Micro Project on an annex to this agreement. If there are pre-existing intellectual and industrial property rights which are made available to the Micro Project, these will be fully respected. Notwithstanding the terms of article 12.1, deliverables and outputs of the Micro Project have to be made available to the general public free of charge by the LP and PPs, unless they are subject to Intellectual Property Rights. The Micro Project results should be widely communicated and disseminated. The MA reserves the right to use them for information and communication actions in respect of the Programme. Any income or other economic advantage generated by the intellectual property rights must be managed in compliance with the applicable EU, national and Programme rules in the fields of Net-Revenue and state aid. [If the PPs should use the intellectual property rights for the deliverables, outputs and results of the Micro Project, details of their management should be included in Annex 1] 12.5 In addition to the general public rights described above, each PP will grants to the other PP’s a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free licence to use the other PP’ s Micro Project results for the performance of the Micro Project during the Micro Project implementation. 12.6 The PP’s owning Micro Project results will be solely responsible for deciding whether to apply for patent or other protection of their Micro Project results and, for the avoidance of doubt, will be under no obligations (other than any obligations described in the Annex 1) to apply for, defend, or maintain any such protection. Any such registration of rights must not affect the general rights and licences described above. 12.7 Where Micro Project results are co-owned, then the PPs concerned will agree between themselves the arrangements that will apply but these must be compatible with the terms of this Agreement. Article 12:
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 1. All intellectual property (whether tangible or intangible) that derive from the project will be the property of the lead partner and the project partners; the lead partner and project partners are entitled to establish the property rights deriving from the project under the project partnership agreement entered into by the parties.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. The Company retains ownership of and/or all rights to any inventions, patents, designs, trademarks and models or other intellectual property rights contained or reflected in any documents or information provided by or on behalf of the Company (whether in oral, written, magnetic, digital or other form) to the client in connection with the offer or sale, and the communication of such documents or information to the client does not confer any rights on the client in respect thereof. Any confidential information or its reproduction (authorized in writing by the Company) shall remain the exclusive property of the Company. The client indemnifies the Company against all claims, demands, damages, penalties, costs and expenses of whatever nature suffered and/or incurred by the Company by reason of or arising out of any alleged infringement or violation of any patent, registered or unregistered design, copyright, trademark, trade name or other intellectual and/or industrial property right.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. (1) The customer is obligated to notify DEKOM SAS immediately in the event that a product supplied by DEKOM SAS breaches intellectual property rights. The customer shall support DEKOM SAS in a reasonable manner during any potential disputes with rights holders.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. The Service must not be used to access, host, share, copy or distribute unlawful material in any way and in particular but without prejudice to the generality thereof material that is protected by Copyright, Trademark, Registered Design Rights or any other recognized Intellectual Property Rights without the express permission of the holder of such rights by any means in particular but without prejudice to the generality thereof by peer-to-peer file sharing. We, as providers of the Service, do not hold any responsibility for illegal acts committed by you while connecting to the Service. Any infraction committed against the intellectual property rights mentioned above is solely claimable against the user, not us or the manager/owner of the premises. You agree to indemnify us absolutely with regard to any liability arising in this respect.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS a. Nothing in this Agreement shall give or be deemed to give either Party either during or after the term of this Agreement any r ight, t i t le or int erest in any of the oth er Party' s formulations, trademarks or trade names. Any written material or drawings supplied by one Party to the other shall remain subject to the disclosing Party's copyright and other intellectual property rights and shall not be copied or us ed for any purpose other than satisf y ing the requirements of this Agreement. The receiving Party shall promptly return when requested by the disclosing Party all written materials and drawings so supplied.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. Orders for goods or services established on the basis of elements provided by Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx do not give the supplier / provider any right on these elements, on corresponding intellectual property rights –including brands- owned and remaining held by Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx.. 8.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 3.1 End-customer represents and warrants that it has the necessary rights, power and authority to transmit End-customer Data (as defined below) to Dell and any of Dell’s contractors, agents or subcontractors performing all or part of the Services under this Agreement. During the Term, End-customer grants to Dell a limited, non-exclusive licence to use the End-customer Data solely for all reasonable and necessary purposes contemplated by this End-customer Agreement and for Dell and Partner to perform the Services as contemplated hereunder. This End-customer Agreement does not transfer or convey to Dell or any third party any right, title or interest in or to the End-customer Data or any associated intellectual property rights, but only a limited right of use revocable in accordance with this End-customer Agreement.