ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE. Notice to Proceed October 2024 Perform Site Inspection and Hydrant Testing Perform Survey, Environmental Geotechnical, and Archaeological November/December 2024 Draft Report April 2025 Final Report July 2025 EXHIBIT “B” Professional Services Agreement Page B-1 Exhibit B – Costs for Scope of Services 1 Provide Project Management 8
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE. The anticipated schedule for the Tender Process is as follows:
1.5.1. Publication of the Tender Documents: August 23, 2018.
1.5.2. Final date for the submission of Requests for Clarifications: October 14 ,2018.
1.5.3. Submission Date: November 15December 2 ,2018. The Company reserves the right to amend any date contained herein, at any time, at its sole discretion by issuing a written clarification or Addenda to the Tender Documents in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.11 (Addenda).
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE. The anticipated project schedule for the RFP, design and construction is outlined below. Contractor may suggest revisions or improvements to the schedule in response to the RFP. • Interviews (if necessary): January 2022 • Pre-Construction Design Services (Phase IA) Award: January 2022 • Pre-Construction Geotechnical Services Award: January 2022 • Pre-Construction Potholing Services Award: January 2022 • Meeting - 60% CD’s & Cost Estimate: February 2022 • Meeting - 90% CD’s & Cost Estimate: March 2022 • Meeting - 100% CD’s & Cost Estimate: April 2022 • City Council / GMP Phase IA Approval: May 3, 2022 • Construction Phase IA Notice to Proceed: May 4, 2022 • Construction Phase IA: May 2022 – October 2022 • Pre-Construction Design Services (Phase IB) Award: Fall 2022 • City Council / GMP Phase IB Approval First Quarter 2023 • Construction Phase IB: April 2023 – October 2023 • Final Completion: October 2023
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE. The Army anticipates contract award in Fiscal Year 2022. This acquisition is solicited on a full and open competition basis. The Army intends to award a single firm-fixed-price contract consisting of five ordering periods. The Army intends to execute the initial delivery order (DO) for a total of five each EHETS Trailers at the time of contract award for first article testing, logistics development and production standard. The contractor shall deliver the five each EHETS Trailers within 180 calendar days after DO award. Award of the DO is subject to the availability of funds.
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE. Alba Architects understands that works associated with Phase I and II could potentially be addressed in the Fall of 2020 and would issue bid documents within 4 weeks of notice to proceed. It is anticipated that works under Phase III will be undertaken in the Spring of 2021 when coordination with structural floor upgrades would allow for the fire equipment to be temporarily relocated and not subject to inclement weather. Therefore, it is assumed that bidding of Phase III would happen in January of 2021 and issuance of bid documents would be in either late December 2020, or early January 2021.
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE. Time is of the essence with regard to this Project. Due to project funding requirements, the Parties agree to the following schedule: STA Board Approval 6/14/2017 OBAG Planning Requirements Met 6/13/2017 TIP Programming 7/31/2017 Field Review 3/1/2018 Request PE Authorization 11/1/2018 Receive PE Authorization 1/1/2019 Federal Environmental Type CE Technical Reports to Caltrans 6/1/2019 Environmental Circulation/Permits 8/1/2019 Environmental Adopted 10/1/2019 Final Design 5/1/2020 Request ROW Authorization 6/1/2020 ROW Certification 10/1/2020 Request CON Authorization 11/1/2020 Receive CON Authorization 1/1/2020 Advertise Date 3/15/2021 Contract Award Date 5/1/2021 Project Completion 8/1/2021 Project Closeout 12/1/2021 As outlined in STA’s project delivery policies, failure to adhere to this project delivery schedule may result in rescoping the project, funding swaps or reprogramming of funding to other eligible projects
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE. Following ADEM’s approval of the Voluntary Cleanup Plan (submitted by Aunt Xxxxx’s Community Garden as the Voluntary Cleanup Program Non-Responsible Party Applicant; approved January 15, 2021), a mandated 30-day public notice period will follow (began January 20, 2021). During this public notice period supplemental details will be provided to the public regarding the anticipated dates of the cleanup work, what the community should expect during the implementation of the cleanup work, and a description of the Site following completion. The City will advertise this information through the previously effective methods including website updates, social media posts, direct responses by phone, or meetings and email based on the preferences of the inquirer. Monthly briefings will be posted on the xxxxxxxxxx section of the City’s website and on the Garden’s bulletin board and social media pages as the project progresses. Once cleanup is complete (early March 2021), a ribbon cutting ceremony will be held to celebrate the achievement. ADEM and the EPA will be invited to attend the ribbon cutting along with the local community. A milestone schedule reflecting the anticipated timeframe of each public meeting, deliverables submitted to EPA and ADEM, and the implementation of the cleanup work is included as Appendix C.
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE. Landlord's estimated Schedule for design and construction of the Project is attached as SCHEDULE 5. EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE 1 PARKING AREA REPORT PARKING AREA REPORT As per report from Xxxxxxx Testing, Inc. dated June 14, 1998 the pavement inspection of the replacement parking area included three core samples revealing an average asphalt thickness of 3.75 inches and an average base course thickness of 8.25 inches. Landlord will provide leveling and an overlay as recommended in the report. The improvements will take place after land use and site development permit approvals by the City of Beaverton. /s/ LDL --- /s/ TNT --- TNT --- EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE 2 MECHANICAL / HVAC REPORT MECHANICAL / HVAC REPORT Air Rite Control, Inc. has maintained the HVAC system for many years. Based on Air Rite's assessment of the system (letter dated June 18, 1998) a chiller unit has one compressor in need of replacement. Landlord will replace the compressor unit as recommended. LDL --- TNT --- TNT --- EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE 3 ROOF REPORT ROOF REPORT As per inspection report form Xxxxxxx Testing dated June 3, 1998, the existing office was examined. The roof inspection for the existing office indicates the sloped roof areas with heavy cedar shakes are in immediate need of attention. The office roof appears in sound condition according to the report. Landlord will replace the cedar shake shingles and complete improvements to provide a 10-year guarantee on the roof performance. LDL --- TNT --- TNT --- EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE 4 EXTERIOR PLANS PAGE 1 OF 2 [BLUEPRINT] EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE 4 EXTERIOR PLANS PAGE 2 OF 2 [BLUEPRINT] EXHIBIT "B" SCHEDULE 5 SCHEDULE [CHART] EXHIBIT C SATELLITE EQUIPMENT Any placement of Equipment (as defined in Section 4.1) in the Project shall comply with the provisions of this EXHIBIT C.
(a) Tenant shall not penetrate the roof in connection with any installation or reinstallation of the Equipment. The plans and specifications for all the Equipment shall be approved by Landlord in writing prior to any installation. Tenant shall be responsible for any damage to the roof or conduit systems as a result of Tenant's installation, maintenance and/or removal of the Equipment.
(b) The location of the Equipment shall be subject to Landlord's prior written approval. Tenant shall not change the location of, or alter or install additional Equipment or paint the satellite dish or the other Equipment without Landlord's prior written consent.
(c) Tenant, at Tenant's sole expense...
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE. We have scheduled our workflow such that we can begin working on this project within a week of your notification to proceed. We expect that we can have drawings ready for permit submittal by the end of the year.
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE. See schedule attached provided as a separate document depicting dates and durations of above scope of services Note that permit review durations vary. C&S commits to no more than 2 weeks to address permit comments upon receipt of all discipline reviews from AHJ. Estimated construction duration is as shown in schedule. Fees may require modification should sched- ule be extended.