Dam Safety. The provisions of this section apply only to RUS financed electric system facilities.
Dam Safety. Each Project Implementing Entity shall have in place, or cause to have in place, independent dam safety experts (“Dam Safety Experts”), with qualifications and experience, satisfactory to the Bank. The Dam Safety Experts shall be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the safety of the First-year Subproject Related Dams and providing to the Bank by each December 31, beginning on December 31, 2007, an annual report of said monitoring and evaluation, prepared under terms of reference satisfactory to the Bank, together with any recommendations for remedial works being carried out or to be carried out.
Dam Safety. The Borrower shall take all action required on its behalf to enable UHE to comply with the provisions stipulated in paragraph 2, Section B, of Schedule 2 to the Project Agreement regarding the establishment and operation of the Dam Safety Center, the design and carrying out of works under Part B of the Project, and the implementation of plans and continuation of safety inspections of the dams.
Dam Safety. (a) Without limitation to the generality of sub-paragraph (1) (c) above, if it is determined that a proposed Subproject under Component 1 (a) or irrigation investment under Component 2 (b) would involve:
(i) construction of a new dam, the Recipient shall adopt and implement dam safety measures acceptable to the Association for the design, bid tendering, construction, operation and maintenance of such dam and associated works; or
(ii) reliance on the performance of an existing dam or dam under construction, the Recipient shall commission an independent inspection and evaluation of the safety status of such existing dam or dam under construction, its appurtenances, and performance history, and implement any remedial action to upgrade the safety of such existing dam or dam under construction to a standard acceptable to the Association.
(b) If the Association shall determine that a large dam is involved, the Recipient shall appoint an independent panel of experts acceptable to the Association with expertise in technical fields relevant to the safety aspects of the proposed dam. The panel shall advise the Recipient on, among other things, critical aspects of the dam, its appurtenant structures, the catchment area, the area surrounding the reservoir and downstream areas. The Recipient shall ensure that: (i) panel meetings are convened regularly during Project implementation; (ii) the Association is informed in advance of such meetings and allowed to observe them through a representative; (iii) the Association receives a copy of the panel’s report including its conclusions and recommendations as to design, construction and start of operations; and (iv) the panel is retained through the start-up of such new dam.
(c) The Recipient shall ensure that any required plans, such as for dam construction supervision and quality assurance, operation and maintenance, instrumentation and emergency preparedness, are duly implemented, and any plans that have not been adequately developed are raised to the required standard.
(d) After filling and start-up of any new dam, the Recipient shall ensure that periodic dam safety inspections are carried out by independent qualified professionals who have not been involved in the investigation, design, construction or operation of such dam. The Recipient shall also undertake to modify technical criteria for evaluating dam safety and apply such revised criteria to the Project dam or existing dams if the advent of new technology or informa...
Dam Safety. The Recipient shall:
Dam Safety. The Project Implementing Entity shall maintain, throughout Project implementation, for purposes of implementation of Part 4(a)(iii) of the Project, the Panel of Dam Safety Experts, with an institutional framework, composition, functions, and resources satisfactory to the Association for such purpose.
Dam Safety. (a) The provisions of this section apply only to RUS financed electric system facilities.
(i) Any borrower that owns or op- erates a RUS financed dam must uti- lize the‘‘Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety,’’(Guidelines), as applicable. A dam, as more fully defined in the Guidelines, is generally any artificial barrier which either:
(A) Is 25 feet (8 m) or more in height; or
(B) Has an impounding capacity at maximum water storage elevation of 55 acre-feet (68,000 m3) or more.
(ii) The‘‘Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety,’’FEMA 93, June, 1979, published by the Federal Emergency Manage- ment Agency (FEMA), is hereby incor- porated by reference. This incorpora- tion by reference is approved by the Xx- xxxxxx of the Office of the Federal Reg- ister in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies of the‘‘Federal Guidelines for Dam Safe- ty’’may be obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Miti- gation Directorate, XX Xxx 0000, Xxxxxx, XX 00000. It is also available for inspection during normal business hours at RUS, Electric Staff Division, 0000 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, XX., Xxxx- ington, DC, Room 1246–S, and at the National Archives and Records Admin- istration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http:// xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ codeloflfederallregulations/ ibrllocations.html.
(2) The borrower shall evaluate the hazard potential of its dams in accord- ance with Appendix E of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering and De- sign Dam Safety Assurance Program, ER 1110–2–1155, July 31, 1995. A sum- xxxx of the hazard potential criteria is included for information as Appendix A to this subpart. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering and Design
Dam Safety. In order to ensure the safety of the dam to be constructed under Part B(1) of the Project, HXNCDC shall undertake to:
(a) continue to employ a panel of experts, with membership, terms of reference and resources acceptable to the Bank, to be responsible for reviewing the adequacy of the design and construction of said dam and its associated structures;
(b) ensure that said panel shall, on the basis of guidelines acceptable to the Bank: (i) undertake periodic reviews of said dam and associated structures and their design, throughout the period of design and construction thereof; (ii) prepare and furnish to the Bank upon completion of each said review, a report of the results of said review, together with any proposed changes to be introduced in the design or construction of said dam; and (iii) promptly introduce such changes, taking into account the comments of the Bank on the matter; and
(i) ensure that said dam and associated structures shall be inspected by the panel referred to in paragraph (a) of this Section 4 not less than annually for the first three (3) years following completion of their construction, and not less than once every two (2) years thereafter, in accordance with sound engineering practices and under arrangements acceptable to the Bank, in order to identify any deficiencies in the condition of said dam and associated structures, or in the quality and adequacy of their maintenance or methods of operation, which may endanger their safety and promptly to rectify any such deficiencies; and (ii) to this end, prepare and furnish to the Bank appropriate arrangements for said inspection not later than December 31, 1999, and thereafter, promptly implement said arrangements, taking into account the Bank’s views on the matter.
Dam Safety. In order to ensure the proper design and construction of the Xiaolangdi Dam, YRWHDC shall continue to employ throughout the period of Project implementation, a panel of independent experts whose qualifications, experience and terms of reference shall be acceptable to the Bank, to be responsible for undertaking reviews, at least once every year, or more often, if so required, of (1) the designs and technical specifications of goods and works required for said dam and (2) the construction undertaken in respect of said dam, and for advising on technical issues that may arise during its construction. YRWHDC shall prepare, under guidelines acceptable to the Bank, and furnish to the Bank, promptly upon the completion of each said review, a report setting forth the findings and recommendations of said panel, together with any revisions to the designs, technical specifications or construction indicated by said findings. YRWHDC shall afford the Bank a reasonable opportunity to exchange views with YRWHDC on each such report, and shall thereafter implement the recommendations and introduce the revisions set forth in said report, taking into account the views of the Bank on the matter.
Dam Safety. The Kettle River Site is located on the Kettle River downstream of the Butnau Dam. Fox Lake has been advised that in the unlikely event of a failure of the Butnau Dam or other containment xxxxx in the area, portions of this site will be subject to inundation and that accordingly, Hydro is prepared to meet with Fox Lake to inform it of the risks which might arise as a consequence of such a dam failure. This provision is not intended to release Hydro from any liability which it may have in relation to such a failure.