Ballistic Vests. Only body armor issued or approved by the Employer will be worn. Employees shall be required to wear protective body armor in accordance with the Employers Policy unless the Employer determines that the circumstances make it inappropriate to mandate its wearing. The Employer shall provide properly fitted protective body armor which complies with the NIJ standards in effect at the time of the purchase. An exception to this may be for newly hired employees, in which case the newly hired employee may be issued a temporary protective body armor that fits the employee until the newly ordered item comes in. The Employer shall maintain a list of ballistic vest expiration dates and replace (expired) vests in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. No later than two (2) months before the manufacture recommended replacement date, the Employer shall have the Employee fitted and order a replacement the ballistic vest. No employee will be required to wear an expired vest or one not fitted for them. Employees shall be required to notify the Sheriff or (his) designee of any damage to the body armor for which the manufacturer would recommend replacement (if the damage or loss is due to the employee’s misuse or recklessness, the employee may be referred to disciplinary action). The determination of whether the body armor will be replaced is at the discretion of the Sheriff or designee.
Ballistic Vests. The City shall refurbish, repair or replace ballistic vests for each represented employee. The City shall provide employee’s voucher for a replacement vest ninety days (90) days prior to the manufacturer’s expiration date. Ballistic vests provided to employees remain the property of the City and must be returned to the City when an employee is issued a replacement vest.
Ballistic Vests. The Village agrees to furnish each employee with a ballistic vest of at least a Threat Level IIIA. The Village shall replace ballistic vests, pursuant to the manufacturers’ specifications or wear or damage, at a cost of no more than nine hundred dollars ($900.00). Employees may use funds from their uniform allowance to supplement the purchase of a more costly vest. The choice of vests will be mutually agreed upon between the Chief of Police and the employees.
Ballistic Vests. The Village shall supply to and maintain ballistic (“bullet-proof”) vests for any Evidence Technician or Community Service Officer who requests one.
Ballistic Vests. The Employer shall provide all sworn personnel who are members of the Council with a ballistic vest or soft body armor. Personnel who have already been provided with vests shall have the vest replaced by the Employer as the warranty period for the vest expires.
Ballistic Vests. The City shall provide a Department specified Level III ballistic vest. All uniformed employees shall be required to wear the Department specified vest. The allotment for replacement of vests will be repeated each six (6) years beginning the first quarter of the sixth year (2001). The purchase shall be on a rotational basis based on the age of the current vests. All new hires shall receive a Level III ballistic vest.
Ballistic Vests. The Employer shall provide a ballistic vest to all new full time and part time Bailiffs. The Employer shall replace the bullet proof vests of every full time Bailiff every five years. Old vests purchased by the Sheriff’s office shall be returned to the Sheriff’s office.
Ballistic Vests. The City shall provide all sworn officers with a ballistic vest upon employment. Should such vest become unserviceable due to normal wear and tear, or defects, or the manufacturer’s warranty date expires, the City shall replace the vest at no cost to the employee.
a. The City reserves the right to determine the ballistic vest specifications including, but not limited to, manufacturer, design, threat level, etc.
b. An employee may, of their choosing, opt to purchase their own vest provided the chosen vest either meets or exceeds the ballistic vest specifications utilized by the Department. Should the cost of the vest exceed the cost of the City-issued vest, the City will reimburse the employee's expense, not to exceed the cost of the City-issued vest.
Ballistic Vests. The Employer shall supply one (1) ballistic vest for all employees in the deputy classification. All road deputies must wear vest while on duty. Vests will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer's warranty.
Ballistic Vests. The Village agrees to replace ballistic vests worn by the members of the collective bargaining unit in conformance with the recommendations of the vest manufacture.