Proposed Project Schedule Sample Clauses
Proposed Project Schedule. A milestone schedule in chronological order stating the projected dates for the GMP approval, completion of Construction Documents, Substantial Completion and Final Completion. If the project is phased, provide the projected dates for each phase.
Proposed Project Schedule. The Trustees may change the Proposed Project Schedule for construction during the design phase. The Service Provider is encouraged to suggest ways to save time or cost by phasing, re-sequencing the construction phase, or changing the construction durations. The Trustees will identify the schedule commitments in the Task Orders and Construction Agreements (if awarded). The Trustees may authorize construction components prior to acceptance of the Lump Sum Construction Proposal for construction of the entire Project.
Proposed Project Schedule. Please review the proposed time frame for the study above and provide your assessment of the feasibility of the proposed time frame and your firm’s availability to complete the project according to the schedule of tentative dates. Describe suggested revisions you would make to the proposed time frame. Note that the proposed timeframe takes into consideration library staff commitments that may preclude staff from allocating large amounts of time to this project during a shorter time span.
Proposed Project Schedule. Task Name Estimated Completion Date
Proposed Project Schedule. The Grantee shall perform the various duties outlined in the timeline in order to complete the program by December 31, 2022. All schedule dates commence on the date of full Agreement execution. Task Task Description Deliverable Task A Locate appropriate vendors for intended charging equipment installation February – March 2021 Task A Coordinate and begin installation of charging equipment April 2021 Task A Project complete December 31, 2022 Task B (1) Assist IDEM with identifying potential locations for additional charging equipment if funding becomes available. Ongoing Task B (2) Assist IDEM with the preparation of documentation for IDEM to submit to the Trustee, progress reports as detailed in Task C of this Attachment and submittal a final report summarizing the results of the project. Ongoing Task C The Grantee shall provide written progress reports. Ongoing Task D Usage Data reports Ongoing Task E Final report on project successes and failures December 31, 2022 Note: This schedule is subject to change due to purchase and/or installation schedules. Any deviation from this schedule must be approved in writing by the state contact listed in Section 9(A). Located no more than one (1) road mile off roadways listed in Appendix B of the original RFP. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis provided the need for these exceptions are clearly documented and supported. • Publicly visible, accessible, and available to drivers for charging (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) • • Sites must provide a safe, well-lighted area for users • • Paved parking spaces to allow the maximum capacity of EVs to be charged simultaneously • • Appropriate signage on-site for drivers to locate charging station from the site entrance • • Clear signage and pavement stenciling that states the location is for “Electric Vehicle Charging Only” • • DCFC site rated at a minimum of 100kW. This can be accomplished by pairing two (2) 50kW stations in such a manner that one (1) vehicle can obtain a minimum of 100kW charging level, but the equipment will also charge two (2) vehicles separately at a minimum of 50kW. • Each DCFC offers both CHAdeMo and SAE Combo/CCS (Combo Charging System) compatible connectors • Each Level 2 charger offers a J1772 compatible connector • Charging equipment must be certified through the Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) program to demonstrate compliance with appropriate product safety test standards • • Charging enclosure must be constructed ...
Proposed Project Schedule. Bergmann is available to commence work immediately upon execution of this contract.
Proposed Project Schedule. This is a representation of our proposed schedule for the 2023 City of Stonecrest project, which reflects our improved project workflow. The field surveys are expected to progress at approximately 35 miles per day, and account for an estimated 1.5 weeks of testing. Assumes a NTP is issued July 31st, 2023 – Data Collection is Weather Dependent 1 Executed Agreement/NTP If by late-July 2023: 2 GIS Acquisition and Validation July 2023 4 RST LCMS-2 Pavement Surveys (287 Test-Miles): * 6-week after GIS verified and Executed Contract * Mid-September 2023 5 QC/QA for Data Collected October-December 2023 6 Deliver Pavement Condition Data/Client Review Spreadsheet Late-December 2023 7 Draft Analysis Development & Client Comments January 2024 The detailed budget presented on the next page is based on the IMS work plan and deliverables. It represents a realistic budget to complete the work, and we are confident we can maintain an on-time, on-budget assignment. IMS is proposing to survey all City-maintained major roads in both directions and all locals in one direction to ensure a sufficient representative sample. Please review our assumptions below and the optional services on the following page:
Proposed Project Schedule. The Trillium Nature Sanctuary project’s proposed schedule is as follows: July 2012 – Project kickoff to start Design Development Phase. October 2012 – begin Construction Document Phase. March 2013 – Advertise bids for site remediation, development and Trout Brook Regional Trail (TBRT). Spring 2013 – Begin site remediation, development, and TBRT construction. Fall 2014 – Substantial completion of site redevelopment.
Proposed Project Schedule. The Consultant shall provide a detailed project schedule, identifying all tasks and deliverables to be performed, durations for each task, and overall time of completion.
Proposed Project Schedule. The schedule of this project is structured in a manner to provide approximate Phase 2 final design costs and land acquisition costs in sufficient time for the City to budget for Fiscal Year 2018 by July, 2017. Final completion of Phase 1 is anticipated by September 1, 2017. * Note: Project schedules are dependent upon timely reviews by regulatory agencies and stakeholders, as well as timely project direction from the City and NRD. This schedule is also based upon an assumed notice to proceed in February 2017.