Contractor Responsibility Program Sample Clauses

Contractor Responsibility Program. Pursuant to Resolution No. 21601 adopted by the Board, effective May 20, 2002, it is the policy of LAWA to ensure that all LAWA contractors have the necessary quality, fitness and capacity to perform the work set forth in this Contract. LAWA shall award contracts only to entities and individuals it has determined to be Responsible Contractors. The provisions of this Program apply to leases and contracts for construction, for services, and for purchases of goods and products that require Board approval.
Contractor Responsibility Program. 21.1. Lessee shall comply with the provisions ofthe Contractor Responsibility Program adopted by the Board. The Executive Directives setting forth the rules, regulations, requirements and penalties of the Contractor Responsibility Program and the Pledge of Compliance Form is attached hereto as Exhibit H and incorporated herein by reference.
Contractor Responsibility Program. This Agreement is subject to applicable provisions of the Contractor Responsibility Program Ordinance, Division 10, Chapter 1, Article 14 of the City of Los Angeles Administrative Code. As part of their proposal to the Department, Sellers shall complete and submit the “Pledge of Compliance with Contractor Responsibility Ordinance” and “Responsibility Questionnaire” affidavits. The Contractor Responsibility Program also requires that during the term of the contract, the Seller shall update responses to the “Responsibility Questionnaire” affidavit within thirty (30) calendar days after any changes to the responses previously provided, if such change would affect contractor’s fitness and ability to continue performing the contract.
Contractor Responsibility Program. Concessionaire shall comply with the provisions of the Contractor Responsibility Program adopted by the Board. Executive Directives setting forth the rules, regulations, requirements and penalties of the Contractor Responsibility Program and the signed Pledge of Compliance is attached hereto as Exhibit K and incorporated herein by reference.
Contractor Responsibility Program. Pursuant to Resolution No. 21601 adopted by the Board of Airport Commissioners, effective May 20, 2002, the Contractor Responsibility Program (CRP) is the policy of Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) to ensure that all LAWA contractors have the necessary quality, fitness and capacity to perform the work set forth in the contract. LAWA shall award contracts only to entities and individuals it has determined to be Responsible Contractors. The provisions of this Program apply to leases and contracts for construction, for services, and for purchases of goods and products that require Board approval. Bidders/Proposers are required to complete and submit with the bid/proposal the attached “Contractor Responsibility Program Questionnaire" that provides information LAWA needs in order to determine if the Bidder/Proposer is responsible and has the capability to perform the contract. The information contained in the CRP Questionnaire is subject to public review for a period of not less than 14 days. Bidders/Proposers are also required to complete, sign and submit with the bid/proposal the attached “Contractor Responsibility Program Pledge of Compliance.” Bidders/Proposers are also required to respond within the specified time to LAWA’s request for information and documentation needed to support a Contractor Responsibility determination. Subcontractors will be required to submit the Pledge to the prime contractor prior to commencing work. • Contractor Responsibility Program Questionnaire • Contractor Responsibility Program Pledge of Compliance
Contractor Responsibility Program. Operator shall comply with the provisions of the Contractor Responsibility Program adopted by the Board. The Executive Directives setting forth the rules, regulations, requirements and penalties of the Contractor Responsibility Program and the Pledge of Compliance Form is attached hereto as Exhibit L and incorporated herein by reference.
Contractor Responsibility Program. During the term of this Contract Contractor shall fully comply with Contractor Responsibility Program and the LAWA Contractor Responsibility Program Rules and Regulations. Contractor’s Contractor Responsibility Program Pledge of Compliance and Response to the Questionnaire are included in Exhibit A. In addition: (a) Contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal, state, and local laws in the performance of this Contract, including but not limited to, laws regarding health and safety, labor and employment, wage and hours, and licensing laws which affect employees. (b) Contractor shall notify LAWA within thirty calendar days after receiving notification that any government agency has initiated an investigation that may result in a finding that the Contractor is not in compliance with paragraph (a) of this Section. (c) Contractor shall notify LAWA within thirty calendar days of all findings by a government agency or court of competent jurisdiction that Contractor has violated paragraph (a) of this Section. (d) Contractor shall ensure that its subcontractors complete a Pledge of Compliance attesting under penalty of perjury to compliance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Section. (e) Contractor shall ensure that their subcontractors comply with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Section. The Contractor Responsibility Program Rules and Regulations are available at xxxx://
Contractor Responsibility Program. Unless otherwise exempt in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance, this Contract is subject to the provisions of the Contractor Responsibility Ordinance, Section 10.40 et seq., of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, which requires Contractor to update its responses to the responsibility questionnaire within thirty calendar days after any change to the responses previously provided if such change would affect Contractor's fitness and ability to continue performing the contract. In accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, by signing this Contract, Contractor pledges, under penalty of perjury, to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws in the performance of this contract, including but not limited to, laws ;i regarding health and safety, labor and employment, wages and hours, and licensing laws which j affect employees. Violations of the Contractor Responsibility Ordinance shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and entitle the LADWP to terminate this Agreement and otherwise pursue legal remedies that may be available. ■ ' 0 The Contractor further agrees to:
Contractor Responsibility Program. Concessionaire shall comply with the provisions of the Contractor Responsibility Program adopted by the Board. Executive Directives setting forth the rules, regulations, requirements and penalties of the Contractor Responsibility Program and the Pledge of Compliance Form is attached hereto as Exhibit E and incorporated herein by reference. The Contractor Responsibility’ Program Rules and Regulations are available at xxxx:// 2016-07- 11-Smarte Carte-Luggage Cart-ONT-Contract-v5 (RT) 29.5 Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Practices/Affirmative Action Program.
Contractor Responsibility Program. Unless otherwise exempt in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance, this Contract is subject to the provisions of the Contractor Responsibility Ordinance, Section 10.40 et seq., of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, which requires Contractor to update its responses to the responsibility questionnaire within thirty calendar days after any change to the responses previously provided if such change would affect Contractor's fitness and ability to.continue performing the contract. In accordance with the provisions of tihis Ordinance, by signing this Contract, Contractor pledges, under penalty of perjuty, to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws in the performance of this contract,;including but, not limited, to, laws ’ regarding hea lth and safety, labor and employmentrvwages and. hours, and licensing laws.which affect employees. Violations of the Contractor Responsibility Ordinance shall constitute a matefiaihreachofthis Agreement and entitle the LADWRto terminate this Agreement and otherwise pursue legal remedies that may be available. The Contractor further agrees to: A. notificatipn that any. goverriment agency has, initiated an,investigation which may result in a finding that the Contractor is not in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws in perfqrmance of this contract; a government agency or court of competent jurisdiction that the Contractor has violated the provisions of Section 10.40.3(a) of the Ordinance;