Behaviour Policy Sample Clauses
Behaviour Policy. Whilst in attendance at our premises you must comply with our Behaviour Policy, a copy of which is available upon request. Eating [outside of the designated café area], smoking and drinking alcohol within the Club is not permitted. Failure to comply with the Behaviour Policy may result in the suspension or termination of your membership without notice. Where your membership is suspended or terminated due to a breach of the Behaviour Policy, you will not be entitled to any refund or other compensation in respect of membership fees (or other fees) paid to us. We will not have any liability to you if damage, injury or loss occurs as a result of a failure to abide by our Behaviour Policy.
Behaviour Policy. Behaviour management is essential to ensure the smooth and safe running of our provision. Adults involved in the group are to be made aware of their role in promoting acceptable behaviour and will: • Understand age/stage appropriate behaviour. • Provide a social environment where actives are stimulating and appropriate for them. • Development stage of the children. • Act as a good role model by showing consideration, respect and good manners to and for others. • Work with parents and carers to promote and encourage acceptable behaviour. • Be positive, constructive and fair, by reward and praising acceptable behaviour. • Encourage children to develop self-discipline. • Be able to differentiate between deliberate and accidental occurrences. • Be aware there may be underlying problems when unacceptable behaviour occurs and always respond appropriately respecting confidentially. • Use appropriate language and establish eye contact when talking to the children. • Adults will never use any form of physical intervention e.g. holding, unless it is necessary to prevent personal injury to the child, other children, an adult or serious damage to property. • Record serious incidents and inform parents on the day. • Intervene as soon as possible after incident. • If behaviour is ongoing (daily) the behaviour will be monitored, recorded and shared with parents. Where appropriate the information will be shared with relevant professionals after permission has been given from the child’s parents.
Behaviour Policy. We expect all children to have good conduct and standards of behaviour in the club as they do in school. The School’s behaviour policy applies to the wrap around clubs.
Behaviour Policy. The UWC Common Code of Conduct is a set of values and guidelines that recognise that all UWC students should have a safe, fulfilling and culturally sensitive experience. The expectation of the UWC Atlantic community is that the UWC Common Code of Conduct is followed both in action and spirit. UWC Atlantic’s Behaviour Policy includes UWC Common Code of Conduct but it also gives more specific details about our expectations for students’ behaviour.
Behaviour Policy. GOLDEN RULES
Behaviour Policy. Behaviour in a small setting is important for the happiness of the group. Staff, children and parents/carers take ownership for their own behaviour and those of their children. It is expected that adults conduct their behaviour appropriately thus promoting a positive atmosphere for children. Procedures are in place to protect staff, children and parents/carers from violent or potentially violent conduct/behaviour (see policy for full details). Unacceptable behaviour is defined here as any behaviour which causes discomfort to others and/or a breach of safety, ie; physical violence, swearing, bullying (either verbal or physical), disruptive and destructive behaviour, rudeness, abusive behaviour, not abiding by safety rules in the club and school, emotional disturbance or deliberate vandalism.
Behaviour Policy. Behaviour management is essential to ensure the smooth and safe running of our provision.
Behaviour Policy. All of the above documents form part of this contract as though set out in full here.
Behaviour Policy. You agree to the Club Behaviour Policy. The Club aims to provide a welcoming and safe environment and xxxxxx a positive and supportive learning environment. The Club is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all. To ensure a safe and supportive environment is provided the following behaviour is expected from all participants: • Be respectful to fellow participants and treat them as they would like to be treated; • Be respectful towards staff and coaches by following and listening to instructions and playing by the rules; • Be a good sport and applaud good displays by fellow participants or say, “well done”; • Refrain from swearing, hurtful language and aggressive or bullying behaviour as this will not be tolerated; • Be respectful towards fellow participants personal property, camp equipment and venue facilities; and • Be your best and have fun. If a participant does not adhere to this behaviour policy or otherwise demonstrates inappropriate behaviour, the Club staff/coach will notify parents accordingly and where appropriate provide a suitable warning. To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all participants, the Club maintains the right to instigate disciplinary action. This will depend on the severity of the case and may involve anything from sitting some time on the sideline to an apology to being removed from the camp.
Behaviour Policy. Any minor breaches of the Working Agreement, or other behaviour deemed to be inappropriate, in the day-to-day conduct of the programme will be dealt with by the staff at their own discretion or following discussion with colleagues or their manager. This would generally involve challenging the inappropriate behaviour, referring to the Working Agreement, warning the young person/people or talking through the situation with them. Staff members will be kept up to date, through daily staff meetings, with developments in each young person’s social, domestic or other relevant circumstances that may affect their moods, behaviour or attitudes, and they will take this information into consideration when dealing with the young people’s behaviour. A young person may receive a number of informal warnings in the course of the day-to-day conduct of the programme.