ANCILLARY EVENTS. To enhance the regional rounds of competition, create a greater economic and social impact on the local host community and support the goal areas of the NCAA women’s basketball strategic plan, host institution/conferences must host ancillary events/programming in partnership with the NCAA and/or its partners. Some examples of events/programming that could be held at a regional site include, but are not limited to the following: • Beyond the Baseline. The NCAA and host will host and event/programming to empower and engage former student-athletes, business women, women’s organizations and local women of influence. The goals of the program include spreading awareness and enthusiasm for the NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Championship along with creating unique events focused on supporting women. All Beyond the Baseline events should ultimately be tied with ticket sales. This event/programming can vary in size and scope, while including networking, education and professional development opportunities. • Read to the Final Four. Read to the Final Four is designed to leave a lasting impact and legacy on the local students of targeted communities. The program inspires and incentivize elementary students by encouraging them to develop a love of reading. Read to the Final Four will challenge local elementary students of all ages in a series of challenges that culminate in a month-long March Madness Challenge.
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ANCILLARY EVENTS. ATC reserves the right to control all suites and meeting rooms in the Facility and in those hotels participating in the ATC housing block. These controls have already been set up with each facility. All independent industry-sponsored events, including but not limited to symposia, private functions, focus groups, social events, entertainment, or otherwise affiliated with the Event (each an “Ancillary Event”) must be approved by ATC Show Management. No Ancillary Events can be scheduled during the hours listed below except for Focus Groups and Satellite Symposia (a separate application is required) approved by ATC Show Management: Saturday, June 1 4:15 pm – 7:00 pm Sunday, June 2 7:00 am – 5:30 pm Monday, June 3 7:00 am – 5:30 pm Tuesday, June 4 7:00 am – 6:30 pm Wednesday, June 5 7:00 am – 1:30 pm No request for an Ancillary Event should be considered approved until confirmed by ATC Show Management in writing. Exhibitors who hold an Ancillary Event during the hours list above may result in the loss of ATC priority points, may incur additional fees, and/or may lose the right to exhibit at the future American Transplant Congresses. Approved off-premises Ancillary Events are subject to the applicable administrative access fee and may only be held during designated hour(s) in the original request. Requests to extend timeslots must be submitted to ATC Show Management at least one week before the Ancillary Event and are subject to approval. All companies holding an Ancillary Event must contact exhibits@atcmeeting. org for approval, even if meeting space is not requested and an unofficial facility is being used. In-person Ancillary Events that include the operation of musical instruments, radios, sound projection equipment, or any noisemaking machines must be conducted or arranged so that the noise resulting from the demonstration will not annoy or disturb adjacent events, nor cause the aisles to be blocked. Operators of noisemaking Ancillary Events must secure approval of operating methods before the Ancillary Event opens. ATC Show Management shall be the sole judge of what constitutes appropriate sound levels. In-person registration areas may be located directly outside of each sponsor’s room and shall not interfere with neighboring events. Registration lines must be structured in an orderly fashion to include stanchions and must stay located on the same side of the wall as the Ancillary Event. ATC Show Management shall be the sole judge of what constitutes an or...
ANCILLARY EVENTS. The Foundation shall have the right to conduct other events and activities at LDS in conjunction with, and on the same dates as, the Tournament at no additional cost to the Foundation. The Foundation shall be responsible for the costs, fees and expenses incurred by the Foundation in staging and promoting such events. The Foundation will be responsible for any applicable permits or licenses, including a community event permit, if required by Section 3.11.050 of the Code of the City of Wichita.
ANCILLARY EVENTS. Check one of the options below. 🞏 Taste of Third (3/21) 🞏 Amps & Ales (6/1) ANCILLARY SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Check one of the options below. 🞏 Legacy Partner / $15,000 Premier Partner + “Presented by” on All Collateral. 🞏 Premier Partner / $5,000 Select Partner + Zone/Area Naming Rights. 🞏 Select Partner / $3,500 Community Partner + Activation Space. 🞏 Exhibitor / $1,000 Community Partner + 10x10 Booth Space. 🞏 Community Partner / $500 Hyperlink Logo on Website + Logo on Printed Collateral (Event Day). Name: Company (If Applicable): Address: Phone: Email: I hereby agree to sponsor the above event and level I have selected on behalf of myself/business. Signature: ONCE COMPLETE Remit form and payment to: Downtown Chula Vista Association Mail to: 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx, XX 00000 Email to:
ANCILLARY EVENTS. Are there additional events you would like to add that the PNWBA can help with? (These may have additional costs and requirements. please circle your selection(s): Cooking Class Cooking demonstration(s) Judging Class Sampling (please discuss plans with board rep./member rep. as soon as possible) By completing and signing this sanctioning agreement with the Pacific Northwest Barbecue Association (hereinafter the “PNWBA”), (hereinafter the “Venue”), agrees to the following:
ANCILLARY EVENTS. 8.1. Guests will have the option to participate in one of two Ancillary Events, which must be selected in advance due to limited availability. The Ancillary Event options are a Guided Tour of the Victoria Falls or a round of golf at the Elephant Hills Hotel[.
ANCILLARY EVENTS. Host shall have the opportunity, but not the obligation, to organize and conduct “Ancillary Events,” including but not limited to, a Welcome Event, Swimsuit Show/Party, National Costume Show and/or National Gift Auction. Host shall be responsible for the entire cost of any such Ancillary Events, and Producer makes no representation of any nature regarding this event and assumes no expense with respect thereto. All elements of any Ancillary Events shall be subject to Producer’s prior written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Host must notify Producer if it opts to conduct any Ancillary Events no later than November 1, 2014. If Host does not notify Producer by November 1, 2014, Producer shall have the right, but not the obligation, to host one or more of its own Ancillary Events.
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  • Extraordinary Events No fault if failure due to an Extraordinary Event

