Unacceptable Use. The following is considered unacceptable use of the ICT facilities by any member of the MITRE community. Unacceptable use of the ICT facilities includes: • Using MITRE’s IT facilities to breach intellectual property rights or copyright; • Using MITRE’s IT facilities to bully or harass someone else, or to promote unlawful discrimination; • Breaching the School/Trust policies or procedures; • Any illegal conduct, or statements which are deemed to be advocating illegal activity; • Accessing, creating, storing, linking to or sending material that is pornographic, offensive, obscene or otherwise inappropriate; • Activity which defames or disparages the school, or risks bringing the Trust into disrepute; • Inappropriate sharing of confidential information or data about the Trust, its pupils, or other members of the MITRE community; • Connecting any device to the MITRE’s IT network without approval from MITRE’s IT team; • Setting up any software, applications or web services on MITRE’s network without approval by authorised personnel, or creating or using any program, tool or item of software designed to interfere with the functioning of the ICT facilities, accounts or data; • Gaining, or attempting to gain, access to restricted areas of the network, or to any password-protected information, without approval from authorised personnel; • Allowing, encouraging, or enabling others to gain (or attempt to gain) unauthorised access to the school’s or Trust’s ICT facilities; • Causing intentional damage or defacing (including stickers) ICT equipment and facilities; • Removing, deleting or disposing of ICT equipment, systems, programs or information without permission by authorised personnel; • Causing a data breach by accessing, modifying, or sharing data (including personal data) to which a user is not supposed to have access, or without authorisation; • Engaging in content or conduct that is radicalised, extremist, racist, antisemitic or discriminatory in any other way; • Using inappropriate or offensive language; • Promoting a private business, unless that business is directly related to the Trust operations; and you have express permission to do so. • Using websites or mechanisms to bypass filtering or monitoring mechanisms; • Using AI tools and generative large language models (such as GPT-3): o During assessments, including internal and external assessments, and coursework; o To write the homework or assignments, where AI-generated text or imagery is presented as ...
Unacceptable Use. Giving out personal information about another person, including home address and phone number, is strictly prohibited.
Unacceptable Use. I am aware that the school monitors the pupil’s activity on this device. I agree that my child will not carry out any activity that constitutes ‘unacceptable use’. This includes, but is not limited to the following: • Using ICT or the internet to bully or harass someone else, or to promote unlawful discrimination • Any illegal conduct, or statements which are deemed to be advocating illegal activity • Activity which defames or disparages the school, or risks bringing the school into disrepute • Causing intentional damage to ICT facilities or materials • Using inappropriate or offensive language I accept that the school will sanction the pupil, in line with our Behaviour Policy, if the pupil engages in any of the above at any time.
Unacceptable Use. The use of the network is a privilege, and not a right, which may be revoked at any time for inappropriate conduct as determined by the Lavaca School District. Such conduct would include, but not be limited to, the placing or viewing of unauthorized or unlawful information (data or graphics) on a system, the use of abusive or otherwise objectionable language in either public or private messages/data, the sending of messages/data that are likely to result in the loss of a recipient’s work or systems, and the sending of “chain letters” or “broadcast” messages to list or individuals. District computing resources cannot be used to intimidate or create an atmosphere of harassment based upon gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, creed, or sexual orientation. It is essential for each user on the network to recognize his/her responsibility in having access to vast services, sites, systems, and people. The user is ultimately responsible for his/her actions in accessing network services. Be sure to observe the acceptable use policy of other networks. What is acceptable use on the district network may not be acceptable on outside networks. It is not acceptable to use the network so as to interfere with or disrupt network users, services, or equipment. Disruptions include, but are not limited to, distribution of unsolicited advertising, propagation of computer worms or viruses and using the network to make unauthorized entry to any other machine/service accessible via the network. No one should deliberately attempt to degrade the performance of a computer system (including network resources) or to deprive authorized users of resource or access. Use of the network for recreational games is not acceptable. The opportunity to use District technology to access the Internet is a privilege and not a right. Students who misuse electronic devices or Internet access in any way will face disciplinary action. Misuse of the Internet includes but is not limited to: • Disabling or bypassing of security procedures, compromising, attempting to compromise, or defeating the district’s technology network security or Internet filtering software • The altering of data without authorization • Disclosing, using or disseminating passwords, whether the passwords are the student’s own or those of another student/faculty/community member to other students • Divulging personally identifying information about himself/herself or anyone else either on the Internet or in an email unless it is a nec...
Unacceptable Use. The user is responsible for his or her actions and activities involving the network. Some examples of unacceptable uses are:
a. Using the network for any illegal activity, including violation of copyright or other contracts, or transmitting any material in violation of any federal or state law;
b. Unauthorized downloading of software, regardless of whether it is copyrighted or devised;
c. Downloading copyrighted material for other than personal use;
d. Using the network for private financial or commercial gain;
e. Wastefully using resources, such as file space;
f. Hacking or gaining unauthorized access to files, resources, or entities;
g. Invading the privacy of individuals, which includes the unauthorized disclosure, dissemination, and use of information of a personal nature about anyone;
h. Using another user’s account or password;
i. Posting material authored or created by another, without his/her consent;
j. Posting anonymous messages;
k. Using the network for commercial or private advertising;
l. Accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, or displaying any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, harassing, or illegal material; and
m. Using the network while access privileges are suspended or revoked.
