Alternatives Evaluation. Work does not include alternatives analysis; assumed design will be refinement of the 30% design concept.
Alternatives Evaluation. Consultant will perform an evaluation of the sewer service alternatives for the Rimrock West neighborhood. Two of the alternatives will be evaluated in detail, while the other three alternatives will be evaluated through a desktop study. The alternatives include:
1. An alternative that replaces the four existing pump stations in-kind.
Alternatives Evaluation. CONSULTANT will contribute in the development and evaluation of potential design alternatives by participating in the working sessions. At a working session, CONSULTANT will provide input related to the general operational advantages or disadvantages of each design concept. This input will be informed by the existing conditions analysis prepared for the study area and available travel demand forecast for the existing interchange conditions and the major interchange reconfiguration.
Alternatives Evaluation. Stantec will evaluate two (2) alternatives at the Project location: 1.) Relocation, protection, and/or diversion utilizing a lift station, and 2.) Relocation, protection, and/or diversion without a lift station. The following activities will be performed in the alternatives evaluations.
A. Identify design criteria for the new lift station including mechanical, electrical and I&C equipment to be installed. Confirm alternatives meet Hydraulic Institute (HI) Standards.
B. Prepare conceptual level sketches and figures to prepare Class 5 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) estimate.
C. Preliminary geotechnical investigations to prepare aerial crossing details to protect existing utilities in place or for revised alignments
D. Evaluate potential geomorphic response of the stream due to the revised alignments.
E. Evaluate the hydraulic profile of the stream due to the revised alignments.
F. Evaluate pipe relocation alternatives and pipe protection requirements to provide conceptual cost estimates for the evaluated alternatives.
Alternatives Evaluation. Based on the available and collected information, GPI will evaluate various bridge alternatives. GPI also will make a recommendation to the Town of Xxxxxxx on the most economical solution for the repair or replacement of the bridge that complies with the federal and state standards. GPI will coordinate with the District 3 and Boston offices of MassDOT prior to making a recommendation to confirm that MassDOT is in agreement with the concept since MassDOT will eventually have review authority over the bridge design according to MGL Chapter 85 Section 35.
Alternatives Evaluation. The purpose of this section is to complete a comparison of the with-project and without-project conditions for each alternative. A wide range of measures will be selected to complete this comparison and will reflect DWR’s commitment to integrated watershed management. Analyses may suggest opportunities for further refinement of alternative plans or changes in configurations to improve the tradeoff between multiple benefits, leading to selection of a preferred alternative. • Baseline Surveys • Sediment Transport Model • Water Quality Problems and Opportunities Analysis • Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy • Land and Conservation Easement Acquisition Strategy • Lower San Xxxxxxx Regional Mitigation Needs and Restoration Assessment • Project Financing Strategy
Alternatives Evaluation. Consultant shall evaluate potential congestion mitigation and safety alternatives (scenarios) against goals and criteria and recommend a scenario for the final Plan.
Alternatives Evaluation. Using the Framework Plan as a starting point, the Engineer shall develop up to four site alternatives for consideration by Xxxxxxxxxx County and BOR. The alternatives will be screened against the project purpose, needs, and objectives and vetted through the public and stakeholder involvement process. At a minimum, the alternatives will include consideration of the following elements: • Transportation improvements • Parking, access, and traffic flow • Boat ramps • Bay improvements (dredging, protection, and docks) • Camping unit designs, types, and amenities • Facility amenities (restrooms, gazebos, and common/group areas) • Paths, trails, sidewalks, and ADA accommodations • Landscape design concepts and vegetation • Utilities (water, sewer, and storm) • Dry Utilities (electrical, communications, lights, and gas) • Permitting and environmental clearances Deliverable: Alternatives Evaluation Memorandum
Alternatives Evaluation. The two alternatives presented in the City’s Storm Drain will be reviewed to determine the preferred alternative that will be advanced to final design. The design recommendations will be coordinated with the City and documented in an Alternatives Evaluation memorandum
Alternatives Evaluation