Breaks In Services. 9.5.1 An employee who has a break in service of one year or more who is rehired will not have his/her previous accrued seniority reinstated. An individual who is rehired within one year from his/her resignation shall be placed two steps lower on the salary schedule than he/she was on when he/she resigned and lose two years of classification seniority.
Breaks In Services. An employee’s Union Seniority will be broken for all purpose if:
6.3.1 The employee terminates voluntarily and is rehired by Peace Harbor in a bargaining unit position more than six (6) months later.
6.3.2 The employee terminates through layoff and is rehired by Peace Harbor more than one (1) year later.
6.3.3 The employee is discharged from employment for just cause, except in the case of an introductory employee whose seniority shall be broken after discharge regardless of the reason.
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