Payment default Clauses Exemplaires

Payment default. Any failure to pay an invoice on its due date will automatically entail refusal and/or suspension of the performance of the Contract without any prior formality being due, in each case up until the Customer fully pays the invoices that have fallen due. In the event of a payment default with respect to all or part of an amount due, Cdiscount Advertising may, at its discretion, consider all amounts owed by the Customer for services already performed to be due and payable. In addition and in accordance with the law, late payment interest will be calculated with respect outstanding amounts at a rate equal to three times the statutory interest rate. Moreover, failure to pay all or part of an invoice by its due date will result in a penalty equal to 20% of the amount due, plus late payment interest as indicated above. In accordance with articles L441-6 and D441-5 of the French Commercial Code, a lump-sum indemnity of at least €40 for recovery costs is payable in addition to late payment penalties (not subject to VAT). In addition, Cdiscount Advertising reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate the Contract and/or claim any damages. In addition to all other rights and claims, Cdiscount Advertising may terminate the dissemination of any Advertisement or performance of any Service for which payment has not been timely made or suspend the performance of the Services without prior formalities being due.
Payment default. 8.2.1 Any amount which is not paid including all taxes on its due date shall result in the Customer being required to pay penalties set at three times the statutory interest rate. Such penalties shall be payable automatically and shall be debited as a matter of course from the account of the Customer without any reminder or notice to pay being required in order to trigger such penalties for late payment.
Payment default. Any failure to pay an invoice on its due date will automatically entail refusal and/or suspension of the performance of the Contract without any prior formality being due, in each case up until the Customer fully pays the invoices that have fallen due. In the event of a payment default with respect to all or part of an amount due, Cdiscount Advertising may, at its discretion, consider all amounts owed by the Customer for services already performed to be due and payable. In addition and in accordance with the law, late payment interest will be calculated with respect outstanding amounts at a rate equal to three times the statutory interest rate. Moreover, failure to pay all or part of an invoice by its due date will result in a penalty equal to 20% of the amount due, plus late payment interest as indicated above. In accordance with articles L441-6 and D441-5 of the French Commercial Code, a lump-sum indemnity of at least €40 for recovery costs is payable in addition to late payment penalties (not subject to VAT). In addition, Cdiscount Advertising reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate the Contract and/or claim any damages. In addition to all other rights and claims, Cdiscount Advertising may terminate the dissemination of any Advertisement or performance of any In accordance with the Data Protection Regulation, the Customer undertakes to provide visitors to its website clear and specific information on any use that it could make of the Cookies and SDK or any other similar programs, including, without limitation, with respect to advertising and profiling. Within the framework of the Direct Marketing and on-line Activation Services, the Customer and Cdiscount Advertising are joint controllers within the meaning of Article 26 of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. As a result, any processing in relation to personal data in the context of such Services, particularly with regard to processing linked to the marketing of Advertising Space on Cdiscount Support and with regard to data processing using technical tools such as the Platform made available by Cdiscount Advertising, shall be carried out (i) under the responsibility of the Customer acting as joint controller as regards the determination of the purpose of the processing in relation to persons targeted in the context of the Advertising Campaign,
Payment default. In accordance with Article L 321-14 of the Code du commerce, in the event of failure to pay by the winning bidder, after notice summoning payment has been sent to the buyer by registered letter with return receipt requested and remains without effect, the item shall be re-auctioned on the seller's request; if the seller does not express this request within three months following the sale, PIASA shall be empowered to act in his name and on his behalf and may: - either notify the winning bidder of the automatic rescission of the sale, without prejudice to any damages that may be claimed. The defaulting winning bidder will remain liable to pay the auction costs; - or pursue the enforcement of the sale and payment of the hammer price and auction costs, for its own benefit and/or on behalf of the seller. XXXXX SA reserves the right to exclude any winning bidder who fails to pay, or who does not comply with these general terms and conditions of auction, from any future auctions. In this respect, the PIASA auction house is a member of the central registry for auctioneers for the prevention of non-payment (Registre central de prévention des impayés des Commissaires priseurs) with which payment incidents may be registered. The rights of access, rectification and opposition on legitimate grounds may be exercised by the debtor in question by contacting Symev, 00 xxx Xxxxxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxx.
Payment default. In the event of non-compliance with the payment terms, IZAAC reserves the right to suspend or cancel the provision of the services agreed with the Client, to suspend the performance of its obligations and to cancel any discounts granted to the latter.
Payment default. Pursuant to Article L.441-10 of the French Commercial Code, any sum remaining outstanding on the due date shall, as of right and without prior notice, accrue interest calculated on the basis of the interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its most recent refinancing operation, plus 10 percentage points, subject to a minimum of three times the statutory interest rate, plus a fixed debt collection fee of forty (40) euros. Furthermore, notwithstanding the foregoing and without prejudice to any action, the Customer shall be liable for a penalty clause payment equal to 10% of the sums remaining due; advance payments shall be permanently acquired by DPD. In the event of failure to observe any agreed due date, all invoices not yet due shall become so as a result, as of right, including any that have been the subject of bills of exchange; in this event, any special terms and conditions that may have been granted shall automatically lapse as a result. Furthermore, in any such event DPD shall be entitled to require cash payment of all sums owed or falling due as a result, before performing any further transport services.
Payment default. Settlements are cash.

