Appraiser Qualifications. 1. All real property appraisers performing appraisals under ALE must be State-certified general real property appraiser or obtain a temporary practice permit equal to State- certified general real property appraiser in compliance with title XI of the Financial Institution’s Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) in the State or States where the subject property is located.
2. Must be in good standing with the licensing authority where the credential was issued.
3. The appraiser must not have received any disciplinary action within the past 5 years.
4. The appraiser must have demonstrated competency in compliance with USPAP or UASFLA in conducting appraisals of rural and agricultural properties of the requested type.
5. The appraiser must have demonstrated competency in compliance with USPAP or UASFLA in conducting appraisals of rural and agricultural properties with conservation easements of the requested type.
6. The appraiser must provide documentation of completion of a valuation of conservation easements or eminent domain appraisal course.
7. The appraiser must provide documentation of completion of a UASFLA (Yellow Book) course for any UASFLA appraisal.
8. Documentation of the experience and education will be included in the appraisal report.
Appraiser Qualifications. The appraiser must indicate that he or she is licensed in the State of California and an MAI or SRA designated member of the Appraisal Institute (or should the Appraisal Institute cease to exist, the successor organization and/or equivalent designations) with not less than five years of experience appraising single-family residential properties in the southern San Mateo County/northern Santa Xxxxx County area. The appraiser must determine, prior to accepting the assignment, that he or she can perform the assignment in accord with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) of the Appraisal Foundation, and the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute.
Appraiser Qualifications. A. To perform appraisals under this program, a real property appraiser must be a State-certified general real property appraiser or obtain a temporary practice permit in accordance with title XI of the Financial Institution’s Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) in the State or States where the subject property is located and be in good standing with the licensing authority where the credential was issued. The appraiser must have demonstrated competency in compliance with USPAP in conducting appraisals of agricultural and timber properties with and without conservation easements of the requested type, and must provide documentation of appraisal education courses attended, including an eminent domain or conservation easements course.
B. Before issuing any work order to an appraiser, the contracting official must determine that the appraiser selected meets the above requirements. Assistance in the selection process is available from NRCS National Headquarters (NHQ).
Appraiser Qualifications. Each appraiser selected under this Exhibit must (i) be a reputable real estate appraiser, (ii) be a member of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers or a successor body hereinafter constituted exercising a similar function, (iii) have experience in appraising property similar to the Subject Property (in terms of location, size, improvements and quality) and (iv) have no direct or indirect financial or other business interests in any party to this Agreement or the Hotel Property.
Appraiser Qualifications. (1) A qualified appraiser(s) shall provide to the authorized officer appraisals estimating the market value of Federal and non-Federal properties involved in an exchange. A qualified appraiser may be an employee or a contractor to the Federal or non-Federal exchange parties. At a minimum, a qualified appraiser shall be an individual agreeable to all parties and approved by the authorized officer, who is competent, reputable, impartial, and has training and experience in appraising property similar to the property involved in the appraisal assignment.
(2) Qualified appraisers shall possess qualifications consistent with State regulatory requirements that meet the intent of Title XI, Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) (12 U.S.C. 3331). In the event a State or Territory does not have approved policies, practices, and procedures regulating the activities of appraisers, the Forest Service may establish appraiser qualification standards commensurate with those generally adopted by other States or Territories meeting the requirements of FIRREA.
Appraiser Qualifications. (a) A qualified appraiser(s) shall pro- vide to the authorized officer apprais- als estimating the market value of Federal and non-Federal properties in- volved in an exchange. A qualified ap- praiser may be an employee or a con- tractor to the Federal or non-Federal exchange parties. At a minimum, a qualified appraiser shall be an indi- vidual, approved by the authorized offi- cer, who is competent, reputable, im- partial, and has training and experi- ence in appraising property similar to the property involved in the appraisal assignment.
(b) Qualified appraisers shall possess qualifications consistent with State regulatory requirements that meet the intent of title XI of the Financial Insti- tutions Reform, Recovery and Enforce- ment Act of 1989 (FIRREA) (12 U.S.C. 3331). In the event a State does not have approved policies, practices and procedures regulating the activities of appraisers, the Bureau of Land Man- agement may establish appraisal quali- fication standards commensurate with those adopted by other States meeting the requirements of FIRREA.
Appraiser Qualifications. Any appraiser designated to serve as provided in this Section shall be disinterested, shall be a licensed Real Estate Appraiser and a member of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (or any successor association or body of comparable standing if such institute is not then in existence), and shall be familiar with commercial property values in San Xxxxxxx County, California.
Appraiser Qualifications. ( a) A q u a lified a pp r a i se r ( s) s h a ll p r o- vide t o t h e a u t h o r ized office r a pp r a i s- a l s es t i m a t i n g t h e m a r k e t v a l u e of F ede r a l a n d n o n- F ede r a l p r ope r t ies i n- volved i n a n exc x x x xx. A q u a lified a p- p r a i se r m a y be a n e m plo y ee o r a co n- t r a c t o r t o t h e F ede r a l o r n o n- F ede r a l exc x x x xx p a r t ies. A t a m i n i m u m , a q u a lified a pp r a i se r s h a ll be a n i n di- vid u a l , a pp r oved b y t h e a u t h o r ized offi- ce r , w h o i s co m pe t e n t , r ep u t a ble, i m - p a r t i a l , a n d h a s t r a i n i n g a n d expe r i- e n ce i n a pp r a i s i n g p r ope r t y s i m il a r t o t h e p r ope r t y i n volved i n t h e a pp r a i s a l a ssig n m e n t .
( b) Qu a lified a pp r a i se r s s h a ll possess q u a lific a t io n s co n s i s t e n t wi t h S t a t e r eg u l a t o ry r eq u i r e m e n t s t h a t m ee t t h e i n t e n t of t i t le XI of t h e F i n a n ci a l I n s t i- t u t io n s R efo r m , R ecove ry a n d E nfo r ce- m e n t Ac t of 1989 ( F I RR E A) (12 U. S .C. 3331). I n t h e eve n t a S x x x x does n o t h a ve a pp r oved policies, p r a c t ices a n d p r oced ur es r eg u l a t i n g t h e a c t ivi t ies of a pp r a i se r s, t h e B ur e a u of La n d M a n- a ge m e n t m a y es t a blis h a pp r a i s a l q u a li- fic a t io n s t a n d a r ds co mm e n s ur a t e wi t h t h ose a dop t ed b y o t h e r S t a t es m ee t i n g t h e r eq u i r e m e n t s of F I RR E A.
Appraiser Qualifications. Any appraiser designated to serve in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement (i) shall be disinterested and impartial; (ii) shall be a duly licensed MAI appraiser and a member in good standing of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (or any successors association or body of comparable standing if such Institute is not then in existence), qualified to appraise real estate and other assets of the type covered by this Agreement; and (iii) shall have been actively engaged in the appraisal of real estate in the general vicinity of the Real Property for a period of not less than five (5) years immediately preceding his appointment.
Appraiser Qualifications. The minimum qualifications required for Appraisers is outlined as follows: