Ad Hoc Tenure and Ad Hoc Promotion Committees Sample Clauses

Ad Hoc Tenure and Ad Hoc Promotion Committees. Each department shall establish Ad Hoc Tenure and Ad Hoc Promotion Committees consisting of full- time faculty members in accordance with the FPS. The procedures below shall govern both types of Committees. In the Library, the Ad Hoc Tenure Committee shall be formed from among the tenured and tenure-designate faculty in the unit. If an insufficient number of eligible faculty are available to serve on a Committee, the full-time faculty of the unit shall elect, by majority vote, additional members from other units in the University. In a promotion case, the candidate may submit a list of those faculty whom they believe are best suited to serve on the Committee prior to the election. Procedures described in the FPS shall be followed. Allegations of a breach of the FPS or the FS shall be referred to the Joint Standing Committee for resolution. Notwithstanding the above, however, the AAUP may grieve a breach of procedures. Minutes of the Committee are to be made part of the file; in order to retain the confidentiality of the discussion, minutes shall record the procedures and actions of the committee and the topics under discussion, but shall not record substantive statements about the candidate’s qualifications. Should the Committee wish to get additional information from other individuals who have knowledge of the candidate, those individuals should be asked to attend a meeting of the Committee or to reply in writing. The Department Chairperson shall make available to the Chairperson of the Committee one copy of all peer review reports as well as prior DPC recommendations, prior Chairperson recommendations and annual evaluations. In deliberating on a candidate, the Committee shall consider all relevant material, including the material submitted by the candidate, annual evaluations, prior personnel recommendations, course and teacher ratings and peer observations, signed written communications about the candidate submitted to the committee and any oral testimony provided to the committee; anonymous communications and information received from secondary sources may not be used. This material is confidential and is for the use of the Committee members solely during their deliberations. The written statements about the candidate that are shared by the members of the Committee prior to their decision are not to be included in, or forwarded with, the file. However, any member of the Committee may forward their statement in accord with the procedures specified for m...
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