Concluding Sample Clauses

Concluding. Regulations 1. By signing of this Agreement both contracting parties declare that they have read this Agreement, understand its meaning and intent, agree to all the rights and duties which are stated in this Agreement and are entering this Agreement knowingly and voluntarily. 2. This Agreement is printed in two copies in the English language. Each contracting party shall keep one copy. 3. This Agreement goes into effect by the date of signing by both parties. Brno, X On behalf of Faculty: On behalf of Student: ........................................................... ...........................................................
Concluding. May – September 2007 • Discussions and possible adoption of amendments by the Board and Council 2 • Extension for a further period by the Council June 2007 onwards • Contracting Parties notify the Secretary General of the UN of their acceptance of amendments, and the amendment becomes effective 100 days after requirements of number of parties and votes are met October 2007 • Extension of Agreement comes into effect 2 These discussions could continue after the extension enters into force, if necessary. ANNEX II OUTLINE SCHEDULE (for the option of renegotiation) September 2005 • World Coffee Conference – ideas for action put forward • Board and Council examine options for the future of the Agreement and decide that it should be renegotiated October – December 2005 • Preparation by Secretariat of report on progress on achieving the objectives of the Agreement since 2001 January 2006 • Preliminary statements by Members setting out views and expectations • Executive Board examines the report on progress and results of the survey of Members, and agrees on working procedures and a schedule of workEstablishment of a Working Group and Terms of Reference (if required) February – April 2006 • Survey/ED document circulated to Members, the PSCB and relevant international organizations inviting comments on the Agreement and proposals for renegotiation • Circulation of working papers and proposals by Members May 2006 • Proposals and working papers reviewed and discussed by the Executive Board/ Working Group • Report and recommendations to the Council June – August 2006 • Draft working text (containing proposals for a new Agreement) prepared by the Secretariat and circulated for discussion September 2006 • Draft text reviewed by the Executive Board/Working Group. • Report and recommendations to the Council • Progress reviewed and schedule of work for the next coffee year agreed by the Council October – December 2006 • The Secretariat consults Members and provides further clarifications and briefings as needed • Additional meetings of the Executive Board/Working Group if required January 2007 • Discussions on draft text continue by the Board/Working Group February – April 2007 • Further clarifications/revised texts provided by the Secretariat as needed • Additional meetings of Board/Working Group if required
Concluding. Provisions Each participating student shall be responsible for obtaining a visa and necessary travel documents. Furthermore, the Parties shall provide assistance, wherever necessary, in order to meet the relevant visa requirements, as well as finalize other necessary formalities. The Parties’ obligations under this Agreement do not extend to the spouses or family members of participating students. The expenses of accompanying spouses and family members must be borne by the persons mentioned above. The Parties hereby guarantee that they will request and process personal data (hereinafter “PD”), including PD transmitted verbally, only to the extent considered necessary to properly exercising the provisions of this Agreement and as per applicable laws. The Parties hereby agree that any failure to provide the necessary PD can make it partially or completely impossible to fulfil the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Only data that has undergone anonymization can be processed for statistical purposes and consequently disclosed to public authorities, legal entities and individuals with respect to those cases established by relevant legislation. Anonymization hereby implies the modification of PD, whereby the details of personal or actual circumstances can no longer be assigned to a specific or identifiable natural person, or only with expenditure of time, costs and labour effort disproportionate to the results. The Parties shall inform each other about the contact details of contact persons responsible for the processing of PD, including their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. The terms for PD processing shall be provided in the Annex 3 hereto. The Parties adhere to the assumption that any action under this Agreement shall not infringe upon the powers and rights of either Party. In all cases, this Agreement only applies to the extent in which it does not contradict the national legislation of the Parties. To resolve doubts that may arise in the execution and interpretation of this agreement, the Parties will make every effort to seek a consensual solution. In the impossibility of consensus, the contracting parties will indicate, by joint agreement, a third party, an individual, to act as a mediator. This Agreement is drawn up in English and Russian in 2 (two) original copies. In case of discrepancies in the text, the English version shall prevail. Annexes 1 and 2 form an integral part of the Agreement. Annexes 1, 2 and 3 form an integral part of the A...
Concluding. We trust that the foregoing and enclosed are found to be in order. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Yours very truly, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Corporate Counsel Enclosure
ConcludingARTICLE 13 Both sides agreed that the given Agreement is prepared in the languages of both countries (two examples in each of the languages), is signed by the first-level administrators of both HEIs, has the juridical addresses of both sides, and becomes legal from the moment of signing. ARTICLE 14 The signed copies of the Agreement may be mutually exchanged both during visits and by ordinary mail. ARTICLE 15 The given Agreement is valid for the term of 5 years and may be extended if both sides will agree to do so in writing.
Concluding. The above are only sample brief outlines of processes. These can be enriched if there are other elements to be inter-woven into any program.
Concluding. ‌ To summarise, we presented techniques for stepwise decomposition of control systems involving coordination by a controller of a number of devices. The key techniques are: Identification of a device (or collection of similar devices) to be ex- tracted from the model, Introduction by refinement of the controller version of the environment variables representing the state of the device(s), Introduction by refinement of the signalling mechanism between the device(s) and the residual system, Decomposition of the refined system model into sub-models represent- ing the extracted device(s), the signalling between the device(s) and the residual system. This process is then repeated on the residual system model to extract the next device(s) until all devices have been extracted and the residual model represents the model of the controller. Chapter 5‌ 5.1 Introduction‌ Testing and coverage are the mechanisms in the ADVANCE process that link formal, proof-based verification with traditional, simulation-based veri- fication techniques. By introducing testing and coverage early in the process at the formal model development stage, testability issues can be addressed much earlier to inform the design process.
Concluding. May – June 2007 • Final discussions and adoption of text of a new Agreement by the Board and Council • Definitive text of Agreement prepared by the Secretariat deposited with the UN, and circulated to Members with procedures for signature
Concluding local agreements
Concluding. Provisions 1) This agreement is governed by Czech law, especially Act no. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code. 2) All disputes arising from this agreement and this agreement-related will be discussed at a materially competent court in Brno, Czech Republic. 3) This agreement comes into force upon signature by both parties and force upon publication pursuant to Act no. 340/2015 Coll., on special conditions for the effectiveness of some contracts, the disclosure of these contracts and Registry of contracts (act on the Registry of Contracts). 4) The Contracting Parties declare that they are agreeable to the fact that the FM MU is a compulsory subject under the Act on the Registru smluv).