  • Regulatory Event New Taxes If, after the Effective Date, a Regulatory Event occurs or New Taxes are imposed, and such event or taxes have a direct, material and adverse effect on the economic benefits to a Party of this ESA, the affected Party shall send written notice to the other Party, setting forth the Regulatory Event or New Taxes and reasonably demonstrating the effect of the same on the affected Party. Upon delivery of such notice, the Parties shall use reasonable efforts to negotiate an amendment to this ESA to mitigate such effect. Alternatively, if as a direct result of such a Regulatory Event or New Taxes, the Competitive Supplier incurs additional, material costs, the Competitive Supplier shall provide a written notice to the Town that documents: a) the effective date of the Regulatory Event or New Taxes; b) a detailed explanation and reasonable demonstration of the material costs incurred as a result of the Regulatory Event or New Taxes; c) the timing of the cost impact to be incurred by the Competitive Supplier; d) the proposed price increase per kWh to be passed on to Participating Consumers; and e) a proposed plan for coordinating with the Local Distributor for an increase in the price per kWh that is billed by the Local Distributor, designed to reimburse the Competitive Supplier for such cost impact. If the Town and the Competitive supplier cannot agree on the amendment to this ESA or reimbursement contemplated by this section, the matter may be subject to dispute resolution in accordance with section 12.2. In no event shall a price change become effective without providing Participating Consumers with a 30-day advance notice of the price change.

