DISCIPLINE AND DOCUMENTED COUNSELING RETENTION. ‌ a. Suspensions and pay reductions issued after June 30, 2014, will not be permanently placed in an employee’s official personnel file. Suspensions and pay reductions will be withdrawn from the employee’s official personnel file five (5) years from the date of issue provided there has not been additional formal discipline imposed during the five-year period. All suspensions and pay reductions removed from the employee’s official personnel file will be retained in Labor Relations. Should an employee have subsequent discipline, the earlier disciplines may be used for purposes of progressive discipline. b. A letter of reprimand issued after October 20, 1990, will be withdrawn from an employee's official personnel file two (2) years from the date of issue provided there has not been additional formal discipline imposed during the two-year period. c. A letter of reprimand issued prior to October 20, 1990, may be pulled at the request of the employee provided there was no additional formal discipline imposed within five (5) years from the date of issue. d. Documented counselings will be withdrawn from an employee’s department file eighteen (18) months from the date of issue provided there has not been formal discipline imposed during the eighteen-month period. Once removed, the documented counseling may not be used to enhance subsequent discipline but may be used to demonstrate that the employee is aware of the issue and/or for impeachment purposes.


  • Files Management and Record Retention relating to Grantee and Administration of this Agreement a. The Grantee shall maintain books, records, and documents in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all expenditures of funds provided by Florida Housing under this Agreement. b. Contents of the Files: Grantee must maintain files containing documentation to verify all funds awarded to Grantee in connection with this Agreement, as well as reports, records, documents, papers, letters, computer files, or other material received, generated, maintained or filed by Grantee in connection with this Agreement. Grantee must also keep files, records, computer files, and reports that reflect any compensation it receives or will receive in connection with this Agreement.

  • Discipline Policy A Discipline Policy Committee will be formed upon the request of the Association or the Board of Education. The committee will be comprised of members appointed by the Board and the Association. By the appropriate means determined by the Board, families will be informed of the District's policies regarding student behavior and discipline procedures. The foregoing committees, study groups, or faculty councils shall serve as advisory, consultative and fact-finding bodies only, and the Board shall not be required to adopt any of the recommendations submitted. The Board agrees, however, that the Association and the teachers shall have the right to submit recommendations and views on these subjects.

  • Contractor’s Project Manager and Key Personnel Contractor shall appoint a Project Manager to direct the Contractor’s efforts in fulfilling Contractor’s obligations under this Contract. This Project Manager shall be subject to approval by the County and shall not be changed without the written consent of the County’s Project Manager, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Contractor’s Project Manager shall be assigned to this project for the duration of the Contract and shall diligently pursue all work and services to meet the project time lines. The County’s Project Manager shall have the right to require the removal and replacement of the Contractor’s Project Manager from providing services to the County under this Contract. The County’s Project manager shall notify the Contractor in writing of such action. The Contractor shall accomplish the removal within five (5) business days after written notice by the County’s Project Manager. The County’s Project Manager shall review and approve the appointment of the replacement for the Contractor’s Project Manager. The County is not required to provide any additional information, reason or rationale in the event it The County is not required to provide any additional information, reason or rationale in the event it requires the removal of Contractor’s Project Manager from providing further services under the Contract.

  • Compliance with Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance Contractor shall comply with the County Ordinance with respect to provision of jury duty pay to employees and have and adhere to a written policy that provides that its employees shall receive from the Contractor, on an annual basis, no less than five days of regular pay for actual jury service in San Mateo County. The policy may provide that employees deposit any fees received for such jury service with the Contractor or that the Contractor deduct from the employees’ regular pay the fees received for jury service.

