Consultant will Provide Services Sample Clauses
Consultant will Provide Services. [Optional provision. Insert a general project description if you believe it would help understand the tasks. Otherwise delete.] Task No. 1: [Insert title of task.]
Consultant will Provide Services. The Outfall Channel and Instrumentation Improvements Project (“Project”) includes the replacement or rehabilitation of the existing outfall xxxx, monitoring instrumentation and equipment, and the electrical transformer located adjacent to the sulfur dioxide building (SO2 Building). The Project will also improve staff access and provide increased flood protection for the SO2 Building and transformer pad by raising the elevation of the ground adjacent to them. The Project will provide improved communications between the SO2 Building and the disinfection building, new meters in a vault at the daylight station, and operational flexibility for these remote facilities. The purpose of this service order is for the Consultant to provide the Project’s CEQA documentation and permits. The Project’s California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document will also cover the replacement of the outfall footbridge abutments and the footbridge.
Consultant will Provide Services. Recruitment to fill the Division Manager – Animal Care Services position for Public Works Department
Consultant will Provide Services. The San Xxxx Santa Xxxxx Regional Wastewater Facility ( RWF ) has 67,000 linear feet of wastewater process pipes ( process pipes ) that carry raw sewage, liquids, and sludge between the various unit treatment process areas. Process pipes at the RWF vary in age, material, condition, reliability, redundancy, and diameter (from 8 inches to 144 inches). Rehabilitation or replacement of the process piping has been subdivided into phases to better align condition assessment and rehabilitation work with planned maintenance shutdowns. The objective of this Service Order No. 6 is for the Consultant to provide Alternatives Analysis services for the Yard Piping Improvements - Phase 2 . The Project will rehabilitate pipe segments identified during the 2019, 2020, and 2021 condition assessments. The following pipes and structures are planned to be rehabilitated as part of the Project: 48-inch Santa Xxxxx Force Main from the Daylight Box to Santa Xxxxx Structure 1; 120-inch Raw Sewage from the Emergency Overflow Basin to Santa Xxxxx Influent Structure 2; 96-inch Raw Sewage from the Raw Sewage Mixing Structure to East Primary Influent Structure; 84-inch Primary Effluent from Manhole 1 downstream of Primary Effluent Junction Box to the Primary Effluent Metering Vault continuing to the Primary Effluent Pumping Station; Nitrification Influent Junction Box top concrete slab including upstream portion of 102-inch Nitrification Influent pipelines serving A-Side and B-Side; 42-inch Mixed Liquor pipelines serving A-Side Nitrification Clarifiers; 84-inch Secondary Effluent B-Side from 66-inch Secondary Influent at Junction Box 2 to Junction Box 4 upstream of AB Isolation Structure; 66-inch Plant Drain from Manhole 1 located near the Environmental Services Building to the Milpitas Influent Control Structure, and Effluent Junction Structures #1, #2, Fish Screening Structure and South Wet Well of Filtration Influent Pump . This SO consists of the following tasks. Task No. 1: Project Management Task No. 2: Alternatives Analysis
Consultant will Provide Services. The primary treatment process at the RWF consists of two (2) sets of primary clarifiers, namely the east and west primary clarifiers (“Primary Clarifiers”). The east primary clarifiers, built in the 1960s and 1970s, consist of two hydraulically similar batteries of nine primary tanks operating in parallel with a combined capacity of 330 million gallons per day. The west primary clarifiers, built in the mid-1950s, consist of eight tanks, of which two tanks are used for treating filter backwash water. These tanks have a combined capacity of 60-90 million gallons per day The primary sludge from both clarifiers is removed using progressive cavity pumps. The Primary Effluent Pump Station (“PEPS”) built in the mid-1980s, consists of four (4) vertical turbine variable speed pumps, each with a design capacity of 45 million gallons per day. The PEPS receives effluent from the Primary Clarifiers by gravity and pumps the wastewater to the Biological Nutrient Removal No. 2 treatment system. The PEPS also directs flow to the primary effluent equalization basin located across Zanker Road. The purpose of this Service Order No. 7 (“SO”) is for the Consultant to evaluate the