Unacceptable Use. Don’t use copyrighted material that we aren’t licensed to use. - Don’t use any Company data, account, or equipment for any purpose other than Company business. - Do not share your password or other authentication details with anyone, unless expressly authorized to do so. If you do share such information, only do so via sanctioned means (eg. LastPass). - Do not provide information about, or lists of, Staff to parties outside the Company.
Unacceptable Use. Using the guiding statement of “educational purpose,” some specific examples of prohibited use are shown below. However, this policy does not attempt to demonstrate all unacceptable behaviors. Behaviors considered unacceptable may result in termination of Internet access and/or the general use of electronic resources provided by GLCS. Depending upon the severity of a user's inappropriate action(s), disciplinary action up to and including student expulsion may occur. The following examples are considered unacceptable: ➢ Sharing of Usernames and Passwords is not allowed. ➢ Providing personal information such as Name, Address, Phone Number or Gender is not safe and not allowed. ➢ Purchasing or selling of products and services by students is not allowed. ➢ Hiding or falsifying your identity is not acceptable. ➢ Bullying, harassing, intimidating, threatening or offensive language is not to be used. Electronic communications will not contain profanity, obscene comments, sexually explicit material, or expressions of bigotry, racism, or hatred. ➢ Plagiarism and copyright infringement are prohibited. Ideas or writings of others are not to be used without the permission of the author. ➢ Gaining unlawful access to another person’s resources or organizational resources as well as knowingly circumventing or trying to circumvent security measures is not allowed. ➢ Making malicious attempts to harm or destroy data of any person or GLCS resource is unlawful and not allowed.
Unacceptable Use. The user is responsible for all his/her actions and activities involving the network. Examples of prohibited conduct include but are not limited to the following: ❑ Using the network for any illegal activity, including violation of copyright or other contracts or transmitting any material in violation of U.S. and State regulations. ❑ Copying or downloading copyrighted material on any system connected to the school system's hardware/software without the owner's permission. Only the owner(s) or individuals specifically authorized by the owner(s) may copy or download copyrighted material to the system. School purchased software may not be copied for personal use. ❑ Students will not use district computers and laptops to copy or download copyrighted software, music or images, or for other violation of copyright laws. Peer-to-peer, file-sharing, torrent software may not be installed on a school system computer or laptop. ❑ Copying, printing or downloading copyrighted material for the users own use without the owner's permission. Users may redistribute copyrighted programs only with the owner’s permission. Such permission must be specified in the document or must be obtained directly from the owner in accordance with applicable copyright laws, Board policy and administrative procedures. This includes the district contracted photographer. ❑ Product advertisement or political lobbying is prohibited. ❑ Vandalism. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, the network or the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, creating and/or uploading or downloading viruses, disconnect or disassemble any network or computer component. ❑ Using or attempting to use the network while privileges are suspended or revoked. ❑ Using the computer of a teacher, administrator, or other staff member without permission or supervision. ❑ Use of technology resources in such a way that you would disrupt other users (sounds and/or excessive bandwidth usage, e.g., radio/audio streaming, video streaming). ❑ Provide another student with user account information or passwords ❑ Unauthorized interception of electronic communications and other wiretapping, including electronic mail (The Electronic Communications Privacy Act 18 USC 2701-2709) ❑ Accessing, monitoring, and use of personal websites. ❑ Accessing, monitoring, and use of personal networks. ❑ Bypassing the firewall and bypass and attempt to circumvent network security, virus protection, netw...
Unacceptable Use. The user is responsible for the user's actions and activities involving the network. Some examples of unacceptable uses are given below. The list is not intended to be exhaustive. The Administration may periodically revise the concepts of acceptable and unacceptable use. These revisions will become part of this document.
A. Using the network for any illegal activity, including violation of copyright or other contracts, or transmitting any material in violation of any U.S. or State regulation;
B. Unauthorized access or downloading of software, electronic files, e-mail, or other data;
C. Downloading copyrighted material for other than legal personal or professional use;
D. Using the network for private financial or commercial gain which adversely affects the District;
E. Wastefully using District resources, such as file space;
F. Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities;
G. Invading the privacy of individuals;
H. Using another user's account or password;
I. Posting material authored or created by another without his/her consent;
J. Posting anonymous messages;
K. Using the network for commercial or private advertising;
L. Accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, or displaying any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, harassing, or illegal material;
M. Using the network while access privileges are suspended or revoked;
N. Publishing or otherwise disseminating another person's identity, personal information, account, or password;
O. Using the network for unauthorized product advertisement or political activity;
P. Promoting or encouraging the use of illegal or controlledsubstances;
Q. Forgery or alteration of e-mail;
R. Unauthorized use of the network to play computer games, enroll in list serves, or participate in chat rooms.