Parents and Carers. Digital technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people, both within schools and outside school. These technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone. These technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and stimulate awareness of context to promote effective learning. Young people should have an entitlement to safe internet access at all times.
Parents and Carers. recognise the role they play in educating their children and modelling the behaviours that underpin the safe, responsible and respectful use of digital devices and online services support implementation of the school procedure, including its approach to resolving issues take responsibility for their child's use of digital devices and online services at home communicate with school staff and the school community respectfully and collaboratively, as outlined in the 2018 School Community Charter.
Parents and Carers. We acknowledge that both individually and collectively, we as parents and carers are the primary educators of our children and have an irreplaceable role to play in supporting our children’s learning at school. We therefore agree to ensure that: • Our children will attend school regularly, punctually and properly equipped. • We will promptly inform the school on the first day of any absence. • We will avoid removing our children from school for holidays and other periods of unauthorised absence, unless there are exceptional circumstances, which have been properly communicated to school prior to any period of absence. • Our children will be dressed in appropriate school uniform according to the school rules. • We will make the school aware of any problems or concerns that could affect our children’s work or behaviour at school. • We will support and uphold the school’s policies and guidelines. • We will provide our children opportunities for home learning and commit to supporting home learning objectives set by the school. • We will endeavour to attend parents’ evenings and any other meetings or discussions surrounding our children’s progress.
Parents and Carers. Digital technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people, both within schools and outside school. These technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone. These technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and stimulate awareness of context to promote effective learning. Young people should have an entitlement to safe internet access at all times. Parents and Carers are able to use Class Dojo to support home learning and completion of activities. Class Dojo will be used to assign home learning and for parents/carers to post comments and images on the tasks in their child’s section. These parent/carer comments cannot be seen by other parents/carers or children. If there is a query regarding other aspects of school life, parents/carers must follow the normal channels.
Parents and Carers. All students are expected to show concern and consideration for others and this should be reflected in their behaviour at all times. Students are required to demonstrate a commitment to all aspects of their education in order to achieve their maximum potential. Parents and carers are expected to co-operate with the school in matters of discipline and expectations.
Parents and Carers. As a parent who has chosen to send my child to Holy Trinity Church of England Primary Academy, I will:
Parents and Carers. Parents and carers are expected to comply with the Governors’ Extended Leave and Leave of Absence policy which does not allow such absences and ensure that their child attends school on time, full time, up until the end of either Year 11 or Year 13. Students are expected to attend school each day unless there is a very good reason for being absent. If your child is absent from school, a parent or carer is expected to call the school to inform us of the absence and the reason for absence. A written explanation for any absence is always required on the day of return, even if parents and carers have telephoned the school prior to this. Parents and carers are expected to immediately report any change of address, telephone number, or change in family circumstances, through the school’s website ‘Change of student’s details’ form.
Parents and Carers. I/we will:
Parents and Carers. Parents play the most important role in the development of their children; as such the school will ensure that parents have access to resources to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to ensure the safety of children outside the school environment. Through parents evenings, school newsletters and the availability of free online training courses the school will keep parents up to date with new and emerging e-safety risks, and will involve parents in strategies to ensure that students are empowered. Parents must also understand the school needs have to rules in place to ensure that their child can be properly safeguarded. As such all new Year7 parents will sign the student Acceptable Use Policy before their son can be granted any access to school network, ICT equipment or services. The statement set out in Appendix 7 will also be drawn to the attnention of parents and carers at appropriate intervals. Reading School uses a range of devices including PC’s, laptops and tablets. In order to safeguard the student and in order to prevent loss of personal data we employ the following assistive technology: We use a Smoothwallweb filter that prevents unauthorized access to illegal websites, including those sites deemed inappropriate under the Prevent Agenda. It also prevents access to inappropriate websites; appropriate and inappropriate is determined by the age of the user and will be reviewed in line with this policy or in response to an incident, whichever is sooner.The E-Safety Officer and IT Support are responsible for ensuring that the filtering is appropriate and that any issues are brought to the attention of the Headmaster. Web access is logged for all users of the ICT systems in Reading School. We use forefront Office 365technology that prevents any infected email to be sent from the school, or to be received by the school. Infected is defined as: an email that contains a virus or script (i.e. malware) that could be damaging or destructive to data; spam email such as a phishing message. The system is also used to filter certain words and can be used for monitoring.
Parents and Carers. Monitor my child’s internet use and check that they are using technology safely and report any concerns to the school immediately via the class email •Check my online protection systems to ensure their time online is as safe as possible •Check that they understand the task they have been set. If not, I will give help and support as I am able to and speak to the school via the class email for further support as necessary •Make sure my child is sitting comfortably and in the correct position to learn •Ensure that they have a suitable amount of time away from the screen during the day •Discuss their work with them after they have completed it and any feedback they may have received as I am able to. I understand that I need to send any questions regarding the learning during a live interaction to the class email address rather than at the time of the lesson/meeting. I understand that some lessons may be recorded and shared on Google Classroom for others that may not be able to attend live interactions. I understand that lessons will be tailored to the age and stage of the children and may vary in length depending on the content.