Rank Differential. Effective January 1, 1980, compensation differentials shall be recognized between various ranks and grades in the Cincinnati Police Department as follows:
A. An eight percent (8%) differential between the rank of Police Officer and the grade of Police Specialist.
B. An eight percent (8%) differential between the grade of Police Specialist and the rank of Police Sergeant.
C. A sixteen percent (16%) differential between the ranks of Police Sergeant and Police Lieutenant.
D. A sixteen percent (16%) differential between the ranks of Police Lieutenant and Police Captain.
E. A sixteen percent (16%) differential between the ranks of Police Captain and Assistant Chief.
Rank Differential. The hourly rate for members in the rank of lieutenant shall be based upon a rank differential of 17% between the maximum hourly base wage of members in the rank of officers; and, the hourly rate for members in the rank of Captain shall be based upon a rank differential of 10% between the maximum hourly base wage of members in the rank of Lieutenant. Upon the ratification date of this agreement, bargaining unit members holding the rank of Lieutenant or Captain will be paid an hourly base wage in accordance with the table listed below: Rate Lieutenant 46.36 Captain 50.99 Effective pay period 1 of fiscal year 2018, the hourly rate listed above will be adjusted to provide the equivalent of the aggregate percent increase if the equivalent of the aggregate percent increase established for non-bargaining unit Classified Civil Service employees in the fiscal year 2018 guidance memorandum issued by the University for the annual merit compensation process for non-bargaining unit Classified Civil Service employees is above 0%. Effective pay period 1 of fiscal year 2019, the hourly rate listed above will be adjusted to provide the equivalent of the aggregate percent increase if the equivalent of the aggregate percent increase established for non-bargaining unit Classified Civil Service employees in the fiscal year 2019 guidance memorandum issued by the University for the annual merit compensation process for non-bargaining unit Classified Civil Service employees is above 0%.
Rank Differential. The hourly rate for members in the rank of lieutenant shall be based upon a rank differential of 17% between the maximum hourly base wage of members in the rank of officers; and, the hourly rate for members in the rank of Captain shall be based upon a rank differential of 10% between the maximum hourly base wage of members in the rank of Lieutenant. Effective July 1, 2019, bargaining unit members holding the rank of Lieutenant or Captain will be paid an hourly base wage in accordance with the table listed below: Rate Lieutenant 52.03 Captain 57.24
Rank Differential. Employees assigned as an acting Supervisor shall be compensated at the rate of nine (9) minutes of straight time compensation for each sixty (60) minutes they serve in an acting Supervisor capacity. This rank differential compensation may be paid in money or compensatory time at the employee’s discretion. The total compensation time (if not in six (6) minute interval) shall be rounded up to the next six (6) minute interval.
Rank Differential. Rank Differential shall be as follows, based on a First Class Constable salary: S/Sergeant 116% Sergeant 110% 1st Class Constable 100% 2nd Class Constable 92% 3rd Class Constable 84% 4th Class Constable 76%
Rank Differential. There shall be a rank differential of sixteen percent (16%) between Police Officer-Step 9 and Sergeant-Step 9, and a rank differential of twelve percent (12%) between Sergeant-Step 9 and Lieutenant-Step 9 except that the parties agree that the City shall maintain the rate differential of fourteen percent (14%) between Sergeant-Step 9 and Lieutenant- Step 9 for those Lieutenants employed as Lieutenants by the City as of January 1, 2014.
Rank Differential. Lieutenants shall receive a rank differential of 20% above the corresponding pay rate calculated in accordance with section 30.1. Should the police officers, as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement by and between Ohio University and the Fraternal Order of Police, Ohio Labor Council on behalf of Ohio University Police Officers, negotiate a pay scale that no longer corresponds with the Lieutenants’ pay scale, thus no longer providing a
Rank Differential. 27.01 The rank differential for the Sergeants shall be twelve and one-half percent (12 ½%) calculated from the highest existing deputy rate effective January 1, 2022. The rank differential for the Sergeants shall be thirteen percent (13%) calculated from the highest existing dep- uty rate effective January 1, 2023. The rank differential for Lieutenant shall be ten percent (10%) calculated from the highest existing Sergeant rank effective January 1, 2021. The rank differential for Lieutenant shall be twelve and one-half percent (12 ½%) calculated from the highest existing Sergeant rank effective January 1, 2022. The rank differential for Lieutenant shall be thirteen percent (13%) calculated from the highest existing Ser- geant rank effective January 1, 2023.
Rank Differential. 27.01 The rank differential for Sergeants shall be eleven percent (11%) calculated from the highest existing deputy rate for the first year of this agreement. The rank differential for a Sergeant shall be eleven and half per- cent (11.5%) calculated from the highest existing deputy rate for the second year of this agreement. The rank differential for Sergeants shall be twelve percent (12%) calculated from the highest existing deputy rate for the third year of this agreement. The rank differential for Lieutenant shall be ten percent (10%) calculated from the highest existing Sergeant rank for the life of this agreement.