SUBROGASI Klausul Contoh

SUBROGASI. 1. Setelah pembayaran ganti rugi atas Kendaraan Bermotor dan atau kepentingan yang dipertanggungkan dalam Polis ini, Penanggung menggantikan Tertanggung dalam hal hak penuntutan terhadap pihak ketiga sehubungan dengan kerugian tersebut. Hak Subrogasi termaksud dalam ayat ini berlaku dengan sendirinya tanpa memerlukan suatu surat kuasa khusus dari Tertanggung. 2. Tertanggung tetap bertanggung jawab atas setiap perbuatan yang mungkin dapat merugikan hak Penanggung terhadap pihak ketiga tersebut. 3. Kelalaian Tertanggung dalam melaksanakan kewajibannya tersebut pada ayat (2) di atas dapat menghilangkan atau mengurangi hak Tertanggung untuk mendapatkan ganti-rugi.
SUBROGASI. 16.1. Sesuai dengan Pasal 284 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang, setelah pembayaran ganti rugi atas harta benda dan atau kepentingan yang dipertanggungkan dalam Polis ini, Penanggung menggantikan Tertanggung dalam segala hak yang diperolehnya terhadap pihak ketiga sehubungan dengan kerugian tersebut. Hak Subrogasi termaksud dalam ayat ini berlaku dengan sendirinya tanpa memerlukan suatu surat kuasa khusus dari Tertanggung. 16.2. Tertanggung tetap bertanggung jawab atas setiap perbuatan yang mungkin dapat merugikan hak Penanggung terhadap pihak ketiga tersebut. 16.3. Kelalaian Tertanggung dalam melaksanakan kewajibannya tersebut pada ayat (16.2.) di atas dapat menghilangkan atau mengurangi hak Tertanggung untuk mendapatkan ganti-rugi.
SUBROGASI. Tertanggung atas biaya Penanggung melakukan dan setuju melakukan dan mengijinkan dilakukannya semua tindakan dan hal-hal yang mungkin diperlukan atau diminta oleh Penanggung demi kepentingan atas segala hak atau pemulihan, atau untuk memperoleh keringanan atau ganti rugi dari pihak-pihak (selain dari pihak yang diasuransikan pada Polis ini) terhadap mana Penanggung berhak atau seharusnya berhak atau memperoleh atau seharusnya memperoleh hak tuntut setelah mengganti atau membetulkan suatu kerugian atau kerusakan berdasarkan Polis ini, baik tindakan dan hal-hal tersebut perlu atau dipandang perlu atau dimintasebelum atau setelah pemberian ganti rugi Tertanggung oleh Penanggung.
SUBROGASI. 1. Setelah pembayaran ganti rugi atas Kendaraan Bermotor dan atau kepentingan yang dipertanggungkan dalam Polis ini, Penanggung menggantikan Tertanggung dalam hal hak penuntutan terhadap pihak ketiga sehubungan dengan kerugian tersebut. Hak Subrogasi termaksud dalam ayat ini berlaku dengan sendirinya tanpa memerlukan suatu surat kuasa khusus dari Tertanggung. 1. In the event of loss of or damage to the vehicle and or interest insured by this Policy, where such vehicle and or interest has also been insured by one or more other policies and the sum of the total sum insured under all policies (in force) is higher than the actual value of the vehicle and or interest immediately before the occurrence of loss, the maximum amount recoverable under this Policy shall be reduced proportionately based on the proportion of the total sum insured of this Policy to the sum of the total sum insured of all policies (in force), but the premium shall not be reduced or refunded. 2. The provision stated in paragraph (1) shall remain in effect, even though said insurances are made up of several policies effected on various different dates, if the date of the policy or all policies precede the date of this Policy and they do not contain provision as stipulated in paragraph (1) above.
SUBROGASI. 16.1. Sesuai dengan Pasal 284 Kitab Undang- Undang Hukum Dagang, setelah pembayaran ganti rugi atas harta benda dan atau kepentingan yang dipertanggungkan dalam Polis ini, Penanggung menggantikan Tertanggung dalam segala hak yang diperolehnya terhadap pihak ketiga sehubungan dengan kerugian tersebut. Hak in the provision of article 277 paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang), in the event of loss of or damage to the property and or interest insured by this Policy, where such property and or interest has also been insured by one or more other policies and the sum of the total sum insured under all policies (in force) is higher than the actual value of the property and or interest immediately before the occurrence of loss, the maximum amount recoverable under this Policy shall be reduced proportionately based on the proportion of the total sum insured of this Policy to the sum of the total sum insured of all policies (in force), but the premium shall not be reduced or refunded. 15.2. The above provision will be put into effect, even though said insurances are made up of multiple policies effected on various days, notwithstanding the stipulation of article 277 of the Commercial Code (Kitab Undang- Undang Hukum Dagang), i.e. if the date of the policy or all policies precede the date of this Policy and do not contain provision as stipulated in paragraph (15.1.) above. 15.3. In the event of loss or damage, the Insured is obliged to notify in writing of any other insurance in force covering the same property and or interest at the time of loss or damage. Should the Insured fails to comply with these requirements then his rights to indemnification shall be forfeited. ARTICLE 16 SUBROGATION 16.1. In accordance with Article 284 of the Commercial Code (Kitab Undang- Undang Hukum Dagang), upon payment of indemnity on the property and or interest insured by this Policy, the Insurer will replace the Insured as regard to any rights that the Insured has against third party concerning the loss. The right 16.2. Tertanggung tetap bertanggung jawab atas setiap perbuatan yang mungkin dapat merugikan hak Penanggung terhadap pihak ketiga tersebut. 16.3. Kelalaian Tertanggung dalam melaksanakan kewajibannya tersebut pada ayat (16.2.) di atas dapat menghilangkan atau mengurangi hak Tertanggung untuk mendapatkan ganti- rugi.
