Car Insurance Sample Clauses
Car Insurance. I understand and acknowledge that I am required to maintain vehicle and accident insurance as a condition of my participation in the Program, and that I must provide PSP with a copy of my driver’s license and vehicle insurance verification as an attachment to this Agreement.
Car Insurance. Permanent Group Living Operators and SLP workers who are required to use their vehicle on a regular basis for H.E.L.P. Homes business shall be reimbursed for the additional insurance up to $150.00 per year.
Car Insurance. The Supplier and its subcontractors shall acquire Liability Insurance covering all vehicles used for to execute the respective Contract, covering civil liability for on-board/off-board third parties and goods transported. The coverage limits shall not be lower than three million pesos ($ 3,000,000) for working cars and vans, and ten million pesos ($ 10,000,000) for buses, trucks, trailers and carts. The policy shall contain a clause with the following wording: “If a third party sues ENEL, directly or indirectly, for an accident payable under this insurance, ENEL shall be considered as insured for this purpose. However, if none of the events described above occurs, ENEL shall be considered a third party”. If the Supplier and/or the subcontractors acquire insurance broader than the Liability Insurance, the insurer shall waive its right to enforce the right of subrogation against ENEL. ENEL may restrict access to the Worksite to those vehicles of the Supplier or its subcontractors or consultants, whose owner has not fulfilled the requirement set out in this Section.
Car Insurance. Employees who elect to use personal cars for Society business shall acquire and maintain a third party liability insurance in the amount of one million dollars public liability, property damage and comprehensive. Premiums for such insurance policy shall be paid by the employees.
Car Insurance. All employees who are required to use their vehicle for the Employer’s business shall have business use automobile insurance with third party liability coverage of $1,000,000 including accident benefits, collision, comprehensive, and where appropriate the OPCF 6A rider (“Permission to Carry Paying Passenger”). Upon submission of satisfactory proof of coverage and expense, the Employer will reimburse the employee up to $120.00 per year.
Car Insurance a) The Society requires that all professional staff (social work/child care) have the following insurance coverage on their vehicle used for Society business:
i) Rated for the purpose of business use. If the employee is under twenty- five years of age, then the rating shall be according to their age group and the insurance company advised that the vehicle is used for business purposes.
ii) Public Liability and Property Damage - $1,000,000 per vehicle.
iii) Medical Rehabilitation Benefits - $25,000 per person.
iv) Death, Dismemberment and Total Disability - $10,000 per person Disability - $140 per week.
b) Provided the employee supplies documentation from her/his insurance carrier that the employee's insurance premium has increased as a result of adding the OPCF 6A endorsement, the Employer will reimburse the employee for up to $60 annually ($120.00 annually effective April 1, 2007) for the cost of the additional premium.
Car Insurance. 19.1 In the event of an accident and subsequent damage occurring to an Employee’s car in the course of performing her duties, The Employer will compensate the Employee to maximum amount of $550.00 excess payable by the Employee.
19.2 Request for compensation to be submitted fortnightly.
19.3 Prior to the employee using their vehicle for business purposes, the car must have Comprehensive Insurance and a current certificate must be provided to the employer.
Car Insurance. The Contractor is obliged to take out a CAR insurance policy in connection with the Performance.
Car Insurance. Where it is required in the Job Description to use a vehicle for the performance of her duties, the Employee shall be reimbursed the difference between the cost of the regular insurance coverage and the cost of insurance level required by the Employer.