  • Recurring Transactions If you intend to use your Card for recurring transactions, you should monitor your balance and ensure you have funds available in your Digital Bank Account to cover the transactions. “Recurring transactions” are transactions that are authorized in advance by you to be charged to your Digital Bank Account or Card at substantially regular intervals. We are not responsible if a recurring transaction is declined because you have not maintained a sufficient balance in your Digital Bank Account to cover the recurring transaction. If these recurring transactions may vary in amount, the person you are going to pay should tell you, 10 days before each payment, when it will be made and how much it will be. (You may choose instead to get this notice only when the payment would differ by more than a certain amount from the previous payment, or when the amount would fall outside certain limits that you set.) If your Account was obtained through your employer or you receive electronic deposits of federal payments to your Digital Bank Account: If you have told us in advance to make regular payments (i.e., recurring transactions) from your Digital Bank Account, you can stop the payment by calling the number on the back of your Card, (000) 000-0000, or by sending notice through e-mail to xxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxx, or by mailing notice to MovoCash, Inc., 000 Xxxxxx Xxx., 0xx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, XX 00000 at least three business days before the scheduled date of the transfer. If you call, we also may require you to put your request in writing and get it to us within 14 days after you call. If you order us to stop one of these payments three business days or more before the transfer is scheduled, and we do not do so, we will be liable for your direct losses or damages. If you have authorized a merchant to make the recurring transaction, you also should contact the applicable merchant in order to stop the recurring transaction.

  • Events If either Party hereto is at any time either during this Agreement or thereafter prevented or delayed in complying with any provisions of this Agreement by reason of strikes, walk-outs, labour shortages, power shortages, fires, wars, acts of God, earthquakes, storms, floods, explosions, accidents, protests or demonstrations by environmental lobbyists or native rights groups, delays in transportation, breakdown of machinery, inability to obtain necessary materials in the open market, unavailability of equipment, governmental regulations restricting normal operations, shipping delays or any other reason or reasons beyond the control of that Party, then the time limited for the performance by that Party of its respective obligations hereunder shall be extended by a period of time equal in length to the period of each such prevention or delay.

  • Relief Events The terms “Force Majeure Events” and “

  • Force Majeure Events a) Neither Party shall be responsible or liable for or deemed in breach hereof because of any delay or failure in the performance of its obligations hereunder (except for obligations to pay money due prior to occurrence of Force Majeure events under this Agreement) or failure to meet milestone dates due to any event or circumstance (a "Force Majeure Event") beyond the reasonable control of the Party experiencing such delay or failure, including the occurrence of any of the following:

  • CONTINUING CONNECTED TRANSACTIONS TRADEMARK LICENSING AGREEMENT On 11 June 2013, Huizhou NVC and ETIC entered into a trademark licensing agreement (the Agreement), pursuant to which, Huizhou NVC grants ETIC a non-transferrable right to use certain registered trademarks of the Company on ETIC’s certain LED lamp products exclusively worldwide, subject to the terms and conditions provided therein. LISTING RULES IMPLICATIONS As at the date of this announcement, Huizhou NVC is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company and ETIC is a substantial shareholder of the Company holding approximately 20.24% of the Company’s share capital and is therefore a connected person of the Company. Accordingly the transactions under the Agreement constitute continuing connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. As each of the applicable Percentage Ratios calculated based on the annual caps set for the annual licensing fee payable by ETIC under the Agreement is more than 0.1% but less than 5%, the transactions under the Agreement are subject to the reporting, announcement and annual review requirements, but are exempted from the independent shareholders’ approval requirement under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. CONTINUING CONNECTED TRANSACTIONS UNDER THE AGREEMENT Principal Terms of the Agreement Date of the Agreement: 11 June 2013 Parties: Huizhou NVC and ETIC Transaction: Pursuant to the Agreement, Huizhou NVC grants ETIC, a non-transferrable right to use certain registered trademarks of the Company, including “NVC” and “雷士”, as well as granting ETIC the right to use the Company’s registered trademark in combination with ETIC’s own brand as “NVCETI” and “雷士德豪” on ETIC’s LED lamp products. The licensing is worldwide but is exclusive only on certain ETIC’s LED lamp products. Licensing Fee: The trademark licensing fee is agreed based on arm’s length negotiations and is on normal commercial terms. It will be calculated based on the following:

  • Extraordinary Event Registry Operator will use commercially reasonable efforts to restore the critical functions of the registry within twenty-­‐four (24) hours after the termination of an extraordinary event beyond the control of the Registry Operator and restore full system functionality within a maximum of forty-­‐eight (48) hours following such event, depending on the type of critical function involved. Outages due to such an event will not be considered a lack of service availability.

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