CLEANING AND PROTECTION. Contractor shall during handling and installation clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials in place. Contractor shall apply protective covering where required ensuring protection from damage or deterioration.
CLEANING AND PROTECTION. A. Protect air barrier system from damage during application and remainder of construction period, according to manufacturer's written instructions.
1. Protect air barrier from exposure to UV light and harmful weather exposure as required by manufacturer. Remove and replace air barrier showing signs of deterioration or when left exposed beyond manufacturer’s approved exposure limitation.
B. Clean spills, stains, and soiling from construction that would be exposed in the completed work using cleaning agents and procedures recommended by manufacturer of affected construction.
C. Remove masking materials after air barrier installation is complete. END OF SECTION 072726R
CLEANING AND PROTECTION. A. Immediately after installation remove nonpermanent labels and clean surfaces.
B. Protect glass from contact with contaminating substances resulting from construction operations. Examine glass surfaces adjacent to or below exterior concrete and other masonry surfaces at frequent intervals during construction, but not less than once a month, for buildup of dirt, scum, alkaline deposits, or stains.
1. If, despite such protection, contaminating substances do come into contact with glass, remove substances immediately as recommended in writing by glass manufacturer. Remove and replace glass that cannot be cleaned without damage to coatings. C. D. Remove and replace glass that is damaged during construction period. Wash glass on both exposed surfaces not more than four days before date scheduled for inspections that establish date of Substantial Completion. Wash glass as recommended in writing by glass manufacturer. 3.7 MONOLITHIC GLASS SCHEDULE A. Glass Type GL-M1: Clear fully tempered float glass. 1. Minimum Thickness: 6 mm. 2. Safety glazing required. 3.8 LAMINATED GLASS SCHEDULE A. Glass Type GL-L1: Clear laminated glass with two plies of heat-strengthened float glass. 1. Minimum Thickness of Each Glass Ply: 3 mm, or as indicated. 2. Interlayer Thickness: 0.030 inch. 3. Safety glazing required. 3.9
CLEANING AND PROTECTION. Once post-cleaning is completed, the District must sign-off on finished product.
CLEANING AND PROTECTION. The Contractor shall: During the handling and installation of work, clean and protect the Work in progress and adjoining areas on the basis of continuing maintenance; apply protective covering on installed Work where it is required to insure freedom from damage or deterioration at time of substantial completion. Remove and dispose of all debris, trash and excess materials from the site resulting from Work; removal shall take place daily and more often if hazards or interference are presented; dispose of all material removed off the site in accordance with Federal, State and local laws. Maintain a clean operation while working; remove all debris, equipment, etc. at t he end of each work day. Should the Contractor fail, refuse or neglect to remove rubbish, waste materials, and temporary Work or to clean the site as required, the City may, without obligation to do so, remove and dispose of the rubbish, waste material, and temporary work and clean the site and deduct the resulting cost from monies due or to become due to the Contractor under this Contract. The Contractor shall handle waste materials that are hazardous, dangerous or unsanitary separately from other inert waste by containerizing appropriately; disposing of waste materials in a lawful manner. Burying or burning of waste materials containing-chemicals, oil or unfiltered construction debris down sewers or into waterways shall not be permitted. The Contractor shall provide, as necessary, rodent proof containers for disposing of garbage and similar wastes generated by the Contractor. Immediately after completion of each phase of the Work and prior to final acceptance of the Work by the Project Manager, the Contractor shall removed all plant, surplus materials, false work, temporary structures, and debris resulting from his operation. The site shall be cleaned in a neat, presentable manner satisfactory to the Project Manager.
CLEANING AND PROTECTION. A. Upon completion of the ceiling installation ceiling tiles should be cleaned prior to final inspection.
B. Protect completed installations until Date of Substantial Completion. Remove and replace any tiles which are and that have become discolored or damaged, at no expense to the Customer.
CLEANING AND PROTECTION. A. During handling and installation, clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials in place. Apply protective covering where required to ensure protection from damage or deterioration at substantial completion.
B. Clean and maintain completed construction as frequently as necessary through the remainder of the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to ensure operability without damaging effects.
CLEANING AND PROTECTION. A. Protect the roof drains, metal drainage sumps, and downspouts from all damage until Final Completion.
B. Roof drains, drainage sumps and downspouts damaged before Final Completion shall be replaced with new material as specified herein, at no additional cost to OWNER.
C. Clean exposed surfaces of every substance which is visible or might cause corrosion of the metal or deterioration of the finish.
CLEANING AND PROTECTION. Adequate care shall be taken to protect all adjacent work from damage or marring as a result of installation. • The carpet shall be cleaned of all spots with a spot remover as recommended by the manufacturer. • All loose threads shall be cut with scissors. • The Contractor shall carefully and thoroughly vacuum clean the entire floor surface with an upright beater bar type vacuum cleaner to the County’s satisfaction. • All debris resulting from this work shall be removed from the site. • All useable pieces of carpet not necessary to complete the work are to be left on the job site and placed in an orderly manner in an area designated by the County. • The Contractor shall submit to the County two (2) copies of a complete manual of the manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations for the type of carpet installed.
CLEANING AND PROTECTION. A. Reinforcement steel shall always be protected from conditions conductive to corrosion until concrete is placed around it.
B. The surfaces of reinforcement steel and other metalwork to be in contact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grease, loose scale and rust, grout, mortar, and other foreign substances immediately before the concrete is placed. Where there is delay in depositing concrete, reinforcing shall be reinspected and, if necessary recleaned.