DISPUTERESOLUTION. All or any disputes arising out or touching upon or in relation to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the interpretation and validity of the terms thereof and the respective rights and obligations of the Parties, shall be settled amicably by mutual discussion, failing which the same shall be settled through the Adjudicating Officer appointed under the Act. [Please insert any other terms and conditions as per the contractual understanding between the parties, however, please ensure that such additional terms and conditions are not in derogation of or inconsistent with the terms and conditions set out above or the Act and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.]
DISPUTERESOLUTION. 16.2.1 All disputes or differences between the Parties arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be first tried to be settled through mutual negotiation.
DISPUTERESOLUTION. All or any disputes arising out or touching upon or in relation to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the interpretation and validity of the terms thereof and the respective rights and obligations of the Parties, shall be settled amicably by mutual discussion, failing which the same shall be settled through the Adjudicating Officer appointed under the Act.
DISPUTERESOLUTION. Ifany dispute,disagreement,claimorcontroversyexistsbetweenthePartiesarisingoutof orrelatingtothisRestated Agreement,suchdisputedmattershallbesubmittedtoa committeecomprisedofonedesignatedrepresentativeofeachParty. Suchcommitteeshallbeinstructedtoattempttoresolvethematterwithinthirtydaysaftersuchdispute,disagreement,claimorcontroversy. Ifsuchdesigneesdonotagree uponadecisionwithinthirtydaysafterthesubmissionofthemattertothem,eitherPartymaythenpursueremediesavailabletoit.
DISPUTERESOLUTION. All or any disputes arising out or touching upon or in relation to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, includingtheinterpretationandvalidityofthetermsthereofandtherespecti verightsandobligationsoftheParties, shall be settled amicably by mutual discussion, failing which the same shall be settled through the Adjudicating Officer appointed under the Act. [Please insert any other terms and conditions as per the contractual understanding between the parties, however, pleaseensurethatsuchadditionaltermsandconditionsarenotinderogation oforinconsistentwiththetermsand conditionssetoutaboveortheActandtheRulesandRegulationsmadethereu nder.]
DISPUTERESOLUTION. 12.1 If a dispute relates to:
DISPUTERESOLUTION. All disputes under this Agreement shall be ----------------- settled, if possible, through good faith negotiations between the parties. If such good faith negotiations are unsuccessful, either party may, after thirty (30) days written notice to the other party, seek arbitration as hereinafter provided.
DISPUTERESOLUTION. Alldisputesordifferencesbetweenthepartiesarisingoutofconnectionwith this agreement shall be first tried to be settled through mutual negotiation. Partiesheretoagreetoattempttoresolvealldisputesarisinghereunder promptly, equitably and in good faith. Eachpartyshalldesignatedinwritingandcommunicatetotheotherpartyitsown representative who shallbeauthorizedto resolveanydisputearisingunder this agreement in an equitable manner and unless otherwise expressly provided herein, to exercise the authority of the parties hereto make decision by mutual agreement. Intheeventthatsuchdifferencesordisputesbetweenthepartiesarenotsettled through mutualnegotiationswithin sixty(60)daysaftersuchdisputearisesthen it shall be adjudicated by appropriate commission in accordance with law.
DISPUTERESOLUTION. In the event of a dispute, each Party will appoint a senior management representative to negotiate in good faith to resolve the dispute before commencing formal proceedings. Formal proceedings may not commence until 30 days have passed since the initial request to negotiate the dispute; provided, however, that a Party may file for formal proceedings at any time to avoid the expiration of any limitations period, preserve a superior position with respect to other creditors, or apply for interim, injunctive, or equitable relief.
DISPUTERESOLUTION. All or any disputes arising out or touching upon or in relation to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the interpretation and validity of the terms thereof and the respective rights and obligations of the Parties, shall be settled amicably by mutual discussion, falling which the same shall be settled through the Adjudicating Officer appointed under the Act. [The other terms and conditions are as per the contractual understanding between the parties; however, the additional terms and conditions are not inderogation of or inconsistent with the terms and conditions set out above or the Act and the Rules and Regulations made there under]. SCHEDULE‘A’ (DESCRIPTIONOFTHELANDONWHICHBUILDING STANDS) All that piece or parcel of altogether land measuring 0.2418 Acre being part of R.S. Plot No.220, corresponding to L. R. Plot No. 17 (area measuring 0.13 Acre) & 21 (area measuring 0.1118 Acre), within Mouza Dabgram, Pargana Baikunthapur, recorded in L.R. Khatian Nos. 496, 497, 498, 499, 500,507 & 508, X.X. No.02, Touzi No.91, within Xxxx No. XL of Siliguri Municipal Corporation, under the jurisdiction of P.S Bhaktinagar, Dist. Jalpaiguri. The said land is butted and bounded as follows: NORTH : Land of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx and sold land of Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx; SOUTH : Land of Selection Project Pvt. ltd EAST : Land of 00’ Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxx WEST : Land of Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx & Others. SCHEDULE'B' DESCRIPTIONOFTHEAPARTMENT