Consultant Deliverables Sample Clauses
Consultant Deliverables. CONSULTANT shall cause all final deliverables provided to the District to conform to any applicable requirements of federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations, including without limitation, the California Education Code; Titles 19, 21 and 24 of the California Code of Regulations; and any requirements of the Division of State Architect, the State Department of Education, the California Department of General Services, local agencies such as Department of Health, Department of Public Works, Department of Transportation, Fire Department, and local utility companies, in effect as of the time the documents are prepared or revised. Any significant revisions made necessary by changes in such laws, rules and regulations after this time may be compensated as Additional Services. CONSULTANT shall cause the
Consultant Deliverables. 1.1: Summary of major tasks and action items for the Project, if different from the Scope of Work; and
1.2: Proposed Project schedule.
Consultant Deliverables. Memorandum summarizing existing measures, previously identified strategies, and additional strategies for consideration to address gaps in the City’s housing policies;
Consultant Deliverables. Eight to twelve prototype middle housing land division scenarios, finalized middle housing land division development concepts City Deliverables: Four to eight infrastructure work sessions with supporting materials, technical memo summarizing the infrastructure assessment work sessions
Consultant Deliverables. 4.1: Draft Housing Production Strategy; and 4.2: Final Housing Production Strategy.
Consultant Deliverables. Meeting agenda and minutes.
Consultant Deliverables. 3.1: Draft and final analysis of City’s housing market and needs memorandum, including incorporating the results of the interviews into the memorandum. The results of the housing analysis will be incorporated into the final report in Task 5;
3.2: Presentation materials for the joint work session with the City Council and Planning Commission;
3.3: Presentation materials for two classes conducting housing market and needs analysis; and
3.4: Technical memorandum to summarize the analysis and key findings from the work sessions with interns about pulling data, analysis in Excel, and writing.
Consultant Deliverables. Prepare draft version Transportation System Improvements and Alternatives Technical Memorandum (delivered in both electronic and hard copy format).
Consultant Deliverables. 1a City Comments Telephone Meetings and Meeting Notes
Consultant Deliverables. ♦ One presentation to joint meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council to discuss the strategies under consideration for inclusion in the HPS ♦ Up to two presentations at City Council work sessions to get Council input and direction about potential strategies for inclusion in the HPS ♦ Meeting invitations/notices and agendas This task will result in a draft and final HPS Report. ECOnorthwest will participate and present at one joint meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council and one presentation at a City Council work session to get final input on the actions included in the HPS.