process, structural, mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation/controls components of the Primary Clarifiers and PEPS facilities. The condition assessment will be used to predict the remaining useful life of critical components in these facilities and identify capital assets in need of rehabilitation or replacement. The Consultant will develop a timeline of recommended repairs and/or replacements required to keep the Primary Clarifiers in operation up to the year 2051 and will prepare an opinion of probable construction cost (“OPCC”) and related operation and maintenance (“O&M”) costs for such work. The Consultant will assess the hydraulic capacity of the East Primary Clarifiers, prepare a conceptual construction sequencing plan for the Primary Clarifiers and the PEPS, and update related OPCCs. This conceptual construction sequencing plan and the OPCCs will be reviewed and amended if needed by the design engineer in a subsequent rehabilitation project. This SO consists of the following tasks:
Consultant will Provide Services. The Blower Improvements Project includes engine replacements with electric motors, switchgear and motor control center modifications, mechanical modifications to process piping, and miscellaneous architectural, civil, instrumentation and controls, along with structural works, for ten existing blowers located throughout the RWF in three separate buildings: the Blower and Generator Building (Building 40); the Secondary Blower Building (SBB); and the Tertiary Blower Building (TBB). The Project also includes the decommissioning and demolition of four SBB blowers. Construction is scheduled to begin in January 2019 with a projected substantial completion inMarch 2023. Task No. 1: Onsite Testing & Inspections
Consultant will Provide Services. The Center for Advancing Leadership and Human Potential will support the City with consulting services for City employees by designing and facilitating Mentorship Recruitment sessions. This proposal is submitted under the Master Agreement, Section 1.1.1 Training and Organizational Development Services
Consultant will Provide Services. The City will issue service orders for Consultant to conduct training services on as-needed basis for supervisors and employees for the purpose of enhancing employee development, increase organizational effectiveness, and improve community outcomes.
Consultant will Provide Services. The work for Advanced Facility Control and Meter Replacement - Phase 1 Project (“Project”) consists of demolition, replacement, and/or improvements to flow meters, process control valves and actuators, piping and supports, isolation valves, instrumentation and other work at the site to maintain compliance with the San Xxxx-Santa Xxxxx Regional Wastewater Facility’s (“RWF’s”) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) Permit. The work for the Project started in the summer of 2019 in order to allow construction during planned maintenance shutdown periods. During the summer of 2019, the contractor replaced and/or upgraded the control equipment in the secondary treatment battery B. During the summer of 2020, the contractor replaced and/or upgraded the control equipment at Nitrification Battery B areas. Work continues in 2021. The objective of this Service Order No. 2 (“SO”) is for Consultant to provide the City with construction management and inspection services and together with the City form an integrated Construction Management Team that will jointly deliver the Project. This SO consists of the following tasks: Task No. 1: Project Management, Quality Assurance/Quality Control and Meetings Task No. 2: Pre-Construction Phase Services Task No. 3: Construction Management Services Task No. 4: Construction Inspection Services Task No. 5: Testing, Startup, and Commissioning (TSC) Services Task No. 6: Construction Closeout Activities 1) Pursuant to Exhibit B of the Agreement, the following staff are designated as Onsite Staff for this SO. In the event that any of the designated Onsite Staff become Offsite Staff during the term of this SO, their designations shall be changed to Offsite Staff for the remainder of the SO term. All staff not listed below are Offsite Staff for this SO. Chew Low Electrical Inspector Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx Mechanical/Electrical Inspector (Alternate)
Consultant will Provide Services. The RWF Capital Improvement Program (“CIP”) has multiple projects under construction that require electrical inspection. While most projects have enough inspection needs to justify a full-time consultant inspector, the CIP has two projects that only need part-time electrical inspection services: