Distribution of Overtime Overtime shall be distributed as equally as feasible among qualified employees customarily performing the kind of work required, and currently assigned to the work unit in which the overtime is to be worked. When the assignment of overtime work causes an unusual burden upon the employee, the employee shall not be required to work overtime unless the absence would cause the Agency to be unable to meet its responsibilities.
Payment of Overtime For the purposes of calculating overtime payments, each day or shift will stand-alone.
Definition of Overtime Overtime means those hours worked in excess of normal hours of work as per Article 8.1 (Normal Work Week).
Calculation of Overtime If the overtime work has been carried out before as well as after the regular working hours during a certain day, the overtime periods shall be added together. Only full half hours are included in the calculation.
Equalization of Overtime Overtime shall be equalized as much as possible within each division. The parties agree that when bargaining unit employees work overtime in divisions other than his/her regular division, then those hours of overtime worked are to be figured into the employee’s overtime hours in his/her regular division for the purpose of equalizing the overtime within the division. (a) Employees shall be required to provide one (1) telephone number in order to be contacted for call-out assignments. Employees at their option may provide a second telephone number at which to be contacted. However, failure to provide a second number shall not be considered a loss and/or denial of an overtime opportunity. (b) Failure to respond and a refusal to any call-out/overtime opportunity shall be charged against the employee as if worked. (c) Employees who respond to the call/out overtime and actually work shall be charged for hours worked. (d) Employees who are off work due to vacation, compensatory time, sick leave for someone other than themselves or light duty (providing the call-out assignment is consistent with the applicable light duty restrictions), shall at their choice be available for call-out situations. If the employee chooses to work the call-out, he/she will be charged the overtime worked. Also, an employee who is off due to military service is considered not available for overtime and shall not be charged overtime hours. Employees transferring to a different division shall receive for purposes of overtime equalization the average amount of overtime worked that the existing personnel within the division and classification possess at the time of transfer in order to equalize overtime under Article 11. For the purposes of this Agreement, any refusal of overtime in other divisions will be charged to the employee in his/her regular division as if he/she had actually worked those hours, in accordance with Article 12(E) (Temporary Reassignments).
Authorization of Overtime All overtime work must be authorized by the employee's immediate Manager.
Computation of Overtime In computing overtime a period of thirty (30) minutes or less shall be counted as one-half (½) hour and a period of more than thirty (30) minutes but less than sixty (60) minutes shall be counted as one (1) hour.
Banking of Overtime (i) Tour Workers who work in excess of eight (8) consecutive hours shall have the option of receiving the overtime premium on the basis of this Section or of receiving straight time for hours in excess of eight (8) consecutive hours and taking equivalent time off in units of not less than four (4) hours at the hourly rate for the job when the work was performed, at a time suitable to the employee and the Company during the contract year. Any overtime remaining at the end of the contract year in which it is banked may be carried over to the next contract year for purposes of taking equivalent time off. If equivalent time off is not taken by the end of the contract year following the contract year in which it is earned, the Company shall pay the deferred one-half premium pay. Tour Workers who choose to bank overtime may later re-elect to receive the deferred one-half premium pay. (ii) Day Workers who work in excess of ten (10) hours in a day shall have the option of receiving the overtime premium on the basis of this Section or of receiving straight time for hours in excess of ten (10) hours in a day and taking equivalent time off in units of not less than four (4) hours at the hourly rate for the job when the work was performed, at a time suitable to the employee and the Company during the contract year. Any overtime remaining at the end of the contract year in which it is banked may be carried over to the next contract year for purposes of taking equivalent time off. If equivalent time off is not taken by the end of the contract year following the contract year in which it is earned, the Company shall pay the deferred one-half premium pay. Day Workers who choose to bank overtime may later re-elect to receive the deferred one-half premium pay. (iii) When the banked time off is requested in writing seven (7) days in advance, employees shall receive written notice of the disposition of their request a minimum of seventy-two
Sharing of Overtime Overtime work shall be allocated equitably to qualified employees considering their availability and location.
Tenants Selection of Contractors Tenant shall retain Landlord’s contractor, Commerce Construction Co., L.P. (the “Contractor”), as general contractor for the performance of the Work.