COUNTY OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS. Each County shall participate in Crisis Standards of Care/Medical Surge on-line training. Training shall be facilitated by ADHS and shall focus on the integration of federal and state planning guidelines for medical surge and CSC.
COUNTY OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS. Review/update plans to include documentation of the safety and health risk scenarios likely to be faced by public health responders, based on pre-identified jurisdictional incident risks, which are developed in consultation with partner agencies. Plans should include documentation that identifies public health roles and responsibilities related to the jurisdiction’s identified risks developed in conjunction with partner agencies and emergency managers. This documentation should identify the protective equipment, protective actions, or other mechanisms that public health responders will need to have to execute potential roles.
COUNTY OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS. Participate in a functional exercise conducted within the respective region. Recommend participation in at least one (1) functional exercise to test the ability to stand up and operate an HEOC during a public health incident; Maintain documentation of all collaborative efforts with local and State emergency management; County/Tribal PHEP program shall establish and maintain a collaborative working relationship with emergency management. The relationship shall include, but not be limited to: Emergency communication plan, strategies for addressing emergency events, including the management of the consequences of power failures, natural disasters and other events that would affect public health; and Jointly participate with emergency management in an ADHS sponsored table top, functional exercise or other activity.
COUNTY OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS. Local health shall develop and/or review local NPI plans. Written plans should include documentation which identifies public health roles and responsibilities related to the jurisdiction’s identified risks, that was developed in conjunction with partner agencies (e.g., state environmental health, state occupational health and safety, and hazard-specific subject matter experts) and emergency managers. This documentation should identify the protective equipment, protective actions, or other mechanisms that public health responders shall have to execute potential roles. Roles for consideration may include the following elements: Conducting environmental health assessments; 11. Potable water inspections; and
COUNTY OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS. Ensure Fatality Management plan identifies roles and responsibilities for county health department and thresholds indicating when to activate public health fatality management operations. Fatality Management plan shall be submitted to HSP as part of the end of year report.
COUNTY OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS. Participate in review of HVAs, JRA and THIRAs and development of consolidated regional report. Consolidated report shall review process and procedures in place to mitigate the impact of an incident during a response and shall be integrated into preparedness processes and planning; and Identify Geographic Information (GIS) resources utilized to assist in the identification of at-risk populations to include access and functional needs in support of planning activities, as part of the end of year report.
COUNTY OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS. Provide ADHS a list of the top hazards identified within your jurisdictional risk assessment, as part of the midyear report. Information provided will be utilized by ADHS to develop new message maps for inclusion in the CERC plan and for use by local health departments.
COUNTY OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS. Participate in communication testing scenarios developed and administered by ADHS. Each County shall ensure communication systems and platforms are capable of receiving and disseminating information from multiple platforms. Each County shall provide to ADHS a list of the system(s) that are utilized in EOC operations and for information sharing during their midyear report.
COUNTY OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS. Ensure written plans include processes for collaborating with community organizations, emergency management, and health care organizations to identify public health, medical, and mental/behavioral health system recovery needs for the counties identified hazards. Written plans should include the following elements (either as a standalone Public Health Continuity of Operations plan or as a component of another plan): Definitions and identification of essential services needed to sustain agency mission and operations; Plans to sustain essential services regardless of the nature of the incident; and Scalable work force reduction.
COUNTY OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS. Review Volunteer Management plans to ensure processes are identified to manage spontaneous volunteers to include communication pathways, and a method to refer spontaneous volunteers to other organizations. 1 Participate in the All Partners Meeting 2 Attend ADHS Business Meeting 3 Participate in Region Healthcare Coalition Meetings 4 Submit Budget, Work Plan, and comply with PGO financial requirements 5 Participate in Multi-Year Training and Exercise Workshop (MYTEP) 7 Provide ADHS a list of systems utilized in your EOC and for information sharing 8 Participate in Communication Pathway testing scenarios on a regular basis 9 Submit PHEP Contact List, Mid-Year 10 Submit timely AAR/IPs to ADHS 11 Participate in Functional Exercise to test ability to stand up and operate EOC 12 Include a Top Hazards list in the Mid-Year Report to ADHS 13 Include a Fatality Management plan in the End of Year Report 14 Participate in ADHS administered communication testing 16 Submit executive summaries and improvement plans for three separate SNS drills conducted (CRI counties)