Preconstruction Meeting Furnish the names of the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control/Stormwater Supervisor, Certified Foremen, Certified Installers and Certified Designer and notify the Engineer of changes in certified personnel over the life of the contract within 2 days of change. Any company performing work for the North Carolina Department of Transportation has the ethical responsibility to fully disclose any reprimand or dismissal of an employee resulting from improper testing or falsification of records.
Negotiation Meetings The first bargaining session shall be held at a mutually agreed time and date within fourteen (14) days of the request. All proposals by the parties shall be written and submitted to the representative(s) of both teams at the first meeting. No additional items shall be submitted by either party following the first meeting, unless mutually agreed by the parties. Additional ground rules, if any, will be established at the first meeting. Bargaining sessions shall not be scheduled during the regular teacher workday. Time and dates as used in this Article may be changed by mutual agreement.
Pre-Construction Meeting No more than seven (7) days from the issuance of the NTP, unless the County grants additional time, the County will conduct a pre-construction meeting with the Contractor’s project manager, Subcontractors, and the end-user to determine the actual project schedule, project access requirements and to address and resolve any customer concerns.
Monthly Meetings The Chief Xxxxxxx or Xxxxxxx designated by the Union and the university’s chief human resources officer or designee shall schedule monthly meetings to review pending grievances and contractual issues and to make good faith efforts to resolve such grievances and issues. The Chief Xxxxxxx or Xxxxxxx designated by the Union and the university’s chief human resources officer or designee shall mutually agree on the participation of other Union and Employer representatives at these meetings on a case-by-case basis. Such meetings shall take place during regular working hours. Bargaining unit employees authorized to attend these meetings shall be considered to be on work time.
Quarterly Meetings a. The Parties must meet as frequently as necessary to ensure proper oversight of this MOU but not less frequently than quarterly, in order to address care coordination, Quality Improvement (“QI”) activities, QI outcomes, systemic and case- specific concerns, and communicating with others within their organizations about such activities. These meetings may be conducted virtually. b. Within 30 Working Days after each quarterly meeting, the Parties must each post on its website the date and time the quarterly meeting occurred, and, as applicable, distribute to meeting participants a summary of any follow-up action items or changes to processes that are necessary to fulfill the Parties’ obligations under the Medi-Cal Managed Care Contract, the DMC-ODS Intergovernmental Agreement, and this MOU. c. The Parties each must invite the other Party’s Responsible Person and appropriate program executives to participate in quarterly meetings to ensure appropriate committee representation, including a local presence, to discuss and address care coordination and MOU-related issues. The Parties’ Subcontractors and Downstream Subcontractors should be permitted to participate in these meetings, as appropriate. d. The Parties must report to DHCS updates from quarterly meetings in a manner and at a frequency specified by DHCS.
Pre-Disciplinary Meeting The College will schedule a pre-disciplinary meeting to permit the faculty member to respond to a notice of intent to discipline. At the beginning of any pre-disciplinary meeting, the College will describe its proposed discipline and the general reasons for issuing the proposed discipline.
Business Review Meetings In order to maintain the relationship between the Department and the Contractor, each quarter the Department may request a business review meeting. The business review meeting may include, but is not limited to, the following: • Successful completion of deliverables • Review of the Contractor’s performance • Review of minimum required reports • Addressing of any elevated Customer issues • Review of continuous improvement ideas that may help lower total costs and improve business efficiencies.
Contract Negotiation Meetings When operational requirements permit, the Employer will grant leave without pay to an employee for the purpose of attending contract negotiation meetings on behalf of the Alliance. Preparatory Contract Negotiation Meetings
Association Meetings The Association shall have the right to use school facilities for meetings without cost after the regular students’ school day.
Union Meetings The Employer recognizes the Union's interest in keeping its members informed and aware of its activities through regular union meetings. The Employer may approve the use of the agency facilities to hold union meetings. Union meetings, including general and/or committee(s) meetings, held on employer premises will not interfere with the operation of the Employer.