Soft Body Armor Sample Clauses
Soft Body Armor. The County will reimburse an employee in the classes of Deputy Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Sergeant for the cost of purchase (and replacement at expiration) of a soft body armor vest acceptable to the Sheriff with a cost not to exceed $850.00. Any deputy accepting reimbursement for the cost of a soft body armor vest pursuant to the terms of this agreement shall wear the vest during duty hours during the useful life of the vest. If the employee terminates from County employment, the employee will return to the County, by way of a deduction from the employee’s final paycheck, an amount according to the following schedule:
a. Employee with less than one (1) year of service as a deputy since the purchase of the vest will return eighty percent (80%) of the amount originally reimbursed by the County.
b. Employee with at least one (1) year but less than two (2) years of service as a deputy since the purchase of the vest will return sixty percent (60%) of the amount originally reimbursed by the County.
c. Employee with at least two (2) years but less than three (3) years of service as a deputy since the purchase of the vest will return forty percent (40%) of the amount originally reimbursed by the County.
d. Employee with at least three (3) years but less than four (4) years of service as a deputy since the purchase of the vest will return twenty percent (20%) of the amount originally reimbursed by the County.
Soft Body Armor. The City will reimburse employees not more frequently than every five (5) years for the cost of purchasing and replacing soft body armor vests, upon expiration of manufacturer’s certification. This reimbursement shall not exceed eight hundred dollars ($800). If an employee terminates from City employment, the employee will reimburse the City, by way of deduction from the employee’s final paycheck, an amount in accordance with the following schedule: An employee with less than:
a. one (1) year of service since purchasing the vest, will reimburse the City for eighty percent (80%) of the amount originally received from the City.
b. two (2) years of service since purchasing the vest, will reimburse the City for sixty percent (60%) of the amount originally received from the City.
c. three (3) years of service since purchasing the vest, will reimburse the City for forty percent (40%) of the amount originally received from the City.
Soft Body Armor. The Employer will provide each newly appointed police officer National Institute of Justice approved soft body armor and external carrier. The Employer will take steps to replace all soft body armor prior to its recommended expiration date.
Soft Body Armor. The City shall provide each newly appointed sworn employee with National Institute of Justice approved soft body armor and external carrier. The City shall replace all soft body armor prior to its recommended expiration date. The cost for such will be borne by the City. The external carrier will be inspected by the Chief of Police, or designee, for possible replacement due to wear.
Soft Body Armor. A) The Employer will provide each newly appointed sworn officer, CSO and civilian investigator with well-fitting ballistic-resistant armor (vest) that meets National Institute of Justice (N.I.J.) Type III-A Classification Standards. The Employer will replace the armor with N.I.J. Type III-A armor every five years, or by N.I.J. recommendations, whichever comes first. The Employer retains ownership of the armor.
B) No Sworn Member, CSO, or Civilian Investigator shall be required to perform work that requires soft body armor for safety purposes without having soft body armor that meets the conditions stated in A) above.
Soft Body Armor. All bulletproof vests and body armor shall be a minimum of Level III and will not be utilized by the Agency in excess of the manufacturer’s recommended life. All bargaining unit members will be fitted individually for their body armor.
Soft Body Armor. 1 Departmental Insignia 1 pair Badges ......................... 2 Shoes ........................... 2 pair Jumpsuit (k-9)…………. 1 Baseball Hat.................. 1
Soft Body Armor. The Sheriff’s Office will continue to provide soft body armor (vest) to safety personnel. Should a reasonably proper fitting vest be unavailable, the Department will provide soft body armor which is properly fitted to the employee. Special ordered vests will not be replaced by the Department during the manufacturer’s suggested life of the vest if the necessity to replace the vest is an increase or minor decrease in the weight or proportions of the employee.
Soft Body Armor. The City agrees to purchase a fitted/tailored soft body armor for each officer at the time of employment and every six years thereafter. For example: new officer/garment purchased: January 16, 1998. Next soft body armor purchase date: January 16, 2003. The City shall retain ownership of the garment. Officers shall be allowed to use their discretion whether or not to wear the soft body armor while on duty but assigned to activities such as: presentations to school children; presentations to other groups; directing traffic during parades, funerals, and the like; conducting bicycle safety training and similar activities.
Soft Body Armor. The City shall provide to all Officers the option of selecting soft body armor with a minimum standard of Threat Level III-A or Threat Level II. Such vests shall meet the highest levels of specifications as determined by the Labor Relations Committee outlined in Article 9. Vests shall be provided to all new Officers prior to the end of their first week as Officers. Vests shall be replaced every five (5) years by making a proper request to the Division Commander, or at any time when obvious damage to the vest requires replacement. However, if it is determined by the Labor Relations Committee outlined in Article 9, that the damage done to the vest was caused by neglect or misuse on the part of the Officer, then the Officer shall pay the actual value considering replacement costs, depreciation, utility value, and market value of the vest as determined by the Labor Relations Committee at the time of the loss. One free fitting per year will be provided by the City.