  • Quality Management Grantee will: 1. comply with quality management requirements as directed by the System Agency. 2. develop and implement a Quality Management Plan (QMP) that conforms with 25 TAC § 448.504 and make the QMP available to System Agency upon request. The QMP must be developed no later than the end of the first quarter of the Contract term. 3. update and revise the QMP each biennium or sooner, if necessary. Xxxxxxx’s governing body will review and approve the initial QMP, within the first quarter of the Contract term, and each updated and revised QMP thereafter. The QMP must describe Xxxxxxx’s methods to measure, assess, and improve - i. Implementation of evidence-based practices, programs and research-based approaches to service delivery; ii. Client/participant satisfaction with the services provided by Xxxxxxx; iii. Service capacity and access to services; iv. Client/participant continuum of care; and v. Accuracy of data reported to the state. 4. participate in continuous quality improvement (CQI) activities as defined and scheduled by the state including, but not limited to data verification, performing self-reviews; submitting self-review results and supporting documentation for the state’s desk reviews; and participating in the state’s onsite or desk reviews. 5. submit plan of improvement or corrective action plan and supporting documentation as requested by System Agency. 6. participate in and actively pursue CQI activities that support performance and outcomes improvement. 7. respond to consultation recommendations by System Agency, which may include, but are not limited to the following: i. Staff training; ii. Self-monitoring activities guided by System Agency, including use of quality management tools to self-identify compliance issues; and iii. Monitoring of performance reports in the System Agency electronic clinical management system.

  • Medical Services Plan Regular Full-Time and Temporary Full-Time Employees shall be entitled to be covered under the Medical Services Plan commencing the first day of the calendar month following the date of employment. The City shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premiums required by the plan.

  • Contractor Key Personnel ‌ The Contractor shall assign a Corporate OASIS SB Program Manager (COPM) and Corporate OASIS SB Contract Manager (COCM) as Contractor Key Personnel to represent the Contractor as primary points-of-contact to resolve issues, perform administrative duties, and other functions that may arise relating to OASIS SB and task orders solicited and awarded under OASIS SB. Additional Key Personnel requirements may be designated by the OCO at the task order level. There is no minimum qualification requirements established for Contractor Key Personnel. Additionally, Contractor Key Personnel do not have to be full-time positions; however, the Contractor Key Personnel are expected to be fully proficient in the performance of their duties. The Contractor shall ensure that the OASIS SB CO has current point-of-contact information for both the COPM and COCM. In the event of a change to Contractor Key Personnel, the Contractor shall notify the OASIS SB CO and provide all Point of Contact information for the new Key Personnel within 5 calendar days of the change. All costs associated with Contractor Key Personnel duties shall be handled in accordance with the Contractor’s standard accounting practices; however, no costs for Contractor Key Personnel may be billed to the OASIS Program Office. Failure of Contractor Key Personnel to effectively and efficiently perform their duties will be construed as conduct detrimental to contract performance and may result in activation of Dormant Status and/or Off-Ramping (See Sections H.16. and H.17.).

  • Recruitment and Retention Avenal, Ironwood, Calipatria and Chuckawalla Valley Prisons A. Effective July 1, 1998, employees who are employed at Avenal, Ironwood, Calipatria or Chuckawalla Valley State Prisons, Department of Corrections, for twelve (12) consecutive qualifying pay periods, shall be eligible for a recruitment and retention bonus of $2,400, payable thirty (30) days following the completion of the twelve (12) consecutive qualifying pay periods. B. If an employee voluntarily terminates, transfers, or is discharged prior to completing twelve (12) consecutive pay periods at Avenal, Ironwood, Calipatria, or Chuckawalla State Prisons, there will be no pro rata payment for those months at either facility. C. If an employee is mandatorily transferred by the department, he/she shall be eligible for a pro rata share for those months served. D. If an employee promotes to a different facility or department other than Avenal, Ironwood, Calipatria or Chuckawalla Valley State Prisons prior to completion of twelve (12) consecutive qualifying pay periods, there shall be no pro rata of this recruitment and retention bonus. After completing the twelve (12) consecutive qualifying pay periods, an employee who promotes within the Department will be entitled to a pro rata share of the existing retention bonus. E. Part-time and intermittent employees shall receive a pro rata share of the annual recruitment and retention differential based on the total number of hours worked excluding overtime during the twelve (12) consecutive qualifying pay periods. F. Annual recruitment and retention payments shall not be considered as compensation for purposes of retirement contributions. G. Employees on IDL shall continue to receive this stipend. H. If an employee is granted a leave of absence, the employee will not accrue time towards the twelve (12) qualifying pay periods, but the employee shall not be required to start the calculation of the twelve (12) qualifying pay periods all over. For example, if an employee has worked four (4) months at a qualifying institution, and then takes six (6) months’ maternity leave, the employee will have only eight (8) additional qualifying pay periods before receiving the initial payment of 2,400.

