COUNSELING AND REHABILITATION. A. The Laborers shall develop and maintain a list of appropriate alcohol and other drug abuse treatment centers, counseling centers, and medical assistance centers.
B. If the Employee is qualified and eligible, a portion of the expenses the Employee incurs in consultations and treatment required under this Policy, shall be borne by the applicable fringe benefit fund referred to in the Agreement pursuant to and to the extent provided in schedules, terms and requirements as the trustees of said Fund shall prepare and have available. Schedules of benefits of reimbursements shall be made available to Employees participating in such programs, by the Fund.
C. If an Employee, participating in a non-voluntary prescribed treatment program, does not comply with the recommendations, advice or schedules established by the counseling agency, the counselor or counseling agency shall immediately advise the Contractor, the Union and the Fund.
D. All employees who feel that they have developed an addiction or dependence to alcohol or drugs is encouraged to seek assistance. Requests for assistance will be handled in strict confidence by referral of the Employee to a SAP.
COUNSELING AND REHABILITATION. (1) Employees whose tests have been confirmed positive will be referred to an Employee Assistance Program Counselor for counseling and/or referral assistance for appropriate treatment and rehabilitation.
(2) To the extent feasible and to the extent of available Management resources, counseling and rehabilitation services will be offered to employees and their family members with substance abuse problems, and also to employees who have family members with substance abuse problems.
(3) After successful completion of rehabilitation, Management will seriously consider returning the employee to the same or similar position as the one occupied before the drug problem was identified.
COUNSELING AND REHABILITATION. (1) Employees whose tests have been confirmed positive will be referred to an Employee Assistance Program Counselor for counseling and/or referral assistance for appropriate treatment and rehabilitation.
(2) To the extent feasible and to the extent of available Management resources, counseling and rehabilitation services will be offered to employees and their family members with substance abuse problems, and also to employees who have family members with substance abuse problems.
(3) If an employee voluntarily reports to management illegal drug use and/or addiction, that employee shall be referred to the Employee Assistance Program for treatment by a health care professional and will not be disciplined for the conditions reported. It is understood that employees are responsible for their conduct regardless of conditions reported. Subsequent use of illegal drugs may result in disciplinary action once the employee's due process rights are met.
(4) After successful completion of rehabilitation, Management will return the employee to the same or similar position, or a position at the same grade as the one occupied before the drug problem was identified.
COUNSELING AND REHABILITATION. A. Employees whose tests have been confirmed positive will be referred to the Employee Assistance Program, which provides counseling services at no cost to the employee.
B. When feasible, the services of the EAP will be offered at no cost to family members of employees with substance abuse problems and offered to employees who have family members with substance abuse problems.
COUNSELING AND REHABILITATION. Employees whose tests have been confirmed positive will be referred to an Employee Assistance Program Counselor for counseling and/or referral assistance for appropriate treatment and rehabilitation. Counseling and referral to rehabilitation services will be offered to employees and their families with substance abuse problems, and also to employees who have family members with substance abuse problems. After successful completion of rehabilitation, the Department will seriously consider returning the employee to the same or similar position as the one occupied before the drug problem was identified. In the event that the Department initiates discipline, it will do so consistent with any applicable laws, regulations and the VA policies related to employee drug use, including but not limited to the VA Handbook 5383 as well as this Agreement, specifically Article 37 - Discipline and Adverse Actions.
COUNSELING AND REHABILITATION. The Employee Assistance Program is available to employees who either volunteer or are management referred for this counseling.