Due Process Hearing Sample Clauses

Due Process Hearing i. A student, parent, or guardian who indicates at an IEP, EP, or 504 meeting that they wish to file for a due process hearing or State Complaint pursuant to State law and rules shall be given the appropriate forms by the School. These forms shall also be provided upon request at any other time. ii. Due process hearing requests shall be forwarded to the Sponsor’s ESE Director and the District’s General Counsel within one (1) school day of receipt. iii. The Sponsor will select and assign an attorney in consultation with the School. The School may also hire an attorney at its cost to consult and cooperate with the Sponsor. Final decisions on legal strategies shall be made by the Sponsor’s attorney in consultation with the School. iv. In cooperation with the assigned attorney, the School is responsible for scheduling resolution and mediation meetings as required under State and Federal law. v. The Sponsor shall ensure that: (a) The due process hearing is conducted pursuant to applicable State laws and rules; (b) A final decision is reached; and (c) A copy of the decision is mailed to the parties. vi. The School shall bear all the costs associated with the administrative due process hearing, legal representation, discovery, court reporter, and interpreter. In the event that the student, parents, or guardians prevail, either through a hearing or settlement, the School shall pay any and all attorneys’ fees, reimbursements, compensatory education and any other costs incurred, agreed upon or awarded; however, the District shall assume or reimburse the costs of the defense attributable to, caused by or through the fault of the District, if any. Costs and fees incurred will be automatically reduced from the FTE funds passed through the Sponsor to the School, without any penalty of interest, although the School may request and the parties agree to a payment plan. If the School receives a complaint filed or becomes aware of an investigation with the Office of Civil Rights or any other governmental entity and the complaint or investigation relates to the School and could involve the Sponsor, the School shall within one (1) school day notify the Sponsor and provide the Sponsor any documentation from the agency. The School shall fully cooperate with the Sponsor during the investigation and proceeding and provide the Sponsor any relevant information. The School shall bear all costs associated with the investigation. However, the Sponsor shall assume or reimburse the costs...
Due Process Hearing. In the event there is a Due Process Hearing, mediation, or court action, in accordance with Section 615 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 involving the provision of education and related services to a student with disabilities at the School, the School shall bear all costs of the hearing, mediation, or court action including legal representation. In the event that the party representing the parents or guardians prevails, any and all attorneys fees awarded to prevailing party will be paid by the School.
Due Process Hearing. Due process hearing will be allowed for major discipline of four (4) or more days. This is a voluntary hearing that the employee may or may not attend without further discipline. (a) Employee is allowed to state mitigating facts to the Chief of Police or designee, on why discipline should not be imposed. (b) Hearings will be recorded and placed into the official record.
Due Process Hearing. The Department of Health and Social Services agree that there will be a due process system to support all children covered by Part C of IDEA. Due process procedures are detailed in a separate document entitled Part C Procedural Safeguards and explained in the Family Rights booklet. Responsibility for training hearing officers is a joint responsibility using the training process developed through the Department of Education.
Due Process Hearing. In the event the Grantee fails to correct the enumerated conditions within the time set forth above, the Grantor, or its designated agent, shall notify the Grantee of the time and place of a due process administrative hearing to be conducted by the Grantor, or its designated agent, which shall be held not less than thirty (30) days thereafter.
Due Process Hearing. 24 The School shall be liable for all damages, costs and attorney’s fees incurred by 25 the Sponsor in any actions related to a violation by the School of federal and state 26 laws related to the education of students with disabilities. In the event there is a 27 Due Process hearing, mediation, or court action, in accordance with Section 615 28 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act or Section 504 of 29 the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 involving the provision of education and related 30 services to a student with disabilities at the School, the School shall bear all the 31 costs of the hearing, mediation, or court action including attorneys fees and court
Due Process Hearing. School may initiate a due process hearing concerning a student enrolled in School as School determines it legally necessary to meet the School’s responsibilities under federal and state law. In the event that Parent/guardian files for a due process hearing, School shall immediately notify its SELPA and RCOE and shall be responsible for the costs of defense of the entire proceedings including any costs or fees incurred by RCOE or the RCBE.
Due Process Hearing. 24 The School shall be liable for all dam ages, costs and attorney’s fees incurred by 25 the Sponsor in any actions related to a vi olation by the School of federal and state 26 laws related to the education of students with disabilities. In the event there is a 27 Due Process hearing, m ediation, or court action, in accordance with Section 615 28 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act or Section 504 of 29 the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 involving the provision of education and related 30 services to a student with disabilities at the School, the School shall bear all the 31 costs of the hearing, m ediation, or court action including attorneys fees and court
Due Process Hearing. Unless the Complainant postpones the hearing, or the Complainant and the District enter into a settlement agreement as delineated in Paragraph B below, the District will convene a Section 504 Due Process Hearing (Due Process Hearing) by April 13, 2017 to address those issues properly within the Section 504 Hearing Officer’s jurisdiction (in his determination) raised in the Student’s 504 due process hearing request dated March 1, 2017. In addition, the District will specifically seek a determination that its Section 504 Plan dated October 26, 2016 provides Student with a FAPE as defined under Section 504. The District agrees to abide by/implement the results/recommendation from the Section 504 Hearing Officer’s decision.
Due Process Hearing. You have the right to file a due process hearing request when there is a disagreement regarding the proposal to initiate or change, or refusal to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, or placement of your child, the provision of appropriate early intervention services to your child or family, or to challenge information in the Early Steps record to ensure that it is not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of your child. A due process hearing request must be filed with the Florida Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services, Early Steps State Office at: The party submitting a due process hearing request, or their attorney, must ensure the other party receives a copy of the hearing request, which must remain confidential. A due process hearing request must include the following: • name of your child; • the address of the residence of your child; • the name of the early intervention provider serving your child; • a description of the nature of the problem of your child relating to the proposed or refused initiation or change, including facts relating to the problem; • a proposed resolution of the problem to the extent known and available to you at the time; and • an allegation that the action forming the basis for the due process complaint occurred within 2 years of the date you Early Steps or the provider knew (or should have known) about the alleged action. Within 10 days of a due process hearing request, you will receive a written response from the other party addressing each issue you raised in your due process hearing request. If you have not received prior written notice regarding the issues addressed in your due process hearing request, then the response will also include the following: • an explanation of why Early Steps proposed or refused to take the action raised in the due process hearing request; • a description of other options that the IFSP team considered and the reasons why those options were rejected; • a description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report used as the basis for the proposed or refused action; and • a description of the other factors relevant to the proposed or refused action. The hearing officer will determine the sufficiency of a due process hearing request. Either party may challenge the sufficiency of the due process hearing request by filing a written claim with the hearing officer within 15 days of the hearing request. Within 5 days of r...