Limited Term Appointments. (A) A limited term appointment is for a stated period of time, and carries no implication of renewal or continuation beyond the stated term of the limited term appointment. Notwithstanding, a member hired pursuant to [(B) (e)] below shall be given a probationary appointment, provided the member completes the required qualifications for the position, as set out in the letter of appointment, within the time period specified in his/her letter of appointment.
(B) Limited term appointments may be made to:
(a) bring distinguished visitors to the University;
(b) provide replacements for members on leave;
(c) respond to a specific teaching or research need which, for budgetary and/or academic reasons, is not intended to result in a continuing appointment; or,
(d) fill a position for which there has been inadequate opportunity to conduct a satisfactory search for a probationary or tenured appointee; or,
(e) fill a position, having conducted a search pursuant to Article
Limited Term Appointments. While recognizing that contracted appointments are not substitutes for, or alternatives to, regular or recurring appointments, with specified exceptions, contracted appointments are not to exceed twelve (12) months (as indicated in 10.1(c), above). Notwithstanding these provisions, the University and the Union acknowledge that there are, from time to time, opportunities available to the University to employ individuals through funding arrangements that may extend beyond twelve (12) months. Subject to the following procedures and conditions, the parties agree that in such circumstances, the University may employ up to 10 FTEs in Limited Term Appointments exceeding twelve (12) months duration at any point in time, subject to the following conditions:
i) A limited term appointment may be made where the proportion of non-base or non-operating funding is at least 50% of the total wages/salary of the position.
ii) Limited term appointments shall not exceed a maximum duration of sixty (60) calendar months. The termination of any employee who is an external appointment employee at the conclusion of a limited term appointment, or upon early cessation of applicable funding for such an appointment shall be understood to be a termination and shall not be deemed a violation of the Collective Agreement.
iii) Limited term appointments shall initially be posted internally in accordance with the provisions (Article 18) of the Collective Agreement, and internal candidates (current regular or recurring employees) shall be considered prior to the consideration of external applicants.
iv) At the conclusion of the LTA, these regular or recurring employees shall be appointed to the first available comparable position. Where an appointment is necessary to a lower level position, the employee shall be red-circled for salary purposes at the rate of pay for the position they held immediately prior to their appointment as a LTA.
v) Where the successful candidate for a limited term appointment is currently a regular or recurring employee in the bargaining unit, and notwithstanding Article 13.14 of the Collective Agreement, any additional compensation shall be reflected in a change to base salary or hourly rate, non-statutory holidays shall be computed on the basis of the limited term rate, and seniority shall accrue on the basis of the schedule of the limited term appointment. Where a regular or recurring employee is appointed to a temporary assignment initially on a contract basis an...
Limited Term Appointments. For the purposes of calculating the maximum period of limited term service, as specified in III.4.2 previous fractional limited term appointments and previous part-time appointments within the bargaining unit shall be pro-rated. Notwithstanding this paragraph and paragraph III.4.2, the specified maxima for limited term service shall not include any limited term service at the University separated by a period of five (5) years or more from a proposed new limited term appointment.
Limited Term Appointments of Members shall only be made for periods of six months, twelve months, eighteen months, or twenty-four months, except under pressing circumstances and with the consent of the Association and which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Under
Limited Term Appointments. (i) A limited term appointment is for a stated period of time and carries no implication of renewal or continuation beyond the stated term and no implication that the appointee shall be considered for a continuing appointment.
(ii) A limited term appointment can only be made: to provide a replacement for a Member on leave; for short term needs and special limited duration funding initiatives; to make a temporary appointment when a competition has failed to produce a willing candidate who satisfies all the criteria for the position; for exchange appointments.
Limited Term Appointments. III.2.4.1 No limited term appointment shall carry any presumption of an additional appointment.
III.2.4.2 Duties and responsibilities expected of all limited term appointees shall be as set out in VIII.1.1 and VIII.
Limited Term Appointments. (a) Limited Term Appointments are appointments which are twelve months in duration, carry no implication of renewal or continuation beyond the stated term and no implication that the appointee shall be considered for tenure. Duties of Limited Term faculty fall within Article 18.1, specifically the Teaching and Service components. These faculty are expected to be available for student consultation and to fulfill some departmental service responsibilities which may include service on university-wide committees.
(b) The decision to allow a probationary appointment or Limited Term appointment to lapse is not grievable. For the duration of the appointment, a Limited Term faculty member recognizes UFV as their primary employer and should the Limited Term faculty member choose to work for another employer, such work must not interfere with their participation in and fulfillment of assigned duties within their department.
(c) Contractually limited term appointments are utilized:
(i) to bring distinguished visitors to the University;
(ii) to provide replacements for employees on leave or who are temporarily unable to carry out their responsibilities;
(iii) to respond to specific teaching/professional/research/creative needs that the Employer, for academic and/or budgetary reasons, does not wish to result in an appointment in the probationary or tenure/continuing appointment classifications;
(iv) to appoint individuals with specialized skills for whom neither the Employer nor the individual intends a long-term association with the University;
(v) to meet temporary variations in student enrolment;
(vi) to temporarily fill vacancies until qualified people acceptable for appointment are available
(d) The Employer agrees to provide the FSA with a statement of the “specific needs” to be responded to by appointees under 12.9(c) with such information to be conveyed at or about the time of the making of the appointment. The employee shall, at the time of the offer of appointment, be informed as to the nature of the position being offered, including, to the extent practicable, a job description covering the intended period of the appointment.
(e) Employees appointed to a Limited Term Appointment must hold two limited term appointments over a period of two years to conclude their probation, during which time the university reserves the right to terminate the faculty member for stated reason or reasons.
(f) A Limited Term faculty member is subject to Selection Advisory Committ...
Limited Term Appointments. 20.1 Limited-Term Appointments 1 (LTA 1)
(a) A Limited-Term Appointment 1 (LTA 1) may be made in the following circumstances:
i) to replace a Member who is on sabbatical or on leave, who has been seconded to an institution outside the University, or who has assumed an administrative position outside the bargaining unit;
ii) to fill vacancies that arise from the resignation, termination, or death of a tenured or tenure-track Member, when the circumstances warrant postponing for up to a year the advertisement for a tenure-track replacement;
iii) to fill temporarily a vacancy in an academic unit because a qualified candidate for a tenure-track appointment could not be found;
iv) to fill a position which has funding that is likely to be temporary and which has been earmarked by the government or other external agencies;
v) to fulfill the University’s obligations to a Member denied tenure, per Article 25.28(g); and
vi) to meet a sudden increase in student enrolments which is expected to be temporary.
(b) Members on an LTA 1 of up to two years will have a Teaching Intensive Workload. Members on an LTA 1 of more than two years will have a Normal Workload.
Limited Term Appointments. No limited term appointment shall carry any presumption of an additional appointment, and the sum of terms under limited term appointments shall not (save as expressly noted below) exceed three (3) years. For the purpose of sum of term calculations, the number of months of the appointment(s) will be used.
III.4.2.1 At the discretion of the department/program, and with the consent of the Xxxx, course stipendiary allocations may be consolidated into limited term appointments according to the schedule below. The University will encourage departments/programs in the making of such consolidations.