Construction Signs Sample Clauses

Construction Signs. All construction signs must include a sign including all of the items required for written documentation.
Construction Signs. The contractor shall erect a construction sign in a form approved by the GFHOA. The sign shall accommodate the builder's name, engineer's name, the architect's name, the erf number and if approved by the owner, the owner's name. No other signs of contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, financing companies or any other party, may be erected on the site. The signage must be no greater than 1 250m in height and 1 050m in width. The background colour must be white, with a maximum of two other colours allowed, including the printing.
Construction Signs. The Contractor shall supply, erect, and properly maintain all temporary advance warning construction signs in all areas to be affected by his operations. Signs shall be placed in locations shown on the plans or as specified and no work will begin until all such signs are in place and their locations approved by the Engineer.
Construction Signs. 5.2.1. The Contractor shall erect a construction sign in the form approved by the Association. It shall be in accordance with the design and dimensions as indicated in Annexure A hereto. 5.2.2. The construction sign shall state the erf number, architect’s name, engineer’s name, builder’s name and contact details, and if approved by the Owner, the Owner’s name. 5.2.3. No other signs of the Contractor, subcontractors, suppliers, financing companies or any other party shall be erected on the Site. 5.2.4. The construction sign shall not include the wording “For Sale”, “To Let”, “Spec” or any other wording not approved by the Association. 5.2.5. The lettering on the construction sign shall be white and the background black as approved by the Association; 5.2.6. The construction sign shall be erected in a position on the Site as agreed to at the Site handover.
Construction Signs. In accordance with Section GC 7.06 of the General Conditions, the Contractor is responsible for the supply, erection, maintenance and subsequent removal of all temporary traffic controls, including signs, lights, barricades, delineators, cones, detour signage, etc., required on the work. Traffic controls shall be provided in general accordance with the latest edition of the “OTM Book 7”. A Traffic Control Plan indicating all traffic signage layout and types in a neat legible manner shall be submitted for approval by the Contract Administrator a minimum of three weeks prior to construction commencement and shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the “OTM Book 7”. Revisions to the Traffic Control Plan shall be made to reflect ongoing changes on the project as needed and shall be approved by the Contract Administrator. Traffic controls shall be operational before work affecting traffic begins. A minimum of two (2) TC-67 signs shall be supplied and erected by the Contractor at Contract limits with approved text, as directed by the Contract Administrator. The Contractor shall maintain signs for the duration of the construction, including removal upon completion. The signs shall be supplied and erected a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to commencement of construction.
Construction Signs. During any construction or reconstruction of improvements on the Premises, Lessor agrees to allow any lender, contractor, developer or other participant in such construction or reconstruction to place a temporary sign publicizing its participation in the financing, construction or reconstruction of the Facility, subject to such reasonable requirements as may be imposed by Lessor, BioReliance and County, and subject to applicable ordinances.
Construction Signs. 3.3.1 The Contractor shall erect a construction sign in a form approved by the GHOA. The sign shall accommodate the builder's name, engineer's name, the architect's name, the erf number and if approved by the owner, the owner's name. No other signs of contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, financing companies or any other party may be erected on the site. The construction sign must be no greater than 1,250m in height and 1,050m in width. The background colour must be white, with a maximum of two other colours allowed, including the printing. No sub-contractors or suppliers boards may be erected within the Estate. Failure to comply will result in the boards being removed by the security personnel of the Estate Management.
Construction Signs. 3.3.1 The contractor shall erect a construction sign in a form approved by the RGHOA. 3.3.2 The sign shall accommodate the builder's name, engineer's name, the architect's name, the erf number and if approved by the owner, the owner's name. 3.3.3 No other signs of contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, financing companies or any other party, may be erected on the site.
Construction Signs. During any construction or reconstruction of improvements on the Premises, County agrees to allow any lender, contractor, developer or other participant in such construction or reconstruction to place a temporary sign publicizing its participation in the financing, construction or reconstruction of the Facility, subject to such reasonable requirements as may be imposed by County, and subject to applicable ordinances.
Construction Signs. All construction signs furnished under this specification will be compliant with the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report #350 (Test Level - 3). SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR PROJECT NO. 21-08; PAVEMENT REJUVENATION 2021 PAGE 4 The construction signs will be provided by the Contractor in accordance with the "Barricade Plan," the "Detour Plan," or as directed by the Project Engineer. Each construction site will be barricaded; however, not all sites will have a designated detour route or a detour plan. The work will include furnishing each sign regardless of size or message. All signs furnished shall be reflectorized with a material that has a smooth, sealed outer surface which will display approximately the same size, shape, and color both day and night. All signs furnished for use in work areas or on detour routes designated for the project shall meet all applicable standards and specifications prescribed in Parts II and V and Part VI of the latest edition of the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (M.U.T.C.D.). See the "Detour Plans” located on the Traffic Control Sheets of the plan set. It is the intent of this specification that the construction signs specified herein be fastened to the Type III barricades or 4" x 4" wooden posts of adequate length as shown on the plans or called for in the Special Provisions. If in the opinion of the Project Engineer this method of erection proves unsatisfactory, the Contractor will be required to provide the necessary sign supports and fasteners at no additional cost. All construction signs and non-standard signs required by the barricade plan or the detour plan will be erected prior to any work beginning at the construction site. Payment for construction signs will be measured by the number of calendar days each sign remains in use on the project regardless of the size, type, mounting method, or message appearing on the sign. The unit for this work shall be known as a "Sign Day". This price shall be full and complete compensation for furnishing all labor, material, equipment, and other incidentals necessary to provide, erect, maintain, repair, and remove construction signs. The County will supply non-standard signs to be attached to the Type II or Type III barricades by the Contractor to aid in the control of traffic during the work. The Contractor shall remove and return the signs to the County upon completion of the work. The installation, maintenance, and removal of non-standard signs will n...