Acceptable Use Guidelines Sample Clauses
Acceptable Use Guidelines. Inappropriate/Unacceptable Use
Acceptable Use Guidelines. The use of electronic information resources must be in support of education, research and the educational goals and objectives of LVISD.
Acceptable Use Guidelines. I understand that the use of electronic information resources must be in support of education, research, and the education goals and objectives of the District. • I understand that electronic mail is not private. • I agree not to submit, publish, display, or retrieve any defamatory, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or illegal material. • I will us electronic information resources for educational purposes only. • I will abide by all copyright regulations. • I will not reveal home addresses or personal phone numbers of myself or others. • I will not use the network in any way that disrupts the use of the network by others. • I will not use the network for commercial purposes. • I will follow all of the rules of the Lyndhurst Student Code of Conduct while using electronic information resources. • I will not attempt to harm, modify, or destroy hardware or software, or interfere with system security. • I understand all electronic devices whether personal or district issued must be enrolled in the Lyndhurst Public Schools network.
Acceptable Use Guidelines. As a STUDENT I will
Acceptable Use Guidelines. Customer is ultimately responsible for any and all activity that originates from Customer's Internet circuit regardless of Customer's knowledge of such activity. This includes, but is not limited to, activity by employees, visitors and guests or other household members. This also applies to security breaches of Customer's own system by others who launch attacks from Customer's machine. It is imperative that everyone with an Internet connection takes proper precautions to ensure the security of their machine. Customer is liable and accountable for any activity originating from any of Customer's Systemseven account services that is deemed to be in violation of Systemseven's Acceptable Use Policy. Systemseven vigorously pursues all instances of abuse. If Customer feels Customer has been attacked or spammed, Customer should notify Systemseven's Abuse Department ( so that appropriate action can be taken.
Acceptable Use Guidelines. Customer will at all times comply with and conform its use of the Service to the Hurricane Acceptable Use Guidelines (set forth at Hurricane’s website), as updated from time to time. In the event Customer violates Hurricane’s Acceptable Use Guidelines, Hurricane shall have the right to immediately suspend Service. Hurricane will provide notice and opportunity to cure, if and to the extent Hurricane deems practicable, depending on the nature of the violation and availability of the Customer. Hurricane, in its reasonable discretion, may re-enable the Service upon satisfaction that all violations have ceased and with adequate assurance that such violations will not occur in the future.
Acceptable Use Guidelines. At all times, Customer shall comply with a11 applicable state, federal and international laws with respect to Customer’s operations in the Premises, the Colocation Space and the Services. If Customer fails to fully cooperate with any investigation by Switch or any governmental authority, or fails to immediately rectify any illegal use. Customer will be in material breach of this MSA. Customer’s use of the Colocation Space and the Services may only be for lawful purposes and is subject to Customer’s compliance with Switch’s and each Carrier’s Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”), as such may be amended from time to time by Switch or the applicable Carrier. Switch’s AUP and updates thereto are available at Transmission of any material in violation of any law, regulation or an AUP is strictly prohibited. Any access made to other networks connected to Switch Network must comply with the rules appropriate to the other network and the AUP. Customer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Switch from any and all Claims arising from or relating to Customer’s operations which utilize the Services and pay all related Costs.
Acceptable Use Guidelines. Customer will at all times comply with and conform its use of the FirstLight Internet Service to the FirstLight Acceptable Use Policy (set forth on FirstLight’s website at, as updated from time to time and incorporated (including any updates) herein by reference.
Acceptable Use Guidelines. 7a: General Guidelines 7b: Privacy & Safety 7c: Legal Property 7d: Google Account 7e: Google Opt-‐-‐-‐Out
Acceptable Use Guidelines. General Guidelines