CONDUCT & BEHAVIOUR. Atira shaped by Scape, shaped by Xxxxx, is committed to making sure that anyone who is part of the Atira shaped by Scape community treats, and is treated, at all times fairly and equitably, in an environment which is free of harassment, intimidation, bullying and discrimination. Residents must not engage in any form of harassment, discrimination, intimidation, bullying, and/or discrimination of any kind towards fellow residents, Atira shaped by Scape staff or any other person on or about the Property (including, without limitation, by on-line means, such as email or via social networking sites, or otherwise). Atira shaped by Scape enforces a zero-tolerance policy in respect of Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination. Examples of such unacceptable behaviour include (but is not limited to):
CONDUCT & BEHAVIOUR. 4.1 Use or possession of narcotics, drinking or possession of alcoholic beverages while on duty or on the Company property. 1st offence SUBJECT TO DISCHARGE 4.2 Reporting for work while under the influence of narcotics or an intoxicant. 1st offence Reprimand to 1 week off 2nd offence SUBJECT TO DISCHARGE 4.3 Theft or dishonesty or wilful damage to Company property. 1st offence IMMEDIATE DISCHARGE 4.4 Discourtesy to customer or to the general public. 1st offence Reprimand 2nd offence 1 week off 3rd offence SUBJECT TO DISCHARGE 4.5 Failure to obey instruction of those in authority. 1st offence Reprimand 2nd offence SUBJECT TO DISCHARGE
CONDUCT & BEHAVIOUR. Consuming intoxicants or illegal stimulants while on duty or on the Company's property: offense subject to dismissal Reporting for duty while under the influence of intoxicant or an illegal stimulant: 1st offense reprimand to week off 2nd offense subject to dismissal or wilful damage: 1st offense subject to dismissal Failure to obey oral or posted instructions of authorized personnel (names of persons in authority will be posted): 1st offense reprimand 2nd offense day off 3rd offense days off 4th offense subject to dismissal
CONDUCT & BEHAVIOUR. (a) Consuming intoxicants or illegal stimulants while on duty or on the Company’s property: 1st offense Subject to DISMISSAL (b) Reporting for work while under the influence of an intoxicant or illegal stimulant: 1st offense Reprimand to I week off 2nd offense Subject to DISMISSAL (c) Theft or willful damage: 1st offense Subject to DISMISSAL
CONDUCT & BEHAVIOUR. Consuming intoxicants or illegal stimulantswhile on duty or on the Company's property: offense subject to dismissal Reporting for duty while under the influence of an intoxicant or an illegal stimulant: 1st offense reprimand to week off 2nd subject to dismissal Theft, or wilful damage: 1st offense subject to dismissal Failure to obey oral or posted instructions of authorized personnel (names of persons in authority will be posted): 1st offense reprimand 2nd offense day off 3rd offense days off 4th offense subject to dismissal Deliberate disobedience of orders of personnel: 1st offense subject to dismissal Failure to report to the Company in writing (7) days of a conviction for which employee's licence to operate a motor vehicle is suspended: 1st offense subject to dismissal Failure to report in writing to the Company a change the employee's address within five (5) days of change: 1st offense reprimand 2nd offense days pay 3rd subsequentoffenses days off pay
CONDUCT & BEHAVIOUR. The Lessor is responsible for the correct and appropriate behaviour of the guests staying at the villa. Should any member of the party behave in a manner considered inappropriate, either the Lessor or the Lessor’s local representative may at their absolute discretion ask the offending guest or guests to vacate the villa forthwith and no refund can be claimed from the Lessor in such case. Please note as this villa is also for sale, therefore the owner or their representative may reserve the right to enter the villa at any time to coordinate sales proceedings. We will do our absolute best to do this discreetly and quietly to avoid any type of confrontation with our guests.
CONDUCT & BEHAVIOUR. 2.1 Use or possession of narcotics, drinking or possession of alcoholic beverages while on duty or on Company property First Offence . . . Subject to Discharge 2.2 Reporting for work while under the influence of narcotics or an intoxicant First Offence . . . Reprimand to 5 Days Suspension Second Offence . . . Subject to Discharge 2.3 Theft or dishonesty or willful damage to Company property or vehicles First Offence . . . Immediate Discharge
CONDUCT & BEHAVIOUR. Consuming intoxicants while on duty or on the Company's property. Reporting for duty while under the influence of an intoxicant. Discourtesy to a customer (subject to investigation).
CONDUCT & BEHAVIOUR. A good standard of customer care is required from the stallholder at all times. Stallholders and any persons operating a market stall, are expected to behave in a professional and socially acceptable manner at all times having regard to the interests of all stallholders and the market as a whole. Please note: Smoking whilst operating a market stall is prohibited. (If you wish to smoke, this must be done outside of the market footprint.) • Verbal abuse or physical aggression towards any customer, stallholder or employee of the market. • Spitting/swearing, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst operating a market stall
CONDUCT & BEHAVIOUR. (a) If the behaviour of any Group Member is considered likely to cause offence, danger, damage or distress to others, we reserve the right at our reasonable discretion, to cancel or terminate a Tour at any time. If for example any airline representative, accommodation owner or manager, or senior member of our staff, considers that the behaviour is unacceptable they are authorised to terminate the Tour wherever and whenever necessary. (b) If such a situation arises, our responsibility for your Tour will cease and we will not be obliged to cover any expenses which may be incurred by any Group Members and neither will we consider or accept any claims for compensation or refunds whatsoever. You are responsible for the cost of any damage you or your Group cause to your accommodation or its contents during your stay. These charges must be met by you and may have to be paid locally. (c) By signing the Booking Form the Group Contact accepts responsibility for the good conduct of all Group Members during the Tour and warrants that at least one responsible adult will be on active duty at all times to ensure that all participants behave in accordance with the Acknowledgement contained in the Schedule to this Agreement. (d) If you are affected by any condition, medical or otherwise, that might affect your or other people’s enjoyment of the Tour, you must advise us of this at the time of booking.