Disapproval Sample Clauses
Disapproval. In the event that a Neutrality Auditor is appointed for a relevant period following relevant period(s) where (pursuant to paragraph 9.1.3) the Neutrality Auditor was not appointed, he may not review any prior relevant period unless expressly instructed by the Uniform Network Code Committee in accordance with paragraph 9.2.1.
Disapproval. Where EPA concludes that the requested modification of a test standard or schedule for a test re- quired under a test rule is not appro- priate, EPA will so notify the test sponsor in writing.
Disapproval accept disapproval of the personal leave request, 7 or
Disapproval. Management may disapprove an application for tuition reimbursement provided:
1. Notice of disapproval is given to the employee within ten (10) working days after receipt of the application.
2. The County alleges disapproval is necessary because any of the provisions above have not been met.
Disapproval. In the event that a Neutrality Auditor is appointed for a relevant period following relevant period(s) where (pursuant to paragraph 9.
Disapproval. Management may disapprove an application for tuition reimbursement provided:
1. Notice of disapproval is given to the employee within ten (10) working days after receipt of the application.
2. The County alleges disapproval is necessary because any of the provisions above have not been met. When an employee disagrees with the disapproval and files a grievance, she/he shall be allowed to continue the course with time off as provided for in this Section, except for denial based on paragraph a) 5. above. If a final determination is made against the employee, time off shall be made up by working, charging vacation time or comp time, or payroll deduction, and tuition reimbursement shall not be paid. If a final determination is made supporting the employee, she/he shall be fully reimbursed in accordance with this Section.
Disapproval. Data Recipient (s) shall receive notification of the decision and the supporting reasons for the decision not to share or match Data based on the given Data Sharing Request Form. The Participating Agencies’ representatives do not have to meet in person and the Participating Agencies’ votes may be virtual, including but not limited to telephonic. The Operating Group shall be responsible for notifying the Data Recipient of the applicable decision.
Disapproval. Any item in a Draw Request which is not specifically approved within thirty (30) business days shall be deemed disapproved. On the basis of the progress of work performed on the Infrastructure Project and the conditions precedent to making disbursements in this Agreement, the Standard Agreement and the applicable statutes and Program Guidelines, the Department may disapprove all or part of a Draw Request. In the event the Department disapproves any portion of the amount requested by Recipient in a Draw Request, the Department shall promptly notify the Recipient in writing of the disapproved amount and the reason therefore.
Disapproval. (i) If, after documented diligent efforts have been made to get the needed support and improvements, the appraisal report still does not meet acceptable standards or the value estimate is not adequately supported, then the review appraiser may disapprove or reject an appraisal report. Rejection indicates particular problems of integrity. The review appraiser must clearly show why the appraisal report is inadequate. A copy of the appraisal and the technical appraisal review will be submitted to the NHQ staff appraiser upon completion.
(ii) Ultimate disapproval of a contract appraisal report because the value estimate is, in the review appraiser’s opinion, unsupported or not supported strongly enough, does not constitute "rejection" for contract payment purposes if the contractor has complied with the contract specifications.
(iii) Recommending a second appraisal to confirm, support, or replace an unapproved appraisal report does not constitute rejection. If, however, the second report supports a significantly different value estimate and that report is ultimately approved, this effectively disapproves the previous appraisal report or reports.
Disapproval. The Joint City-County Planning Commission has disapproved the plan. To request new review and action, the developer must file a new application along with a filing fee, plan copies and other material as required under this subchapter.