SUBROGASI. Setelah Surety melaksanakan pembayaran pencairan Surety Bond, maka Surety menggantikan Obligee terhadap Principal, berdasarkan hak Subrogasi. Hak Subrogasi termaksud dalam ayat ini berlaku dengan sendirinya tanpa memerlukan surat kuasa khusus dari Obligee.
SUBROGASI. 16.1.Sesuai dengan Pasal 284 Kitab Undang- interest, it is obliged to be notified to the Insurer. 15.1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the provision of article 277 paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang), in the event of loss of or damage to the property and or interest insured by this Policy, where such property and or interest has also been insured by one or more other policies and the sum of the total sum insured under all policies (in force) is higher than the actual value of the property and or interest immediately before the occurrence of loss, the maximum amount recoverable under this Policy shall be reduced proportionately based on the proportion of the total sum insured of this Policy to the sum of the total sum insured of all policies (in force), but the premium shall not be reduced or refunded. 15.2. The above provision will be put into effect, even though said insurances are made up of multiple policies effected on various days, notwithstanding the stipulation of article 277 of the Commercial Code (Kitab Undang- Undang Hukum Dagang), i.e. if the date of the policy or all policies precede the date of this Policy and do not contain provision as stipulated in paragraph (15.1.) above.
SUBROGASI. 16.1. Sesuai dengan Pasal 284 Kitab Undang- Undang Hukum Dagang, setelah pembayaran 15.1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the provision of article 277 paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang), in the event of loss of or damage to the property and or interest insured by this Policy, where such property and or interest has also been insured by one or more other policies and the sum of the total sum insured under all policies (in force) is higher than the actual value of the property and or interest immediately before the occurrence of loss, the maximum amount recoverable under this Policy shall be reduced proportionately based on the proportion of the total sum insured of this Policy to the sum of the total sum insured of all policies (in force), but the premium shall not be reduced or refunded. 15.2. The above provision will be put into effect, even though said insurances are made up of multiple policies effected on various days, notwithstanding the stipulation of article 277 of the Commercial Code (Kitab Undang- Undang Hukum Dagang), i.e. if the date of the policy or all policies precede the date of this Policy and do not contain provision as stipulated in paragraph (15.1.) above.
SUBROGASI. 16.1. Sesuai dengan Pasal 284 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang, setelah pembayaran ganti rugi atas harta benda dan atau kepentingan yang dipertanggungkan dalam Polis ini, Penanggung menggantikan Tertanggung dalam segala hak yang diperolehnya terhadap pihak ketiga sehubungan dengan kerugian tersebut. Hak Subrogasi termaksud dalam ayat ini berlaku dengan sendirinya 15.1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the provision of article 277 paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang), in the event of loss of or damage to the property and or interest insured by this Policy, where such property and or interest has also been insured by one or more other policies and the sum of the total sum insured under all policies (in force) is higher than the actual value of the property and or interest immediately before the occurrence of loss, the maximum amount recoverable under this Policy shall be reduced proportionately based on the proportion of the total sum insured of this Policy to the sum of the total sum insured of all policies (in force), but the premium shall not be reduced or refunded. 15.2. The above provision will be put into effect, even though said insurances are made up of multiple policies effected on various days, notwithstanding the stipulation of article 277 of the Commercial Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang), i.e. if the date of the policy or all policies precede the date of this Policy and do not contain provision as stipulated in paragraph (15.1.) above.
SUBROGASI. Setelah penjamin melaksanakan pembayaran pencairan jaminan, maka Penjamin/ Surety menggantikan Penerima Jaminan/ Obligee terhadap Terjamin/ Principal, berdasarkan hak Subrogasi. Hak Subrogasi termaksud dalam ayat ini berlaku dengan sendirinya tanpa memerlukan surat kuasa khusus dari Penerima Jaminan/ Obligee.