Related to Payment default

  • ANNULATION La signature du contrat engage les deux parties de manière irrévocable. Aucune résiliation n’est possible sauf accord écrit des parties. Si le Preneur renonce à la location, il reste redevable de la totalité du loyer.

  • Obligations du Client Le Client est seul responsable et garantit la qualité, la licéité et la pertinence des Données Client. Plus généralement, le Client est seul responsable des contenus et messages diffusés et/ou téléchargés et/ou partagés via les Services récurrents. Le Client demeure le seul propriétaire des Données Client transitant par les Progiciels. Il garantit, en outre, être titulaire des droits lui permettant de traiter et de faire traiter par le Prestataire les Données Client. Le Client garantit le Prestataire à première demande contre tout préjudice qui résulterait de la mise en cause du Prestataire par un tiers pour une violation de cette garantie. Le Client, en tant que Responsable du Traitement, garantit au Prestataire que le traitement en cause satisfait aux exigences de la Législation DCP, notamment que les DCP sont traitées de manière licite, loyale et transparente, qu’elles ont été collectées pour des finalités déterminées, explicites et légitimes et que l’information requise aux personnes concernées par le traitement a bien été fournie au moment de la collecte des DCP. A ce titre, le Client garantit le Prestataire contre tout recours, plainte ou réclamation émanant d’une personne physique dont les DCP seraient traitées par le Prestataire pour le compte du Client et, en conséquence, à indemniser le Prestataire de toute condamnation de ce chef. Dans ce cadre également, le Client s’engage à ne pas réclamer au Prestataire une quelconque réparation dans le cas où il aurait été amené à réparer l’intégralité du dommage causé. Le Client s’engage à documenter, par écrit, toute instruction concernant le traitement de DCP par le Prestataire. Il donne à ce titre instruction au Prestataire d’effectuer les traitements décrits dans l’Annexe du Contrat « Description du traitement des DCP ». Le Client s’engage également à mettre à la disposition du Prestataire toute information nécessaire pour la bonne exécution de la sous-traitance et notamment communique dans un délai de cinq (5) jours à compter de la signature de la Proposition Commerciale les coordonnées (nom, prénom, email) de son Délégué à la Protection des Données (ou du correspondant DCP le cas échéant). Le Client veille, au préalable et pendant toute la durée du traitement, au respect des obligations prévues par la Législation DCP de la part du Prestataire, notamment au travers de la réalisation d’audits conformément à l’Article « Audit ».

  • Règlement des différends 8.1 Le règlement des différends peut être demandé par le fournisseur ou le bénéficiaire ou (nom de la personne morale désignée par l’Organe directeur), au nom de l’Organe directeur du Traité et du Système multilatéral y afférent.

  • MODIFICATION DU CONTRAT Pour permettre aux signataires du présent contrat de disposer d’une vision programmatique et budgétaire stable pendant la durée de la contractualisation, le plan d’actions pluriannuel du territoire présenté en annexe pourra faire l’objet d’une actualisation par le Comité de pilotage, sous réserve de s’inscrire en cohérence avec la présente stratégie. Dans l’hypothèse où des changements seraient apportés au statut juridique des signataires de la présente convention (création de PETR, fusion d’EPCI…), la nouvelle entité juridique sera substituée de plein droit à l’ancienne structure signataire. Les cocontractants sont informés de la substitution de personne morale par la nouvelle entité juridique.