IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION. The Association and the District agree that a program of incentives for excellence will be cooperatively developed. Any recommended changes in existing compensation arrangements would be implemented through amendment to this Agreement, ratified by the Northfield Education Association and the School Board.
IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION. A. The teacher evaluation process will be covered by Board Policy 3131. Any changes in this policy will be given to the Association President in accordance with Article XX, Miscellaneous Provisions, Subsection K.
B. Teacher responsibilities:
1. Each teacher shall be apprised in specific terms of the teacher's responsibilities.
2. If an administrator believes a teacher is doing unacceptable work, the reasons therefore shall be set forth in specific terms, as shall identification of the specific ways in which the teacher is to improve, and of assistance that is to be given by the administrator and other staff members. In subsequent reports, failure to again note such unacceptable work shall be interpreted to mean that adequate improvement has taken place.
3. A teacher who disagrees with an administrator’s recommendation, upon receiving the written report, may within ten (10) school days, submit a written answer which shall be attached to the file copy of the report in question and/or submit any complaints through the grievance procedure.
C. Evaluation form and rating:
1. The Board will provide the evaluation form to each teacher no later than two
IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION. A. Tenured Teacher Observation
1. Each tenured teacher shall be apprised in specific terms of the teacher's responsibilities. It shall be a major administrative responsibility to improve instruction through direct observation of the teacher's work, and through providing written summaries of the teacher's work, and through providing written summaries of those observations together with any recommendations the administrator may have for the teacher. The frequency of such observations shall be at the discretion of the administrator, but in no event shall they be of such frequency or duration as to interfere with the normal teaching/learning experience.
2. Following each observation the administrator shall, within five (5) school days, prepare and submit a written report and recommendations, if any, to the teacher. The administrator shall then hold a conference with the teacher for the purpose of clarifying the written report and recommendations. If an administrator believes a teacher is doing unacceptable work, the reasons therefore shall be set forth in specific terms, as shall identification of the specific ways in which the teacher is to improve, and of assistance that is to be given by the administrator and other staff members. In subsequent observation reports, failure to again note such unacceptable work shall be interpreted to mean that adequate improvement has taken place.
3. A teacher who disagrees with an observation or recommendation, upon receiving the written report, may within ten (10) school days, submit a written answer which shall be attached to the file copy of the observation in question and/or submit any complaints through the grievance procedure.
B. Probationary Teacher Evaluation
1. Every probationary teacher employed for at least one full school year shall have, in each of four years of probation, an Individual and Professional Development Plan (I/PDP) developed and in place by October 1. The instrument set forth in Schedule G shall be used in said action. The I/PDP shall be developed by the appropriate administrator "in consultation" with the teacher and his/her assigned mentor as described in this Agreement. The probationary teacher shall have an annual year-end performance evaluation which must include an assessment of the teacher's progress in meeting the goals of the I/PDP. The annual performance must be based on at least two (2) classroom observations at least 60 days apart. The first observation shall be conducted no later than D...
IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION. 43 The Association and Superintendent agree that continual attention to the improvement of instruction is 44 linked to each staff member, and attention will be given to the following matters:
IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION. A. Performance Appraisal: Teacher Evaluation
1. Evaluations will be conducted by a RCW principal/superintendent. Peer review as a formative evaluation only may be used as a supplement to an evaluation conducted by the principal/superintendent. Peer review may not be used as an evaluation tool for any disciplinary or job status decisions.
2. Probationary teachers will be formally evaluated three times per year and completed by April 1. Post conferences will be held in conjunction with each evaluation. Advance notice may be given.
3. Each continuing contract teacher will be formally evaluated once every three years. A post conference interview will take place within three working days scheduled by mutual agreement.
4. Teachers will be offered assistance in dealing with the problem areas that surface through the evaluation process.
5. The results of each formal evaluation will be validated by the signatures of the teacher and evaluator.
6. Written copies of the evaluation will go to the teacher, the evaluator, and the district office.
7. A copy of the formal evaluation three year schedule will be provided to the teachers.
B. Staff Development
1. Group staff development activities will be planned, coordinated and at times conducted by the District TLA leadership team, composed of two (2) members from each LIT site team. The District LIT leadership team (with the assistance of two (2) representatives from the District Wide Site Team) will develop site plans consistent with the education goals of the District. The plan shall include ongoing staff development activities that contribute toward continuous improvement in achievement of the following goals:
a. improve student achievement of state and local education standards in all areas of the curriculum;
b. effectively meet the needs of a diverse student population, including at-risk children, children with disabilities, and gifted children, within the regular classroom and other settings;
c. provide an inclusive curriculum for a racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse student population that is consistent with the state education diversity rule and the district's education diversity plan;
d. improve staff ability to collaborate and consult with one another and to resolve conflicts;
e. effectively teach and model violence prevention policy and curriculum that address issues of harassment and teach nonviolent alternatives for conflict resolution; and
f. provide teachers and other members of site-based manageme...
1. The purpose of academic initiative is to provide the student with the advantages and benefits of the special skills and techniques that an individual instructor may have to offer. It is agreed that the joint development of the curriculum guide by teachers and administrators is beneficial to the school system. It is further agreed that the teachers will continue to have the opportunity to participate in the development and preparation of the curriculum, subject to the final determination by the administration. Teachers will be allowed considerable latitude within a curriculum guideline to work out methods of presentation and are permitted to innovate and use such techniques, instructional materials, and resources as might seem appropriate to the instructor in meeting the needs of the students, compatible with the continuity of the curriculum guide. Presentations that may involve controversial issues should be planned by the individual teacher and then discussed with the administration before they are initiated in the classroom. This provides dual protection for both the teacher and the administration.
IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION. (A) If in the judgment of the administration, as verified by a minimum of 3 observations, each followed by a teacher and supervisor conference, and after consultation with the appropriate department head or FTA representative, with teacher and supervisor present, a teacher is deemed to be deficient in his/her area, the Superintendent shall have the power to require that a course to alleviate the deficiency be taken. Credit for said course will be granted as per contract.
(B) In the event that a new course is introduced into the curriculum requiring special preparation, the courses approved by the Superintendent and taken by the assigned teacher in preparation for teaching said course shall be paid for by the Board of Education.
IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION. A. Teacher responsibilities:
1. Each teacher shall be apprised by the building principal in specific terms of the teacher's
1. Accomplishments during review period Objectives for next review period
IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION. A. Teacher responsibilities:
1. Each teacher shall be apprised by the building principal in specific terms of the teacher's responsibilities.
2. If an administrator believes a teacher is doing unacceptable work, the reasons therefore shall be set forth in specific terms, as shall identification of the specific ways in which the teacher is to improve, and of assistance that is to be given by the administrator and other staff members. In subsequent reports, failure to again note such unacceptable work shall be interpreted to mean that adequate improvement has taken place.
3. A teacher who disagrees with an administrator’s recommendation report, on receiving the written report, may within ten (10) school days, submit a written answer which shall be attached to the file copy of the report in question.
B. Evaluation form and rating:
1. The Board will provide the evaluation form to each teacher annually.
2. Teachers will receive a copy of their final written evaluation report and rating.