Customs Co-operation. 1. To the extent permitted by its domestic law, the customs administration of each Party may, as deemed appropriate, assist the customs administration of each other Party, in relation to:
(a) the implementation and operation of this Chapter;
(b) developing and implementing customs best practice and risk management techniques;
(c) providing, where possible, prior notice of changes to laws, regulations, and relevant procedures and guidelines that would affect the operation of this Agreement;
(d) simplifying and harmonising customs procedures;
(e) advancing technical skills and the use of technology; and
(f) application of the Agreement on Customs Valuation.
2. Subject to available resources, the customs administrations of the Parties may, as deemed appropriate, explore and undertake co-operation projects, including:
(a) capacity building programmes to enhance the capability of customs personnel of ASEAN Member States; and
(b) technical assistance programmes to facilitate the Parties’ development and implementation of Single Windows.
Customs Co-operation. To the extent permitted by their laws, Member States may, as deemed appropriate, assist each other on customs matters.
Customs Co-operation. 1. The Parties agree that co-operation in this field shall be aimed at guaranteeing compliance with the provisions of the World Trade Organisation in connection with trade and sustainable development and achieving compatibility of the customs system of both Parties in order to facilitate trade between the Parties.
2. Co-operation may include the following:
(a) simplification and harmonisation of import and export documentation based on international standards, including use of simplified declarations;
(b) improvement of customs procedures, through methods such as risk assessment, simplified procedures for entry and release of goods, granting of authorised trader status, using electronic data interchange (EDI) and automated systems;
(c) measures to improve transparency and appeal procedures against customs decisions and rulings;
(d) mechanisms to ensure regular consultation with the trade community on import and export regulations and procedures.
3. The Parties agree to study, within the institutional framework established by this Agreement, the conclusion of a mutual assistance protocol on customs matters.
Customs Co-operation. 1. Member States shall take appropriate measures, including arrangements regarding customs co-operation, to ensure that the provisions of this Agreement are effectively and harmoniously applied.
2. Member States shall take such measures as are necessary to facilitate the simplification and harmonization of trade documentation and procedures.
Customs Co-operation. The Parties shall co-operate through their respective customs administrations on:
Customs Co-operation. 1. The Parties shall enhance their co-operation in customs and customs-related matters.
2. The Parties undertake to develop trade facilitation actions in customs matters taking account of the work done in this connection by international organisations. This may include testing of new customs procedures.
3. The Parties affirm their commitment to the facilitation of the legitimate movement of goods and shall exchange expertise on measures to improve customs techniques and procedures and on computerised systems in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
4. The Parties shall commit to:
(a) pursuing the harmonisation of documentation and data elements used in trade according to international standards for the purpose of facilitating the flow of trade between them in customs-related matters regarding the importation, exportation and transit of goods;
(b) intensifying co-operation between their customs laboratories and scientific departments and to working towards the harmonisation of customs laboratories methods;
(c) exchanging customs’ personnel;
(d) jointly organising training programmes on customs-related issues, for the officials who participate directly in customs procedures;
(e) developing effective mechanisms for communicating with the trade and business communities;
(f) assisting to the extent practicable each other in the tariff classification, valuation and determination of origin for preferential tariff treatment of imported goods;
(g) promoting strong and efficient intellectual property rights enforcement by customs authorities, regarding imports, exports, re-exports, transit, transhipments and other customs procedures, and in particular as regards counterfeit goods; and
(h) improving the security, while facilitating trade, of sea-container and other shipments from all locations that are imported into, transhipped through, or transiting the Parties. The Parties agree that the objectives of the intensified and broadened co-operation include, but are not limited to:
(i) working together to reinforce the customs related aspects for securing the logistics chain of international trade; and
(ii) co-ordinating positions, to the greatest extent practicable, in any multilateral fora where issues related to container security may be appropriately raised and discussed.
5. The Parties recognise that technical co-operation between them is fundamental to facilitating compliance with the obligations set forth in this Agreement and to achieving high levels...
Customs Co-operation. Paragraph 12
Customs Co-operation. 1. The Parties shall enhance their co-operation in customs and customs related matters.
2. The Parties affirm their commitment to the facilitation of the legitimate movement of goods, and to the improvement of customs techniques and procedures in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
3. The Parties shall co-operate in achieving compliance with their respective domestic laws and regulations pertaining to:
(a) the implementation and operation of the provisions of this Agreement governing importation or exportation, including claims for preferential tariff treatment, procedures for making claims for preferential tariff treatment, and verification procedures;
(b) the extent practicable, assisting each other in the tariff classification, valuation and determination of origin for preferential tariff treatment, of imported goods; and (c) other customs matters as the Parties may agree.
Customs Co-operation. 1. The customs authorities of the Parties shall co-operate and co-ordinate in order to ensure that the provisions of Protocol 3 and the relevant Articles of this Agreement are effectively and harmoniously applied, in accordance with the laws of each Party, to reduce, as far as possible, the formalities imposed on trade, and to achieve mutually satisfactory solutions to any difficulties arising from the operation of those provisions.
2. Co-operation between the customs authorities of the Parties will focus, in particular, on the simplification and computerization of customs procedures, on the confirmation of the origin of goods and on the prevention of smuggling, evasion of taxes relating to the movement of goods between the Parties and illicit trade in drugs.
Customs Co-operation. 1. To the extent permitted by its domestic law, the customs administration of each Party may, as deemed appropriate, assist the customs administration of each other Party, in relation to:
(a) the implementation and operation of this Chapter;
(b) developing and implementing customs best practice and risk management techniques;
(c) providing, where possible, prior notice of changes to laws, regulations, and relevant procedures and guidelines that would affect the operation of this Agreement;
(d) simplifying and harmonising customs procedures; (e) advancing technical skills and the use of technology; and