PRICE Cláusulas Exemplificativas

PRICE. IV.1. For evaluation and start of negotiation of prices, the supplier must present to FPT breakdowns of costs according to the appropriate documents issued by FPT and supplied in the quotation phase.
PRICE. The Client shall pay to Axitec, for the rendered Services or purchased Products, the price indicated on the Purchase Order. 7.2. Payments due dates. Should the payment, as indicated on the Purchase Order, fall due on a non-business day, meaning Saturdays, Sundays and/or bank holidays, the payment due date will be automatically postponed to the following business day. 7.3. Payment forms. The payment shall be made by wire transfer, from a banking account held by the Client to a banking account held by Xxxxxx, and the receipt of the banking operation will constitute proof of payment. 7.4. Taxes and fiscal charges. The Client shall bear all the additional costs arising from any direct and/or indirect taxes and charges levied by the government or other legal authority on the purchased Products or Services. 7.4.1. The Client shall likewise bear the shipping and transportation costs, as well as any other costs associated with the delivery of Products or the rendering of Services. Except for the costs of
PRICE. IV.1. For evaluation and start of negotiation of prices, Supplier shall present to FCA breakdowns of costs according to the appropriate documents issued by FCA and supplied in the quotation phase.
PRICE. The price per share is R$ 23.75, representing a total amount of R$ 4,566,542,127.50 (“Price”). From the Price, R$ 4,116,542,127.50 will be paid upfront, on the closing date, and the remainder will be deposited in an escrow account as guarantee for the payment of certain indemnification obligations undertaken by the Sellers in the Agreement. If the closing of the Transaction does not occur until October 23, 2018, the Price will be adjusted according to CDI rate as from October 24, 2018, until the closing of the Transaction. Within 30 days from the closing of the Transaction, SABER will submit to CVM and to B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão a registration request for the mandatory tender offer for acquisition of the shares issued by SOMOS held by the minority shareholders, pursuant to article 254-A of the LSA, to the SOMOS’ bylaws and to the Novo Mercado Regulation (“Tender Offer”). XXXXX is considering cumulating the Tender Offer with a tender offer for delisting of SOMOS’s publicly-held registration with CVM. A final decision on this matter has not yet been taken, and the final structure of the Tender Offer will be defined and disclosed to the market upon closing of the Transaction. Moreover, the terms and conditions of tender offers of such nature are subject to CVM’s approval and will be disclosed when appropriate. XXXXX considers implementing, after the closing of the Transaction, a corporate reorganization of SOMOS aiming at optimizing its corporate and operational structure. Relevant information on this matter will be disclosed in the future. KROTON and SOMOS will keep the market and their shareholders informed on the outcomes of the Transaction.
PRICE. 1 – In the event that other prices shall not have been agreed and confirmed in writing, the ruling price shall be that set out in the Centauro pricelist on the date of supply.
PRICE. No Preço Contratual previsto na parte A – Condições Específicas estão incluídos todos os custos com a execução do Contrato, incluindo tributos, adicionais relativos às condições de trabalho, administração, adicionais de horas extra, alimentação, transporte, exceto se diversamente previsto nas condições negociais constantes da Parte A – Condições Específicas. The Agreed Price stated in Section A - Specific Conditions includes all costs for performing the Agreement as well as taxes, supplementary working condition payments, administration, overtime, meals and transportation, except when otherwise provided in the negotiated terms set forth in Section A - Specific Conditions. Caso o Preço Contratual seja um valor estimado, fica certo e ajustado que tal valor se trata de uma mera estimativa e não constitui obrigação de pagamento pelo Cliente, o qual pagará pelos materiais efetivamente fornecidos e entregues e/ou serviços efetivamente prestados de acordo com os termos e condições aqui previstos. If the Agreed Price is based on an estimated price, the parties hereby agree that the price is simply an estimate and does not constitute an obligation on Client to make payment thereof; Client will pay for the goods effectively supplied and/or services effectively performed pursuant to the terms and conditions provided herein. Os preços ajustados no pedido/Contrato são fixos, não podendo ser alterados ou revisados de nenhuma forma, incluindo todo o tipo de impostos, encargos, gravames ou taxas que sejam aplicáveis. The order/Agreement prices and any applicable taxes, charges, liens or fees that may apply are fixed and shall not be amended or revised in any way. Os preços incluem a embalagem e o transporte até o local acordado, bem como o que mais for acordado, bem como o que mais for acordado no pedido/Contrato. Prices shall include packaging, transportation to the agreed location and compliance with all other terms and conditions set forth in the order/agreement. Os preços incluem todos os impostos incidentes sobre os mesmos, qualquer alteração de ordem tributária, que venha a incidir sobre o valor faturado será adicionado ou subtraído dos preços, conforme o caso. Prices include all taxes, any changes in tax order that may affect the invoiced amount will be added or subtracted from the prices, as the case may be.
PRICE. Interest Volume Updated Calls Last Bid Ask Vol Open Puts Last Bid Ask Vol Open Int Int
PRICE. Televisão Internet fixa Telefone fixo Telefone Móvel
PRICE. 6.1 To start price negotiations, the Supplier shall present cost Breakdowns to FCA, in compliance with the documents issued by FCA and delivered to the Supplier during the pricing phase.
PRICE. All prices quoted by Seller shall be quoted in Brazilian Reais at the time of quote unless expressly waived by Xxxxx. Prices shall be as last quoted in writing by Seller to Buyer and shall not change without written agreement by Xxxxx issued prior to delivery. Buyer may cancel any order without any resulting liability after receiving a price change notice. Charges for packing, packaging, freight/shipping and handling will not be allowed or paid by Buyer unless expressly included in Seller’s price quote prior to Buyer’s acceptance.