Authorization of Overtime. All overtime work must be authorized by the employee's immediate Manager.
Authorization of Overtime. An employee who is required to work overtime shall be entitled to overtime compensation when the overtime worked is authorized in advance by the Employer. It is understood that, in emergency situations, prior authorization may not be possible. Employees working in more than one program are obligated to inform the Employer or designate and receive approval if they are asked to work hours that would result in overtime.
Authorization of Overtime. (a) Overtime work shall be assigned and authorized only by appointing authorities or their designated representatives either verbally or in writing.
(b) All overtime work which has been assigned to an employee, by the appropriate authority and is actually worked by the employee shall be authorized and compensated.
(c) No employee may authorize overtime work who is eligible to receive overtime compensation at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular hourly rate, except with permission of the appointing authority.
(d) Employees may not authorize their own overtime without permission from management.
(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Employee Workweek/Work Location/Work Shift Article, Section 1, at the request of an employee and with the concurrence of the appointing authority, the employee's daily or weekly work schedules and/or shifts may be temporarily created or altered, so long as the employee is not scheduled to regularly work in excess of forty (40) hours per workweek (if covered by FLSA) or eighty (80) hours in a two (2) work week period (if not covered by FLSA). In such instances, the employee shall not be eligible for overtime compensation unless required to work in excess of the applicable forty (40) hours per work week, or, if applicable, eighty (80) hours per two (2) work week period.
Authorization of Overtime. The City reserves the right to require overtime work. It shall be the policy of the City to avoid overtime work except when necessary as determined by the Appointing Authority or designee. Overtime work may only be performed on the authorization of the Appointing Authority or designee.
Authorization of Overtime. Overtime will not be recognized unless such overtime work performed has first been properly authorized.
Authorization of Overtime. (a) Overtime work shall be assigned by appointing authorities or their designated representative either verbally or in writing.
(b) Overtime work shall be authorized only by appointing authorities or their designated representatives in writing.
(c) All overtime work which has been assigned to an employee, by the appropriate authority and is actually worked by the employee shall be authorized and compensated for.
(d) No employee may authorize overtime work who is eligible to receive overtime compensation at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular hourly rate, except with permission of the appointing authority.
(e) Employees may not authorize their own overtime without permission from management.
Authorization of Overtime. All overtime must be authorized and approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor. Opportunities to work overtime shall be distributed as equally as possible among employees within the same classification having similar abilities and expertise. There shall be no pyramiding of overtime pay. When an employee is called in to work during his/her off duty time and such called-in time does not merge with his/her regularly scheduled work hours, such employee shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hours pay at 1½ times his/her regular rate of pay. The four (4) hours includes one hour for travel time. If the employee works more than three (3) hours, the employee shall be paid for actual hours worked plus one (1) hour of travel time. When an employee is called in to work during his/her off duty time and such called-in time does merge with his/her regularly scheduled work hours, the employee will be paid in accordance with the overtime provisions of Article XI and no travel time will be paid.
Authorization of Overtime. (a) Overtime work shall be assigned and authorized only by appointing authorities or their designated representatives either verbally or in writing.
(b) All overtime work which has been assigned to an employee, by the appropriate authority and is actually worked by the employee, shall be authorized and compensated.
(c) No employee may authorize overtime work who is eligible to receive overtime compensation at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular hourly rate, except with permission of the appointing authority.
(d) Employees may authorize their own overtime in the absence of management when the circumstances clearly necessitate that the employee work the additional hours. The State, in its discretion (which is not grievable), may issue written directives to individual employees prohibiting self-activation for overtime after the date of the written directive.
(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Employee Workweek\Work Location\Work Shift Article, Section 1, at the request of an employee and with the concurrence of the appointing authority, the employee’s daily or weekly work schedules and/or shifts may be temporarily created or altered, so long as the employee is not scheduled to regularly work in excess of forty (40) hours per workweek (if covered by FLSA) or eighty (80) hours in a two (2) workweek period (if not covered by FLSA). In such instances, the employee shall not be eligible for overtime compensation unless required to work in excess of the applicable forty (40) hours per workweek, or if applicable, eighty (80) hours per two (2) workweek period.
Authorization of Overtime. Overtime must be authorized by the Employer or the Employer’s delegate.
Authorization of Overtime. An employee who is required to work overtime shall be entitled to compensation when:
A) The overtime work is authorized in advance by the College;
B) The employee does not control the duration of the overtime worked;
C) Emergent situations occur or circumstances dictate that advance authorization of overtime cannot be obtained. If overtime is worked under these conditions, sections (A) and (B) do not apply.