ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION. Tenant acknowledges that it has received the asbestos notification letter attached to this Lease as Exhibit G, disclosing the existence of asbestos in the Building. Tenant agrees to comply with the California “Xxxxxxxx Act” and other applicable laws, including by providing copies of Landlord’s asbestos notification letter to all of Tenant’s “employees” and “owners”, as those terms are defined in the Xxxxxxxx Act and other applicable laws.
ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION. Numerous SMUD buildings were constructed with some asbestos-containing components. An asbestos information sheet is provided as the Asbestos Notification Appendix to this Agreement, which shall be provided to all of Contractor’s Representatives performing work within such SMUD buildings.
ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION. Housing built before 1981 may contain asbestos. Any asbestos-containing material (ACM) has been encapsulated or removed, as specified by law. The ceilings are inspected by UC Merced facilities staff during annual housing inspections. However, disturbance or damage to certain apartment and residence hall ceilings may increase the potential exposure to these substances. RESIDENT or RESIDENT’s guest shall not take or permit any action which in any way damages or disturbs the premises or any part thereof, including but not limited to piercing the ceiling by drilling or any other method, hanging objects, attaching or replacing fixtures, or doing any repairs to any portion of the ceiling, or undertaking activity which results in building vibration that may cause damage to the ceiling. RESIDENT shall notify the UNIVERSITY immediately in writing upon occurrence of any such damage or any other deterioration of the ceiling in the premises, including but not limited to flaking, loose, cracking, hanging or dislodged material, water leaks or stains in the ceiling.
ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION. Housing built before 1981 may contain asbestos. Any asbestos-containing material (ACM) has been encapsulated or removed, as specified by law. The ceilings are inspected by UC San Diego Environment, Health & Safety staff during annual housing inspections. However, disturbance or damage to certain apartment and residence hall ceilings may increase the potential exposure to these substances. Student or Student’s guest shall not take or permit any action which in any way damages or disturbs the premises or any part thereof, including but not limited to piercing the ceiling by drilling or any other method, hanging objects, attaching or replacing fixtures, or doing any repairs to any portion of the ceiling, or undertaking activity which results in building vibration that may cause damage to the ceiling. Student shall notify the University immediately in writing upon occurrence of any such damage or any other deterioration of the ceiling in the premises, including but not limited to flaking, loose, cracking, hanging or dislodged material, water leaks, or stains in the ceiling.
ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION. Asbestos-containing materials (“ACMs”) were historically commonly used in the construction of commercial buildings across the country. ACMs were commonly used because of their beneficial qualities; ACMs are fire-resistant and provide good noise and temperature insulation. Some common types of ACMs include surfacing materials (such as spray-on fireproofing, stucco, plaster and textured paint), flooring materials (such as vinyl floor tile and vinyl floor sheeting) and their associated mastics, carpet mastic, thermal system insulation (such as pipe or duct wrap, boiler wrap and cooling tower insulation), roofing materials, drywall, drywall joint tape and drywall joint compound, acoustic ceiling tiles, transite board, base cove and associated mastic, caulking, window glazing and fire doors. These materials are not required under law to be removed from any building (except prior to demolition and certain renovation projects). Moreover, ACMs generally are not thought to present a threat to human health unless they cause a release of asbestos fibers into the air, which does not typically occur unless (1) the ACMs are in a deteriorated condition, or (2) the ACMs have been significantly disturbed (such as through abrasive cleaning, or maintenance or renovation activities). It is possible that some of the various types of ACMs noted above (or other types) are present at various locations in the Building. Anyone who finds any such materials in the building should assume them to contain asbestos unless those materials are properly tested and determined to be otherwise. In addition, Landlord has identified the presence of certain ACMs in the Building. For information about the specific types and locations of these identified ACMs, please contact the Building manager. The Building manager maintains records of the Building’s asbestos information including any Building asbestos surveys, sampling and abatement reports. This information is maintained as part of Landlord’s asbestos Operations and Maintenance Plan (“O&M Plan”). The O&M Plan is designed to minimize the potential of any harmful asbestos exposure to any person in the building. Because Landlord is not a physician, scientist or industrial hygienist, Landlord has no special knowledge of the health impact of exposure to asbestos. Therefore, Landlord hired an independent environmental consulting firm to prepare the Building’s O&M Plan. The O&M Plan includes a schedule of actions to be taken in order to (1) maintain a...
ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION. In accordance with California law, we are providing you with information concerning the presence of asbestos containing materials (ACM's) and certain chemicals in Bovet Office Centre. California law also requires Tenants and Contractors to give their respective employees, contractors, subcontractors, agents, lessors and subtenants written notification regarding the presence of ACM's in the buildings within 15 days after receipt of such information. Many building construction materials and furnishings, when new, tend to emit small amounts of gases, such as formaldehyde or urethane that the State of California has determined to be carcinogens and/or reproductive toxins. We have implemented a policy of requiring all contractors to minimize the use of hazardous chemicals in connection with work performed in the buildings. Nevertheless, detectable amounts of such gases may be present in the building air from time to time. Accordingly, we are providing the following warning in accordance with Proposition 65 (Health and Safety Code Sections 25249.6 et seq.):
ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION. Many SMUD facilities were constructed with some asbestos-containing components. Contractor acknowledges that Contractor has received SMUD’s Asbestos Notification. Contractor shall provide a copy of the Asbestos Notification to all of Contractor’s Representatives performing any Work in the applicable locations
ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION. In September, 1989, the Governor of California signed AB-1564, an Asbestos Notification law, codified in Section 25915 et seq. of the Health and Safety Code. Health and Safety Code Section 25915(a) states: Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, the owner of any building constructed prior to 1979, who knows that the building contains asbestos- containing construction materials, shall provide notice to all employees of that owner working within the building. Should the Landlord know of any asbestos-containing material, Landlord will notify Tenant within ten (10) days. If Tenant suspects or has reason to believe that the Premises contains asbestos-containing material, Landlord shall within ten (10) days of Tenant's request supply Tenant with an Asbestos Survey Report done by a qualified hazardous material specialist. If Landlord fails to have requested testing done, Tenant shall have the required testing done and all related cost shall be deducted from the lease payment. If test is positive and abatement is necessary, Landlord shall provide the Tenant an Asbestos Abatement Plan within thirty (30) days.
ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION. Tenant acknowledges that it has received and reviewed Exhibit F attached hereto and incorporated herein.
ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION. This Exhibit (the “Exhibit”) is attached to and made a part of the Lease by and between CA-EMERYVILLE PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Delaware limited partnership (“Landlord”) and NEUROMOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation (“Tenant”) for space in the Building located at 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Emeryville, California, commonly known as Emeryville Tower I (the “Building”). Asbestos-containing materials (“ACMs”) were historically commonly used in the construction of commercial buildings across the country. ACMs were commonly used because of their beneficial qualities; ACMs are fire-resistant and provide good noise and temperature insulation. Some common types of ACMs include surfacing materials (such as spray-on fireproofing, stucco, plaster and textured paint), flooring materials (such as vinyl floor tile and vinyl floor sheeting) and their associated mastics, carpet mastic, thermal system insulation (such as pipe or duct wrap, boiler wrap and cooling tower insulation), roofing materials, drywall, drywall joint tape and drywall joint compound, acoustic ceiling tiles, transite board, base cove and associated mastic, caulking, window glazing and fire doors. These materials are not required under law to be removed from any building (except prior to demolition and certain renovation projects). Moreover, ACMs generally are not thought to present a threat to human health unless they cause a release of asbestos fibers into the air, which does not typically occur unless (1) the ACMs are in a deteriorated condition, or (2) the ACMs have been significantly disturbed (such as through abrasive cleaning, or maintenance or renovation activities).