CHANGES IN CONTRACT. 5.1 The Purchaser shall have the right at any time to make changes in the design and/or the specifications of any or all of the Products or part thereof, delivery terms, scope or other provisions of the Contract, by means of a written notice to the Supplier. If in the Supplier’s reasonable opinion such changes affect the cost or time required for performance of the Goods and Services or any other provision(s) of the Contract, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser promptly in writing, but in no event later than ten (10) days after the receipt of the Purchaser’s notice, including appropriate substantiation regarding the claimed impact of the change. Subject to the Supplier’s notification in accordance with the foregoing, if and to the extent that the changes requested by the Purchaser reasonably justify in the circumstances an adjustment of the price, delivery schedule and/or other provision of the Contract, then an equitable adjustment will be made by the Purchaser (“Change Order”). The Purchaser has the right to instruct the Supplier to commence the changes prior to having finalised the adjustment to the Change Order. In the absence of a notification by the Supplier in accordancewith this Article5.1, the Supplier shall be deemed tohavewaived its rights for an adjustment and shall carry out the change, and the Purchaser shall be entitled to assume that such changewill nothave any impacton anymaterial term of the Contract, including time schedule, warranties and price.
5.2 The Supplier shall notmake any changes to the Goods and Services or any provision
CHANGES IN CONTRACT. The BSC and Member agree that no modification or changes may be accomplished without the written consent of both parties, except as provided herein. Member agrees to adhere to these conditions.
CHANGES IN CONTRACT. 5.1 The Purchaser shall have the right at any time to alter the content of or the conditions attached to the Supply (the “Changes”), by means of a written notice to the Supplier. If in the Supplier’s reasonable opinion such Changes affect the cost or time required for performance of the Supply, theSuppliershallnotify the Purchaser promptlyinwriting, butinnoeventlater than ten (10) days after the receipt of the Purchaser’s notice, including appropriate substantiation regarding the claimed impact. Subject to the Supplier’s notification in accordance with the foregoing, if and to the extent that the changes requested by the Purchaser reasonably justify in the circumstances an adjustmentof theprice, delivery schedule and/or other provision of the Contract, then an equitable adjustmentwill be made by the Purchaser (“Change Order”). The Purchaser has the right to instruct the Supplier to commence the changes prior to having finalised the adjustment to the Change Order. In the absence of anotification by the Supplier in accordance with this Article, the Supplier shall be deemed to have waived its rights for an adjustment and shall carry out the change, and the Purchaser shall be entitled to assume that such Changes will not have any impact on any material term of the Contract, including time schedule, warranties and price.
5.2 The Supplier shall not make any changes to the Supply without the Purchaser’s prior
5.3 Oncethe Supplier’s design of the Supply is frozen andfinal the Supplier shall notbeentitled tomakeanychangetosuchdesignthereafterwithouthavingobtainedpriorwrittenagreement by the Purchaser. The Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser from and against any and all claims, liabilities and expenses arising out of or in relation with any change made to the design of such Supply after the design thereof is frozen.
5.4 If the Supplier considers himself entitled to an adjustment to the time or to the cost by reason of any act or omission of the Purchaser, the Supplier shall give notice, describing the event or circumstances given right to the claim, to the Purchaser within fourteen (14) days from the occurrence of the eventor circumstances. If the Supplier fails to give noticewithin this fourteen (14) day period, the Supplier shall bedeemed tohavewaiveditsright to claim. Within thirty (30) days from the occurrence of the event of circumstances, the Supplier shall provide the Purchaser with a fully itemized and detailed statement of the claim in ...
CHANGES IN CONTRACT. The Owner, without invalidating the Contract, may authorize or order extra work, or may authorize or order changes by adding to, altering, or deducting from the work, the Contract Sum being adjusted accordingly. Changes in the work requested by any party must be approved by the Owner as stipulated in this Paragraph. No changes are valid unless approved by the Owner (Director of Engineering Services or Designee and Contract Purchasing Manager) and Contractor in writing. The Contractor shall be liable for all costs resulting from any change not properly ordered by written change order.
CHANGES IN CONTRACT. It is contemplated that terms and conditions of employment provided in the Agreement shall remain in effect until altered by mutual agreement in writing between the parties. It is recognized that matters may, from time to time, arise of vital mutual concern. Therefore, it is necessary that the opportunity be provided for mutual discussions of such matter.
CHANGES IN CONTRACT. 5.1 The Purchaser shall have the right at any time to make changes in the design and/or the specifications of any or all of the Goods and/or Services or part thereof, delivery terms, scope or other provisions of the Contract, by means of a written notice to the Supplier. If in the Supplier’s reasonable opinion such changes affect the cost or time required for performance of the Goods and Services or any other provision(s) of the Contract, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser promptly in writing, but in no event later than ten
CHANGES IN CONTRACT. 1. A teacher with a continuing full-time or continuing part-time contract with the district may request, without prejudice, changes to their contract for a specified period of time. Changes in a teacher's contract are subject to the following:
a. That a written request for a change in contract be made to the Superintendent of Schools by March 31;
b. That suitable positions are available in the district for the time requested; c. That suitable TTOCs are available.
CHANGES IN CONTRACT. This Quality agreement and the relevant enclosures may not be changed except by written agreement signed by the parties hereto.
CHANGES IN CONTRACT. Except as set forth in Section 2, Dental Care Plus reserves the right to change the benefits, terms, and conditions thereof provided under this Contract by giving Employer not less than forty-five (45) days notice prior to the Anniversary Date.
CHANGES IN CONTRACT. 5.1 The Purchaser shall have the right at any time to make changes in the design and/or the specifications of any or all of the Products or part thereof, delivery terms, scope or other provisions of the Contract, by means of a written notice to the Supplier. If in the Supplier’s reasonable opinion such changes affect the cost or time required for performance of the Goods and Services or any other provision(s) of the Contract, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser promptly in writing, but in no event later than ten (10) days after the receipt of the Purchaser’s notice, including appropriate substantiation regarding the claimed impact of the change. Subject to the Supplier’s notification in accordance with the foregoing, if and to the extent that the changes requested by the Purchaser reasonably justify in the circumstances an adjustment of the price, delivery schedule and/or other provision of the Contract, then an equitable adjustment will be made by the Purchaser (“Change Order”). The Purchaser has the right to instruct the Supplier to commence the changes prior to
5.2 The Supplier shall notmake any changes to the Goods and Services or any provision