Sharing of Overtime. Overtime work shall be allocated equitably to qualified employees considering their availability and location.
Sharing of Overtime. Overtime work will be allocated equitably within a programme/worksite (see local issues agreement).
Sharing of Overtime. Overtime and call-back opportunities shall be divided equally among the employees who are willing and qualified to perform the work that is available.
Sharing of Overtime. Overtime work shall be allocated on an equitable basis within each classification.
Sharing of Overtime. The first opportunity for overtime work would go to those specific individuals who normally do the work in question. Otherwise it shall be allocated on an equitable basis within the work area. Regular full-time employees shall be afforded the opportunity to work the overtime prior to regular part-time employees and auxiliary employees working overtime.
Sharing of Overtime. Overtime work shall be allocated equitably to qualified employees considering their availability and within a work unit. In the event that overtime cannot be covered by the work unit the Employer may offer overtime on an availability and seniority basis to qualified employees outside the primary work unit. Employees requiring training in the work identified for overtime are not considered qualified.
Sharing of Overtime. There shall be no discrimination within individual departments in the allocation or sharing of overtime.
Sharing of Overtime. Overtime and call-back time shall be divided as equally as is practical among employees who are willing and qualified to perform the available work.
Sharing of Overtime. The supervisor will inform the work group of any overtime required and the qualified members of the work group will decide and advise the supervisor as to which of them will be performing the work. Whenever possible, the supervisor will ensure that call-out opportunities are shared equally amongst all qualified employees.
Sharing of Overtime. Overtime work shall be divided equally wherever practical, among employees who are available and qualified to perform the work. Efforts shall be made to offer overtime to regular employees who would normally perform the work prior to it being offered to temporary or casual employees, except in cases where employee fatigue could jeopardize safety.