Nantissement et cession forcée de parts sociales Clauses Exemplaires

Nantissement et cession forcée de parts sociales. Les parts sociales peuvent faire l'objet d'un nantissement constaté, soit par acte authentique, soit par acte sous seing privé signifié à la Société ou accepté par elle dans un acte authentique. Ce nantissement donne lieu à une publicité conforme aux dispositions réglementaires en vigueur, qui détermine le rang des créanciers nantis. Le privilège du créancier gagiste subsiste sur les droits sociaux nantis, par le seul fait de la publication du nantissement. Tout associé peut obtenir des autres associés leur consentement à un projet de nantissement dans les mêmes conditions que All the foregoing provisions shall apply without prejudice to the right of the transferring shareholder to renounce his project and retain his shares, provided that his renunciation is served by bailiff or notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Company before the expiry of a period of fifteen days from the date on which he was notified of all the particulars provided for in the preceding paragraph, including, if applicable, the price determined by expert opinion. In all cases where shares are acquired either by shareholders or by third parties designated by them, or redeemed by the Company, if the transferring shareholder refuses to sign the deed of transfer after having been given formal notice to do so, the transfer shall be automatically regularised by the management or the representative of the Company, specially authorised for this purpose, who shall sign the deed of transfer in his place. All supporting documents are attached to this deed, which describes the procedure followed. If the offer to purchase or redeem all the shares which are the subject of the transfer is not made to the transferring shareholder within six months of the last notification of the said project to the Company and to each of the shareholders, approval of the transfer shall be deemed to have been given, unless the other members unanimously decide within the same period of time to dissolve the Company early. In the latter case, the transferor may render this decision null and void by making it known that he renounces the transfer within one month of the said decision. These provisions relating to the absence of a purchase offer within the time limit are applicable in the event that the Company has notified the refusal of approval as well as in the event that it has failed to do so. Any transfer made in breach of this clause shall be void.