Participation requirements Clausole campione

Participation requirements. The following people may apply to this call: ● Full professors, associated professors, permanent university researchers, temporary universitary researchers, as indicated in Art. 24 of Italian Law 240/2010, and holders of private law contracts indicated in Art. 1, paragraph 14 of Italian Law 230/2005, to submit proposals for courses remunerated or without budget; ● Individuals with adequate scientific and professional requirements, to submit proposals for courses remunerated with private law contracts. Participation in research activities carried out at the university structures issuing the call does not constitute incompatibility. Italian and foreign citizens may participate in the selection if they are in possession of the three-year Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) or equivalent qualifications, Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) or equivalent qualifications, even obtained abroad, or an adequate professional curriculum. The following categories may not apply to this call:
Participation requirements. This procedure is open to all parties registered to the "TRASPARE" Portal. In order to log in to the Portal, it is necessary to carry out the Portal registration procedure by accessing the "Suppliers Area". It will be necessary to fill in the Activation Form and confirm the registration procedure.
Participation requirements. 1. Graduates enrolled in Ph.D courses or Ph.D graduates who have earned their Ph.D in the last three years; students enrolled in a Master's degree course or graduates who have earned their Master’s Degree within the last three years, foreign students who have obtained qualifications equivalent to the ones above within the past three years from international Universities and Institutes are all eligible to apply for selection. Candidates holding an academic degree awarded abroad within the past three years who have not obtained equivalency certification may also be admitted, if the examination board deems their qualification valid for the sole purpose of participating in the selection procedure for the Summer School. Candidates who have obtained the following requisites, within the deadline of this selection notice, shall be able to apply for admission: • working/or having worked on a research project that is related to one of the three topic areas indicated for the Summer School; • a good knowledge of the English language - level B1 is the minimum proficiency requirement for topic areas A, B, C; • a good knowledge of the Italian language – only for topic areas A and B.
Participation requirements. To be admitted to the selection, the following requirements must be held: Ph.D. in Physics, or any degrees equivalent ex lege to the corresponding corresponding old-school degrees. Interministerial Decree 9.7.2009 on the equivalency between Lauree (equivalent to Bachelors of Science) under the old educational system, specialist Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx (equivalent to Masters of Science) is available at the following link: xxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xx/XxxxXxxxx/ The Interministerial Decrees that ratify the equivalency between Italian academic qualifications for the purposes of participating in public c are available at the following link: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxx/xxx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxx. The following will also constitute assessable qualifications:
Participation requirements. To be admitted to the selection, the following requirements must be held: - Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering; - Master Degree in Management Engineering Interministerial Decree 9.7.2009 on the equivalency between Lauree (equivalent to Bachelors of Science) under the old educational system, specialist Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx (equivalent to Masters of Science) is available at the following link: xxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xx/XxxxXxxxx/ The Interministerial Decrees that ratify the equivalency between Italian academic qualifications for the purposes of participating in public are available at the following link: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxx/xxx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx.xxxx The following will also constitute assessable qualifications: Manufacturing processes, Production systems, Optimization methods The requirements, qualifications, experience and expertise must strictly be declared on the application for participation rendered in accordance with Articles 46 and 47 of Italian Presidential Decree 445/2000 and held at the deadline for submitting the application for admission to the selection. Those who have a familial or kinship relationship, up to the 4th degree inclusive, with a professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, with the Rector, with the Director General or with a member of the Board of Governors may not participate in the selection procedure, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 18 paragraph 1 letter c) of Italian Law 240/2010. If the qualification(s) indicated above was/were obtained abroad, it/they must be (an) official qualification(s) of the foreign university system, issued by an institution officially recognized in the relevant foreign system and it/they must be equivalent, for the sole purposes of the selection, by nature, level and disciplinary correspondence, to the respective Italian qualification indicated above.
Participation requirements. 1. Research grants are destined to those who possess a degree (with a course duration of not less than 4 years, as referred to in the pre-existing academic regulations pursuant to D.M. n. 509/1999) or post-graduate degrees (pursuant to D.M. n. 509/1999 and to n. 270/2004), accompanied by adequate professional scientific experience in conducting research activities. Research doctorates, or equivalent qualifications awarded overseas, are considered preferential, namely specialist qualifications in the medical field together with adequate scientific productions in the chosen research sector. The educational qualification has to concern the research theme.

Related to Participation requirements

  • Conclusione Alla luce del quadro normativo e giurisprudenziale brevemente illustrato si può affermare che sembra ormai trovare riconoscimento nel nostro ordinamento giuridico – accanto ad un’esigenza di tutela del debitore, quale soggetto debole del rapporto, da indebite pressioni psicologiche del creditore che possono tradursi in un ingiustificato arricchimento del creditore ai danni del debitore – un’esigenza, altrettanto meritevole di tutela, di facilitare la concessione del credito e di consentire una rapida ed efficiente soddisfazione del creditore, a condizione che vengano previsti accorgimenti giuridici che garantiscano un’equa soddisfazione del creditore e la restituzione al debitore dell’eccedenza di valore del bene che funge da garanzia dell’operazione di finanziamento. Ciò che il divieto di patto commissorio vuole evitare è che la situazione di temporanea difficoltà economica in cui si trova il debitore porti ad abusi del creditore che tenti di lucrare sulla differenza di valore tra il credito e la garanzia offerta dal debitore. La disciplina del patto commissorio ha alla base una presunzione di sproporzione tra il credito e il valore del bene che acquisirebbe il creditore in caso di inadempimento77. L’autonomia privata, nella predisposizione del regolamento contrattuale, deve farsi carico di prevedere meccanismi tecnici che valgano a superare l’accennata presunzione di sproporzione tra il valore del credito e quello del bene dato in garanzia. La prospettata impostazione è altresì conforme al canone di autoresponsabilità gravante sul soggetto che liberamente decide di immettersi nel traffico giuridico: non pare ragionevole né corretto attribuire al debitore, dopo avere concluso un contratto non squilibrato né viziato, re melius perpensa, invocare la nullità ex art. 2744 c.c. per liberarsi dalla garanzia convenzionale assunta, nonostante la sua inidoneità a tradursi in un sacrificio patrimoniale ingiusto, in contrasto con i principi della buona fede e della correttezza78 che animano la materia delle obbligazioni e quella del contratto79. 75 Parere sul disegno di legge n. 1564, in materia di prestito vitalizio ipotecario, della 14^ Commissione permanente (Politiche dell’unione europea), Roma, 11 marzo 2015, est. X. Xxxxxxxxxx (consultabile in xxxxxx.xx). 76 Parere sul disegno di legge n. 1564, cit.