  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT A. The Board of Education agrees to pay the actual tuition costs of courses taken by a teacher at accredited colleges or universities up to three courses per two (2) year fiscal periods from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2008 and July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2010 respectively, except as follows: 1. No teacher may be reimbursed for courses taken during the first year of teaching in Vineland. 2. Teachers taking courses in the second and third years of employment in Vineland will not receive remuneration until tenure has been secured. The remuneration will then be retroactive and will be paid to the teacher in a lump sum within sixty (60) days after the teacher has secured tenure. 3. All courses must be pre-approved by the Superintendent or his designee subject to the following requirements: (a) A teacher must provide official documentation that he/she has obtained a grade of B or better; (b) Reimbursement shall be paid only for courses directly related to teacher’s teaching field which increase the teacher’s content knowledge and are related to the teacher’s current certification, as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee in his/her sole discretion; no reimbursement shall be paid for courses leading to a post graduate or professional degree in a field other than education or teaching. Further, effective September 1, 2010, all newly hired teachers shall not be eligible for reimbursement until they are tenured, and they shall not be eligible for retroactive reimbursement upon gaining tenure for courses taken prior to being tenured. (c) The maximum total payments to be made by the Board shall not exceed $130,000.00. Courses shall be applied for no earlier than the following dates: Summer Session - April 1 Fall/Winter Session - June 1 Spring Session - October 1 Courses must, as set forth hereinabove in this sub-article 18.A.3, be pre-approved by the Superintendent or his designee, prior to the teacher commencing the course(s); and (d) Teacher taking courses shall sign a contract requiring them to reimburse the Board for all tuition paid for a course if the teacher shall voluntarily leave the employ of the Board within one (1) full school/academic year of completion of said course, except that reimbursement shall not be required when the teacher shall voluntarily leave the employ of the Board due to a significant, documented life change. 4. Tuition reimbursement costs shall be a sum not to exceed the actual cost of college credits charged in an accredited public State college/University of the State of New Jersey. B. When the Superintendent initiates in-service training courses, workshops, conferences and programs designed to improve the quality of instruction, the cooperation of the Vineland Education Association will be solicited. Notwithstanding the above, the initiation of in-service training courses, workshops, conferences and programs shall be determined solely at the discretion of the Board. C. One professional leave day may be granted to a teacher upon request, according to the following guidelines: 1. The professional day may be for attendance at a workshop, seminar or visit to another school for the expressed purpose of self professional improvement for the job. 2. The request shall arrive in the office of the Superintendent of Schools at least ten (10) working days prior to the date requested and shall be reviewed by the immediate supervisor prior to submission. The Board reserves the right to deny a professional leave day before or immediately following a holiday or on a day which by its nature suggests a hardship for providing a substitute. 3. No more than two teachers from any one elementary school or from any one department in the secondary schools may be granted a professional leave for a given day. 4. The teacher may be required to submit a report to the Superintendent of Schools, Assistant Superintendent, supervisor (s), principal and staff regarding the activity of the professional day. 5. Costs incurred by the teacher for the professional day authorized under this Section shall be the teacher’s responsibility. 6. A maximum of 90 professional leave days may be authorized for the school year which shall be apportioned as follows: elementary, 35; grades seven and eight, 20; and high school, 35. D. If the Board initiates a teacher’s attendance at a professional workshop, seminar or visit, the expenses shall be the responsibility of the Board. Further, this day shall not be subtracted from the 90 professional leave days granted to teachers of the Association. E. The Board agrees to pay the full cost of courses taken by secretaries related to skills and knowledge improvement when such courses are required and approved by the Board. F. The Board and the Association agree that it is important to communicate when developing and implementing current and future learning technologies, including but not limited to distance and on-line learning.